Hiring Immigrants instead of " our own people "

I say lets tighten up all immigration procedures, opps, we are about 500 years too late, just ask any first nations people.....

That wasn't immigration, it was invasion. We're several hundred years and a good deal of dictionary definition away from that now.
All that mother did was make life hard for her kid, as the teachers will not treat her as an equal.

Well, if the teacher is any good, she will just see where the child needs to learn about our country from a different, non-poisoned source and gain plenty of reasons to love Canada. If the teacher is bad, she will give the child more reasons to hate our country.

Teachers are educators. They shouldn't JUST focus on teaching you the abc's and fractions.
Can you also quote where I said I got a raw deal? I said it is harder for someone with an accent or non Canadian complexion to get a job, that is generally a fact, I lived through it.


go to GE in Peterborough, 50% of the engineers are from Asia. Even though the local population is 93% white.
go to GE in Peterborough, 50% of the engineers are from Asia. Even though the local population is 93% white.

That has more to do with PEO than anything.. IIRC, as long as you have an engineering degree from an accredited university and a right amount of demonstrable work experience, they allow you to write the exam. That's unlike our medical profession where a guy whose published works are cited in our med schools couldn't even practice as a nurse. I guess engineers are smarter than doctors. While engineers realize that the laws of physics stay the same regardless of national borders, our doctors think that humans in Canada are built to different standards than humans in Latvia ;)
our doctors think that humans in Canada are built to different standards than humans in Latvia ;)

Well we kind of are "built" different. We are exposed to different bacteria and virus's and we also live in a much more hygienic environment. That's not to say we're all clean or something, but based on those difference's a doctor does need to possibly treat people differently.
Well we kind of are "built" different. We are exposed to different bacteria and virus's and we also live in a much more hygienic environment. That's not to say we're all clean or something, but based on those difference's a doctor does need to possibly treat people differently.

Have you lived or worked at downtown toronto?
In comparison to what, Mumbai? I'd rather breath the exhaust from my car than a wiff of the "air" there.

I wasn't comparing... just making a statement that just because were canada doesn't mean it's hygienic. You need to relax from the steroids man. Don't know why you take such personal offense to what people say on the internet when it doesn't agree with what you say.
I wasn't comparing... just making a statement that just because were canada doesn't mean it's hygienic. You need to relax from the steroids man. Don't know why you take such personal offense to what people say on the internet when it doesn't agree with what you say.

Offence or Offense hmmm

Offence or Offense hmmm


Dictionary.com says
[h=2]of·fense[/h]   [uh-fens or, for 7–9, aw-fens, of-ens] Show IPA
noun 1. a violation or breaking of a social or moral rule; transgression; sin.

2. a transgression of the law; misdemeanor.

3. a cause of transgression or wrong.

4. something that offends or displeases.

5. the act of offending or displeasing.
Oxford or nothing.

Just watching the jets game right now, i hope their offense starts to produce before half time.
I am a white male middle 20's Conservative. I enjoy hunting, fishing, shooting and love my country, the most beautiful land in the world. I drive a pickup truck and although I'm still in the city regions my heart lies up north.

I'm not anti-immigrant, infact my mother is an immigrant from Italy. I have close friends of all backgrounds and religions. I've been labelled a racist/neo-con/teaparty for my opinions but when people of a different opinion resort to name calling, they've lost the argument.

Back when my mom's family immigrated in the 60's with $20 and a badass sauce recipe, you came over and worked your *** off and fell in love with your new country. Immigrants changed to adapt to Canada, immigration was a privilege and hard work/difficulties/struggles came with it. You learned the language, you integrated into the culture.

How things have changed:

SOME immigrants now view immigration as a right. They do not feel the slightest shamed about using Canada or having their loyalities lie with another land. They frequently bring their ethnic struggles here. They frequently feel as though they're disadvantaged (I'd say our country letting an immigrant in from the hellhole they're fleeing sounds pretty advantaged to me)

I feel as though the value of Canadian citizenship has been lost. I really don't care about where someone comes from, all I ask as a loyal Canadian is to put in an honest, loyal hardworking effort to integrate into our society. Don't expect us to adapt to you. It's a difficult process, an immigrant is changing cultures

Having said that, this idea McGuinty is floating is a very bad one. Anything that would encourage an employer to hire one person over another that doesn't involve direct employment qualifications should be ILLEGAL!!!!

Foreign professionals are and should be tested to the highest degree. Immigration isn't and shouldn't be easy, and if the professional is properly qualified in their homeland at a standard equal to or greater than Canadian, they'll eventually be integrated. I agree there are things we can do as a people to streamline this process but accepting sub-standard foreign credentials is NOT in the best interest of Canada. Regardless where a doctor is trained, if he/she can pass the same medical exams in Canada they should be given a license. But the key is they MUST be tested here. My family doctor is a brown South African with an accent, he wrote all the equivilency exams and worked his *** off when he got here to integrate. Nice guy, he's retiring soon!

Why is it on GTAM, if you don't tow the politically correct immigration line you are a neo-con/racist?

and that mother from the kindergarten class should be charged with treason :)
I also wanted to mention that I'm very unsympathetic to immigrants who are unwilling to move to northern/western communities where jobs are. Obviously I understand the reasons why people go for the major cities but after a country initially gives you so much, is it too much to ask someone to go where the country best needs you to start out? Instead people will settle in areas they feel 'comfortable' meaning in areas they can continue to maintain their old ways instead of adapting to the new ones as they should.

Part of the problem is we've been fed this BS notion that Canada is a cultural mosiac. Which is laughable, the only thing that holds a country together is common ground. Divisive ethnic communities do nothing but keep us apart.

In my opinion, upon arrival immigrants should be directed to live and work in areas like rural Saskatchewan that desperately need workers. Obviously the government needs to step in and help with integration (line up jobs, language classes). I also believe this should apply to welfare receipients. If there are communities that need workers, the cheques should stop after a certain period of time and bus/plane tickets should be handed out.
I wasn't comparing... just making a statement that just because were canada doesn't mean it's hygienic. You need to relax from the steroids man. Don't know why you take such personal offense to what people say on the internet when it doesn't agree with what you say.

Whose taking a personal offense? When did you become all soft an sensitive over a simple comment? What did I say that hurt you so deeply?
Lol the new marketing director for a big company had me fired 'cause he only wanted "white people with blonde hair" on the campaign. I've led their campaigns for 2 years...but I guess it doesn't matter. I sort of understand because IDEAL demographic for their brand is white, but it just seems very unreasonable in a city like Toronto (since obviously, white people aren't the only ones that buy their product). At the same time, I guess this is the opposite of affirmative action, so I can't really be too mad.
Lol the new marketing director for a big company had me fired 'cause he only wanted "white people with blonde hair" on the campaign. I've led their campaigns for 2 years...but I guess it doesn't matter. I sort of understand because IDEAL demographic for their brand is white, but it just seems very unreasonable in a city like Toronto (since obviously, white people aren't the only ones that buy their product). At the same time, I guess this is the opposite of affirmative action, so I can't really be too mad.

U should've got dye your hair and get contacts, lol.
Maybe he will consider you :D
I sort of understand because IDEAL demographic for their brand is white, but it just seems very unreasonable in a city like Toronto (since obviously, white people aren't the only ones that buy their product).

Haha, what's the brand? Wonderbread? Hellman's mayonnaise? Hostess salt & vinegar chips?
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