Hating on riders - from a rider

the clear solution :^).....BAN Icon vests.....those riders thinks their the bomb

once they dress like us ...they will a simulate......no really,,,, they will...

So your telling me a vest that's designed to disburse the shock load across someone's back should be banned? And that they should wear full leathers cuz that's going to make them slow down? That's funny, I had a guy pass me doing 200km/h on the QEW, wearing a one piece. I guess he didn't get the memo.
the only thing the icon vest does is protect vital organs for transplant
At least 4 times a year.

Was fully aware that this is a quarterly repost. Just never thought it'd be me doing it. Maybe I'm getting old, but this stuff bothers me a whole lot more and I side with the "this is a bad reflection on the sport" people a whole lot more.
Was fully aware that this is a quarterly repost. Just never thought it'd be me doing it. Maybe I'm getting old, but this stuff bothers me a whole lot more and I side with the "this is a bad reflection on the sport" people a whole lot more.

If so, then I am too. I would guess that this is the sort of thing, that sets you off. I know that it does me.

Wow, doing this in toronto is just a deathwish.

So many asshats in cages cutting off whoever they can whenever they can..i wouldnt dare lol
I saw a ton of jackassery and stupidity from riders on the QEW this Sunday coming back to T.O. from the niagara region.

First, stopped for gas on Victoria ave near Vineland just before getting on the highway, two heavy set female riders on Harleys are there in tshirts, shorts, and croqs.. looking at me like i am insane in my full face helmet, jacket, gloves etc.. One walks past and says wow you must be hot! Before they jump on their hogs and roar off and take the corner awkwardly together and almost touch bikes and one almost dumps her bike.. lol

Then five minutes later i'm passing Grimsby and two guys on sportsbikes get on the highway in tshirts, no gear.. and immediately accelerate and start racing, weaving between cars. They had to be doing at least 200k because i was going 140 when they passed me and they were gone within seconds.

Moments after that, while i'm doing about 130k cruising along, an older harley guy flies by in the fast lane, shirtless, in shorts, with a female on back in what looked like a bikini top and denim shorts and flip flops, both in little minimal halfy helmets, her not even wearing goggles or anything... That was just the ride home. I spent the weekend in the region and i'm convinced that nobody there owns gear! I guess growing up in small towns people get that mentality but still.. i saw dozens of riders out all weekend there, and everyone was in tshirts at most. I felt like an alien from another planet riding around in a jacket, and you are the one they are looking at as being strange...
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I felt like an alien from another planet riding around in a jacket, and you are the one they are looking at as being strange...

yep mate, I know what you mean there. . try adding HiViz to the mix - lol!
If so, then I am too. I would guess that this is the sort of thing, that sets you off. I know that it does me.


lol! 2 idiots in one shot.. lol.. funny I see it on the same area too when I go by that way.
I spent the weekend in the region and i'm convinced that nobody there owns gear! I guess growing up in small towns people get that mentality but still.. i saw dozens of riders out all weekend there, and everyone was in tshirts at most. I felt like an alien from another planet riding around in a jacket, and you are the one they are looking at as being strange...

Again with the ATGATT judgmental BS. It was bloody hot yesterday. People don't like wearing heavy clothes in hot weather, on or off the bike. Get off your ATGATT high horse.
I saw a ton of jackassery and stupidity from riders on the QEW this Sunday coming back to T.O. from the niagara region.

First, stopped for gas on Victoria ave near Vineland just before getting on the highway, two heavy set female riders on Harleys are there in tshirts, shorts, and croqs.. looking at me like i am insane in my full face helmet, jacket, gloves etc.. One walks past and says wow you must be hot! Before they jump on their hogs and roar off and take the corner awkwardly together and almost touch bikes and one almost dumps her bike.. lol

Then five minutes later i'm passing Grimsby and two guys on sportsbikes get on the highway in tshirts, no gear.. and immediately accelerate and start racing, weaving between cars. They had to be doing at least 200k because i was going 140 when they passed me and they were gone within seconds.

Moments after that, while i'm doing about 130k cruising along, an older harley guy flies by in the fast lane, shirtless, in shorts, with a female on back in what looked like a bikini top and denim shorts and flip flops, both in little minimal halfy helmets, her not even wearing goggles or anything... That was just the ride home. I spent the weekend in the region and i'm convinced that nobody there owns gear! I guess growing up in small towns people get that mentality but still.. i saw dozens of riders out all weekend there, and everyone was in tshirts at most. I felt like an alien from another planet riding around in a jacket, and you are the one they are looking at as being strange...

Should've seen what was going on in Wasaga this Sunday...I'm surprised I saw helmets on some riders but hey, to each their own.
lol! 2 idiots in one shot.. lol.. funny I see it on the same area too when I go by that way.

The one guy wasn't too bad. Plenty of CARS try to push their way down, that far, in the Spadina merge lane. That car that was immediately behind me at the start of the clip, for example. The first rider saw a bike ahead and a chance to be a bit safer, by pulling into the right side blocking position with me. The other guy? He's in Darwin's waiting room.
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I always wear my gear if i'm riding my sportbike.
Especially since i had it tricked out and dyno-ed by the pros at L&L...
Haters gonna hate....
Again with the ATGATT judgmental BS. It was bloody hot yesterday. People don't like wearing heavy clothes in hot weather, on or off the bike. Get off your ATGATT high horse.

No high horse, to each their own. I was bloody hot too and many times i think to myself man i should just ditch the jacket.. but then i just get the mental image of what i would look and feel like if i dumped or someone hit me and that thought goes away. It's that which puzzles me about people who ride without gear 100% of the time. Slow crusing on side streets through small towns, farm roads, fine.. but on the highway with all the insanely bad drivers in Ontario? Thats what really scares me. I ride around with a backpack so that the second i'm off the bike for any length of time i'm in tshirt and shorts too. I was just pointing out the much higher ratio of people that choose to ride without gear all the time it seems in smaller towns.
Then five minutes later i'm passing Grimsby and two guys on sportsbikes get on the highway in tshirts, no gear.. and immediately accelerate and start racing, weaving between cars. They had to be doing at least 200k because i was going 140 when they passed me and they were gone within seconds.

I saw the same 2 idiots when they were roaring off the ramp onto QEW. Not sure you saw me, I was on the green ninja in the fast lane pacing traffic and shaking my head in disbelief.

I was wearing a textile jacket with armour, textile pants with armour, full face shoei helmet, and a backpack. Everything's black except for my helmet... yep it was hot, but not unbearable due to vnm gear.
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No high horse, to each their own. I was bloody hot too and many times i think to myself man i should just ditch the jacket.. but then i just get the mental image of what i would look and feel like if i dumped or someone hit me and that thought goes away. It's that which puzzles me about people who ride without gear 100% of the time. Slow crusing on side streets through small towns, farm roads, fine.. but on the highway with all the insanely bad drivers in Ontario? Thats what really scares me. I ride around with a backpack so that the second i'm off the bike for any length of time i'm in tshirt and shorts too. I was just pointing out the much higher ratio of people that choose to ride without gear all the time it seems in smaller towns.

I agree...hell sometimes I look at people without gear with envy because I don't have the nuts to do that. They look WAY more comfortable than I feel at that point in time! LOL

Sweating like a pig isn't fun especially in traffic, but I can't shake feeling scared and worried about what COULD happen.
I agree...hell sometimes I look at people without gear with envy because I don't have the nuts to do that. They look WAY more comfortable than I feel at that point in time! LOL

Sweating like a pig isn't fun especially in traffic, but I can't shake feeling scared and worried about what COULD happen.

Agreed. Actually once on the highway at speed my jacket and helmet vent enough that i'm not that hot. The wind fixes that. It's only in stop and go traffic that the heat really sucks. On Sunday i took a pretty decent rock to the face shield too that was kicked up by a car in front of me. It actually knocked my head sideways for a second, so imagine that in an open faced. I wore an open face for highway trips last year with just goggles and it scares me looking back on it, i feel so much safer now and don't have to worry all the way along the road about small rocks like that, or bugs... Nice white teeth now.. instead of this...
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i feel so much safer now and don't have to worry all the way along the road about small rocks like that, or bugs... Nice white teeth now.. lol

bugs are a nuisance, I kill 'em by the truckload. I couldn't imagine using anything other than a full face helmet
Then five minutes later i'm passing Grimsby and two guys on sportsbikes get on the highway in tshirts, no gear.. and immediately accelerate and start racing, weaving between cars. They had to be doing at least 200k because i was going 140 when they passed me and they were gone within seconds.

Moments after that, while i'm doing about 130k cruising along, an older harley guy flies by in the fast lane, shirtless, in shorts, with a female on back in what looked like a bikini top and denim shorts and flip flops, both in little minimal halfy helmets, her not even wearing goggles or anything... That was just the ride home.

do you always speed? if i'm not mistake both speeds you've stated are as much of a crime as the two riders your complaining about:confused:

30-49 over is the number of kilometers over times $6.00 for your fine
30-49 over is 4 demerits and considered a Major Infraction
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