ooohhhh my mistake...I thought that was settled in my reply to Raf regarding the lack there of cleavage I own. =)
No, I doubt that really settled it. I've seen pictures.
ooohhhh my mistake...I thought that was settled in my reply to Raf regarding the lack there of cleavage I own. =)
No, I doubt that really settled it. I've seen pictures.
jeezzz guys, it means "Trolling at f***** BEST"
He was sayin' TAFB means Trolling At F****** Best.?? I was commenting that Lil Sushie's comments were priceless.. not sure what you thought I meant?
He was sayin' TAFB means Trolling At F****** Best.
*puzzle face* what dispute? what TAFB stands for? I thought it was for "Takes Anal For Beer" or "TwinRivers Accidents For Beginners" *shrug* who knows....
I'm a little creaped out by the people snapping photos of other bikes and posting them up.
May I ask why?
I took this pic while at the park with my kids. I'm taking pics of them anyway and have my smartphone on the ready anyway, so snapped it. I love taking pics, so there'll be more. Sorry if it disturbs you.
^ Awaiting a video compilation.
unfortunately nothing against taking photos of things in the public domain. I Just hope posters use discretion and dont post plate details.
In any case, no one ever has mentioned they have spotted me, considering I ride daily.- Probably jinxed it now