Booze can make anything possible.doesn't mean you CAN'T knock up a chick. Just that you won't. (intentionally anyway)
Booze can make anything possible.doesn't mean you CAN'T knock up a chick. Just that you won't. (intentionally anyway)
just wondering, where do people get the idea that abortions are bad?
I am homosexual so this is a unknown issue to me. LOL
Same place people get the idea that murder is wrong
+1 and if he never wanted children he should have gotten snipped...
How about dating a girl who already has kids from previous... live with her and kids for a couple of years.... break up, split up, etc.... and having to pay for thse kids afterwards!?
That's her choice, it's her body. I don't think abortions are right, and think there should be consequence's if one chooses that route.
Really? T
And I''m an unmarried man who does sleep around.
I have in my pocket at all times -when Im not home-: Money, ID, my phone, my keys, and.... condoms. My question for your boy would be "How do you onenight a broad with no hat??? Yikes!!" SMH
+1 and if he never wanted children he should have gotten snipped...
Because never wanting children and not wanting children now are totally the same thing. Being a father at 19 and being a father at 32... same difference... snip that ****
Vasectomies can be reversed, years later, with a fair degree of success. There are doctors who specialize in it, in Toronto.
I can not drink that much booze.Booze can make anything possible.
Then why are doctors so hesitant to perform them on younger guys?
Too bad, you play the game, you accept the consequences. Have you ever read the book, 1000 babies, by leaky shieky. I don't wear protection, and roll the dice, so far so good.
Lol, I for one refuse to play Russian Roulette with my piece. There are worse things than knocking someone up.
Booze can make anything possible.
Because it's surgery, and no surgery is without possible complications, and because many of them are still stuck in the mindset that it's forever.
You can't have it both ways.
If a guy can have his life basically destroyed from an unwanted pregnancy he should also have the option of having a vasectomy at his discretion...... or he could just not have sex, but that's just ridiculous.
You'll have a hard time finding any doctor doing that to a young male who doesn't have any children. Opens up the door to law suits later on.