The thread is lost for good =)
Good times today with Sinz and Al3rt
Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up
Sitting here at the Starbucks on Queen St. with Al3rt seen lots of bikes but spotted this beautiful 1000 CC Ducati retro style bike!
Group of 20+ bikes leaving Tim's at Caroline and King in Hamilton at 3pm today. Mostly sport bikes, some cruisers. A few stick-on mohawks and another few ******-vests.
I was going to tag onto the back of your ride as I didn't have a destination in mind. In the time it took for you to go from Tim's to the Pioneer at New St (8 blocks exactly) I decided to detach from you. The reason? I was yelled at by two different cage drivers who were blaming me as being part of your group after you guys occupied all 5 lanes of King St, cut off numerous cars, dove in and out of traffic, and then stopped traffic completely while your group crossed all 5 lanes to get into the Pioneer station.
Lead group rides much?
Aside from that group, nice bikes out everywhere today. My favourite was what looked to be a blue, nicely done street-fightered R1 (or maybe R6) parked in front of a diner in Beamsville. Lots of great cars out today too but two that stood out; a silver Ferrari 458 in NOTL and a yellow Lamborghini Mercielago Spyder in Jordan Station.
Met a bunch of cool dudes at the same timmys last night. The Duc 1199/CBR 1000 Repsol/CBR1000/GSXR1000/Daytona 675R some nice bikes gentleman! Had a good chat