I Saw You: V.2.0

Was on my way to work tonight. Passed 3 riders waiting to make a left from Hockley road onto Hy 10 northbound.

3 guys with black armored vest and short sleeves. 1 green Sportbike with green underglows, 1 Blue and White sportbike bike, and 1 red sportbike with a passenger helmet attached to the back.

Just South of Orangeville on Hy10 they catch up to me. The lead bike (green bike) stays about 3 car lengths behind me and in the Left lane. (i'm in the Right lane). We are doing about 110kph.

After about 30 seconds the green bike drops a couple gears and flys by me....a second later Blue&White bike flies by me going incredibly fast and he's on the white dotted line (and cuts infront of me). With me in my blocking position he was extremely close to hitting me.

Red Bike cruises by me slowly and gives me a friendly nod.

I hope the first two losers don't end up getting the guy in the red bike killed. If they're on here, you're not cool and no one is impressed. Stop riding like a bunch of Dbags.
Was on my way to work tonight. Passed 3 riders waiting to make a left from Hockley road onto Hy 10 northbound.

3 guys with black armored vest and short sleeves. 1 green Sportbike with green underglows, 1 Blue and White sportbike bike, and 1 red sportbike with a passenger helmet attached to the back.

Just South of Orangeville on Hy10 they catch up to me. The lead bike (green bike) stays about 3 car lengths behind me and in the Left lane. (i'm in the Right lane). We are doing about 110kph.

After about 30 seconds the green bike drops a couple gears and flys by me....a second later Blue&White bike flies by me going incredibly fast and he's on the white dotted line (and cuts infront of me). With me in my blocking position he was extremely close to hitting me.

Red Bike cruises by me slowly and gives me a friendly nod.

I hope the first two losers don't end up getting the guy in the red bike killed. If they're on here, you're not cool and no one is impressed. Stop riding like a bunch of Dbags.

Ha. Reminds me of:
Saw a super skinny chick wearing a tanktop on a gixxer 600 riding on westward on 16th passing leslie.. lmao thought it was a really small dude at first then "ohhhh dayuum" occured when passing on the opposite direction.
Saw a guy earlier today.. around 7pm maybe, maybe earlier, can't remember, on Bayview just South of Sheppard (I think it was bayview.. I rode so many streets today in the 8.5 hours I was out for). Anyway, he had a blue Suzuki and was pushing it up the sidewalk. I pulled over and went down to see if he needed any help. He had a dead battery but I offered to help him push it or let him use my cell to call his friend. Hope you got it working again! Such a crappy day to be pushing a bike up a hill today.
Saw a super skinny chick wearing a tanktop on a gixxer 600 riding on westward on 16th passing leslie.. lmao thought it was a really small dude at first then "ohhhh dayuum" occured when passing on the opposite direction.

Was it a grey or silver GSXR with no badges?
oook where do i start.... black guy on the yellow r6 on finch at kennedy today, nice lil boot with ya! To the chick on the 401 at brock today around 430, nice tank top, i had leathers on thats why i was lane splitting, ya look good though and nice bike!
Chicks on bikes?!?! I haven't seen any yet. Guess I gotta hit Hamilton in order to see our yellow feathered friends. ;)

In Guelph there's a pack of them always see then around. Saw a couple today one a black R1 and her buddy on a custom pink and white cbr 125
Saw her today at lunchtime north on Yonge at Royal Orchard. Not a butter face, dayum. Almost dropped the bike and broke my neck

I'm encouraging you to detain her next time you see her and bring her in for questioning :D
We are all curious about her story.
blue gsxr600 with a chick on the back Rymal road and upper wentworth in Hamilton.

Not a lot of bikes. City is boring
I keep seeing a Red 3rd Gen VFR with White wheels.

Once at the Shell on Hy10 south of Hy89.

...and just now on my way into work. Northbound on Hy10 South of Orangeville.
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