I Saw You: V.2.0

Just now


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God damn, that girl's going to cause a pileup.

No kidding!

She's not covering her brake at all, didn't she read the 'Rear ended 2.0' thread?! ;)
Saw her today at lunchtime north on Yonge at Royal Orchard. Not a butter face, dayum. Almost dropped the bike and broke my neck

I live just around the corner from there, I ride every day and I still haven't seen her! O my luck.
Guy on a platinum Gold Wing, on 410/401/427, around 5:45 this morning. You don't need your high beams on a well lit, multi-lane highway. If you think that you're improving your visibility, then you're wrong. Cagers expect to see cars so when all they can see is your headlights, they have no idea how close you are. If they're like me, and get tired of being blinded, they flip their mirrors and you effectively become invisible.
Guy on 401 to 427S on a blue gsxr and orange backpack . I was the guy next to you in white Pontiac with smoked out taillights

About 6am this morning

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Guy at Sherwood forest in Burlington last night with the green ZX6R. The Leo Vince sounded really nice. I was jealous.
Last night on Dvp going northbound at around 11:45 pm...

A guy on a black honda cbr 250

Please do not stay on the fast lane when your fat *** is slowing down traffic...esp when you're tucking trying to go fast -_- stay on the slow lane.
K thnx bai
Last night around 10:30pm, red 250, cute gal, Yonge/Dundas.

Nice short chitchat about the heat and time of riding.

Please join GTAM <3
Guy on a platinum Gold Wing, on 410/401/427, around 5:45 this morning. You don't need your high beams on a well lit, multi-lane highway. If you think that you're improving your visibility, then you're wrong. Cagers expect to see cars so when all they can see is your headlights, they have no idea how close you are. If they're like me, and get tired of being blinded, they flip their mirrors and you effectively become invisible.

Can I get a AMEN!! Preach

People who like to drive/ride with their high beams on need to be shot.
I keep seeing an orange and black KTM going Southbound on Hy10 through Caledon village in the AM while I'm going Northbound.
Saw a ton of bikes today when I was out riding with my friend who has a Harley Low Rider. I'm sure we got quite a bit of looks, him on his Harley and me on the little Munchkin, cbr125. lol Saw two guys when we stopped on Ellesmere to turn left onto Birchmount. They were looking at us quite a bit. ;)
To the dude in front of me on steeles and markham rd this morning, nice S1000, but I dont think wheels across steeles at 7:30 am is a good idea!
To the guy in the car last night on Victoria Park just south of the 401 (if you are on here), sorry I didn't wave back. I was trying to make a left turn but couldn't because you slowed down to stare at me and wave. lol
Upper James & Mohawk, Hamilton, about 4 PM or so
Me: Black Kawi Ninja 300, me in hi-viz jacket, pillion in leather
You: White Gixxer, t-shirt and shorts, pillion in a dress (with white shorts underneath)

We chatted about how hot it was and how my jacket actually let the air through. You turned off onto Richwell (I think).
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Red CBR 250 Everyday in ajax, always gives the nod, we need to meet up, Hit me up if your on GTAM.

Red Ninja 300
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