How would you deal with a condenscending coworker?

Yeah um, OP, after you are done with those logs, I'm going to need those TPS reports!
油井緋色;2034938 said:
You picked your raid party members? I always had half randoms and at least one Leeroy Jenkins.

Unfortunatly I know that lingo because I never got to pick my coworkers. I was just fortunate enough to spend 9 months in the desert with a nerd herd who spoke that language seven days a week :(

Never really went in for the mind numbing "hit ten tigers with a stick then come back so I can send you off to hit ten lions with a stick then come back so you can hit ten wolves with a stick for this hat" games.

More of a FPS and race gamer.

My only suggestion is you talk to his boss in a way that doesn't make you seem like a rat/suck/baglick and see if he's always been like that. other than that, just ignore it or accept that people are pricks when dealing with noobs because it makes them feel better about themselves.
You need to somehow earn this guy's respect. Maybe challenge him to a game of Super Mario Kart?

I try to use humour to break the ice and/or find something the other person is interested in and talk about that.

Nothing will work when a person just simply doesn't like you.
Well thanks for the laughs everyone. Guess I'll just deal with it unless it bugs me enough to force out a stern but more professional "**** you" response.
Do you report directly to the condescending co-worker? The example you gave doesn't really render condescending behaviour, the guy just seems like a total ***! If he's not your direct report, ignore him, smile and continue being awesome. If he is your direct report, note every interaction with him in a log as you will need to provide as for your co-op assessment if a bad grade/mark is given.

Basically your build system (ANT or like) was down and you check the logs to see the issue, but the build (Not sure what this means, which build?) wasn't deployed? doesn't make sense, but I might be missing something.
I just went off to remove some of the posts I made because I remembered some lines in something I signed lol

^Above is close enough tho!
Most of your life, I have been working in IT.
Been doing it in a large corporate environment since 1999.

I understand you better than you know. There, I have confessed it.

Group hug,everybody??


now it all makes sense!.....MarcosSantiago IS the co-worker...dun- dun - dunnn!!!! ;)
now it all makes sense!.....MarcosSantiago IS the co-worker...dun- dun - dunnn!!!! ;)

Guilty as charged - yes, it is me. I got tired to give him crap in person at the office, so we moved it to GTAM.
Where I can give him a hard time also.
And make him delete his guilty posts.


Not me, but we have the exact same situation at work with the co-op. When the OP posted, I thought he and I work at the same place!!
will read later...
油井緋色;2034448 said:
As topic states. You're on a temporary job and you find some guy is extremely condescending when explaining things to you. Other coworkers tell you he's normally like that and it pisses them off too. You tell him politely to stop grilling you and he becomes more infuriated and goes so far as to tell you you're wasting his time.

Would you ignore it or step it up? I'm curious to see how you guys would deal with a situation like this.

Legit questions.

My guess (JUST GUESSING HERE!! And half joking) is that this young fellow still lives with his parents.
He's not into politics or religion at all.
Uses his smartphone constantly for texting, but rarely makes a call.
Thinks he is ready to enjoy the best of corporate life, because he strongly believes that no one else in the office knows as much as him, so he deserves to be recognized asap.
Takes offence to anyone trying to explain anything to him. God forbids!


I don't know which half is the guessing and which is the joking but I'm guessing but also half joking that you have your finger on the pulse of all things wtf?
油井緋色;2034938 said:
You picked your raid party members? I always had half randoms and at least one Leeroy Jenkins.

i dont play WOW but i do play mmos, hopefully this will amuse you lol
I don't know which half is the guessing and which is the joking but I'm guessing but also half joking that you have your finger on the pulse of all things wtf?

I still think it is a conflict of generations.
We have the same at my office between a co-op and an ol' timer.
If I post the details (phisycal description, attitude), I suspect the co-op at my place is going to be a clone of the OP.
I still think it is a conflict of generations.
We have the same at my office between a co-op and an ol' timer.
If I post the details (phisycal description, attitude), I suspect the co-op at my place is going to be a clone of the OP.

That's entirely possible. And something completely different is also entirely possible. I think it's funny (but in wrong circumstances, dangerous) how people come to conclusions on the skimpiest of info just by viewing thru personal prism.
That's entirely possible. And something completely different is also entirely possible. I think it's funny (but in wrong circumstances, dangerous) how people come to conclusions on the skimpiest of info just by viewing thru personal prism.

That sounds like a pretty reasonable approach, but I don’t visit GTAM to be reasonable.
In the internet generalizations hold true most of the time, stereotypes are easier to use than statistical based studies, and it is a thrill when your assumptions are right (EDIT: Wait! It is the same in real life).

Let’s leave "reasonable" for work, where we can have good, reasonable and respectful relationships with our co-ops.
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Man, reading this drivel makes me glad to be a self employed construction worker , LOL

I can just go to work, and do my job. No politics needed.
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