I am a white male middle 20's Conservative. I enjoy hunting, fishing, shooting and love my country, the most beautiful land in the world. I drive a pickup truck and although I'm still in the city regions my heart lies up north.
I'm not anti-immigrant, infact my mother is an immigrant from Italy. I have close friends of all backgrounds and religions. I've been labelled a racist/neo-con/teaparty for my opinions but when people of a different opinion resort to name calling, they've lost the argument.
Back when my mom's family immigrated in the 60's with $20 and a badass sauce recipe, you came over and worked your *** off and fell in love with your new country. Immigrants changed to adapt to Canada, immigration was a privilege and hard work/difficulties/struggles came with it. You learned the language, you integrated into the culture.
How things have changed:
SOME immigrants now view immigration as a right. They do not feel the slightest shamed about using Canada or having their loyalities lie with another land. They frequently bring their ethnic struggles here. They frequently feel as though they're disadvantaged (I'd say our country letting an immigrant in from the hellhole they're fleeing sounds pretty advantaged to me)
I feel as though the value of Canadian citizenship has been lost. I really don't care about where someone comes from, all I ask as a loyal Canadian is to put in an honest, loyal hardworking effort to integrate into our society. Don't expect us to adapt to you. It's a difficult process, an immigrant is changing cultures
Having said that, this idea McGuinty is floating is a very bad one. Anything that would encourage an employer to hire one person over another that doesn't involve direct employment qualifications should be ILLEGAL!!!!
Foreign professionals are and should be tested to the highest degree. Immigration isn't and shouldn't be easy, and if the professional is properly qualified in their homeland at a standard equal to or greater than Canadian, they'll eventually be integrated. I agree there are things we can do as a people to streamline this process but accepting sub-standard foreign credentials is NOT in the best interest of Canada. Regardless where a doctor is trained, if he/she can pass the same medical exams in Canada they should be given a license. But the key is they MUST be tested here. My family doctor is a brown South African with an accent, he wrote all the equivilency exams and worked his *** off when he got here to integrate. Nice guy, he's retiring soon!
Why is it on GTAM, if you don't tow the politically correct immigration line you are a neo-con/racist?
and that mother from the kindergarten class should be charged with treason