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I was planning to say what's up Phagot to anyone who showed

Oh a plan, so yelling Phagot wouldn't have been a knee jerk reaction? Just regular jerk reaction.
I have made some if those choices. If I choose to spend time raising my kids rather than exercise, I would do that over and over, as I put them first, before everything, including me and my health. That being said, being healthy and being around (alive) for them would be nice too. (duh?!) I personally never say I don't have the time, problem is, when I have the time, I'd rather be relaxing. But I still think that has to do with getting over that hurdle of inactivity >> activity, then you have more energy and therefore want to be more active. As well, it's a $h!tty example that I'm setting for the kids.

But yeah, to sum it up, it's about choices. I could choose to nap a half hour after work before picking up the kids, or I could go for a walk. Thankfully, the choice to walk has been winning, lately.

If you're not whining about it than I have no quarrel with what you're saying. These are all choices we make, you choose family and relaxy time over activity.. if you're happy with that choice then so be it.

It's the whining that drives me crazy.

For some of us physical activity is non negotiable. I don't have to make time for it because it's a priority, saying you need to find time for it means it is an elective. For me it's mandatory, "finding time" is irrelevant. For the whiners, just admit its a low priority and stop whining.
Also, a friend that worked her *** off to lose 80+ over 18ish months, and has kept it off, has said that she actually has MORE time now, because of all the energy she has.
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Just found this thread. Explains the "Hi, I'm Sonny" sign I found taped to my back. :blackeye:
I'm old enough to own and operate a motorcycle and dumb enough to keep visiting this forum.
If posted earlier I might have made the trek from west end. Funny as all hell the phagot thing you wouldn't? would you? 7up if you are STB who would yell "whats up phagot" you or him?

Just wondering in case I go next time

BTW fit as a fiddle 47 year old but feel..... work and play like a 27 old to keep with the thread
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If posted earlier I might have made the trek from west end. Funny as all hell the phagot thing you wouldn't? would you? 7up if you are STB who would yell "whats up phagot" you or him?

Just wondering in case I go next time

BTW fit as a fiddle 47 year old but feel..... work and play like a 27 old to keep with the thread

i would
If posted earlier I might have made the trek from west end. Funny as all hell the phagot thing you wouldn't? would you? 7up if you are STB who would yell "whats up phagot" you or him?

Just wondering in case I go next time

Sonny would yell it not me. (I don't post much but I figured that was pretty clear by now.)
And yes, yes he most definitely would. That's why I love him. no homo.
Who said yelling?

I don't know.

7up if you are STB who would yell "whats up phagot" you or him?

I don't think sonny said "yelling"

You would? Sure? I don't remember you saying anything about yelling.

Sonny would yell it not me.

I'm confused. Will he or won't he?

so you would yell it tough way to earn a meal or get the chance for that one swing

OK, I give up. I guess he's yelling.
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