What do I want to get out of the birthing experience? To get through it with a healthy child and minimal physical damage to my body. I don't have any romantic notions of "getting caught up in" the birthing experience, and I think it's ridiculous that you're speaking for all women. For those who are into it: good for them, it's their choice. But it's certainly not commonplace, and I'd bet you'd change your mind damn quickly the second you discovered you were pregnant.
Yes, and lots of women and children used to die during childbirth.
at what point did i say im speaking for all women . am i not allowed to voice my opinion????????????????????????????????????????????????
u dont like it thats fine , good for u , but ur nobody to tell me im ridiculous. so fall back!
and another thing, u know nothing about me! so dont go assuming what i would or wouldnt do if i was pregnant!
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