UUUGGGGHHHH... damn... the thing is almost 90 % of riders are always wearing jeans.. me included.. I am always on jeans
I've had a bike for 6 years. Came back from working in Vancouver the last 3 years, and man, what a different bike culture. You still get morons on bikes out there, but much fewer of them. The bike community is tighter, smaller, and I think polices itself a lot better.
Now back in Toronto, I'm hating on the bikers here. I'm near Lakeshore/Coxwell frequently, and the idiocy I see riding around there is staggering. Sportbikes weaving in and out of traffic, the Thursday night bike meet at Leslie howl fest that is everyone revving their POS 98 R6 as they race down in a tshirt and ICON back protector, cutting cars off on the road.
I see this crap, and honestly I dislike motorcyclists. I totally see why people hate on sportbike riders (leaving Harley guys out of this). Loud, obnoxious exhausts, unpredictable/dangerous riding. Makes ME hate motorcyclists, and I'm a rider!
What's to be done? Nothing I guess. I have no solution. But I don't see this ending well. I'm honestly surprised the Leslie meet is still 'allowed' to happen.
If you crash on the road, those jeans will do precisely nothing for you. They might hold a severed limb near to your body, other than that... pavement or gravel will rash you right through them, even if they don't tear or abrade away.
I think what he meant was not that all kids have it easy but the ones that do are the idiots out there because they didn't grow up with any responsibilities. If that isn't what he meant then I agree with you as a lot of kids and young adults pay for their own expenses and work hard to do so.
As for the rest of the argument, I'm a new rider and even I can't believe when I see people on 401 weaving at 170+ in shorts and a T. But I would never tell someone they should wear full gear because a) I have no experience and therefore have no place telling other riders what to do and b) everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If they want to run the risk of being skinned alive, I say let em. Doesn't affect me at all.
There's absolutely no reason for a student to be "stuck" at minimum wage unless you're stupid. I know plenty of people getting paid minimum wage and they're not "STUCK" there...they're just happy with their work environment or too comfortable to keep looking. I'm not insulting you, but given that, your argument's really shaky, at best. Making an extra 2 bucks an hour goes a long way...5 bucks, even longer.油井緋色;1818026 said:I don't think anyone here is an econ major...and if they were, I doubt they'd waste their time writing a bunch of info for us. So for now it will just be speculation but I'll put somethings into perspective as a software developer:
Tuition: 8,000x4=32,000
GOTransit: 150x12x4=7200
Textbooks: 700x4=2800
Min wage job = 10.25/h
Lets say 4x4 = 16 weeks at 40 hours is $6560 for the summer. $26240 over 4 years.
Lets say you don't go out at all during school, have a 4.0, and work 8 hours a week. 8x10.25x36=$2952. $11808 over 4 years
Total Expenses:
Total Income (assuming 0% tax):
Net Profit:
Less $3952
There's absolutely no reason for a student to be "stuck" at minimum wage unless you're stupid. I know plenty of people getting paid minimum wage and they're not "STUCK" there...they're just happy with their work environment or too comfortable to keep looking. I'm not insulting you, but given that, your argument's really shaky, at best. Making an extra 2 bucks an hour goes a long way...5 bucks, even longer.
And also, who the hell works 8 hours a week? You're better off not working lol
Sorry to drag up a first page post...that's the furthest I could get before I had to leave![]()
油井緋色;1819470 said:I'm not in that situation; I know people who are and it isn't entirely their fault. And I don't know what program you're taking or took but I can't work more than 8 hours a week with school under my belt...unless mediocre marks are my goal.
And I'd be willing to bet that these people aren't working fulltime/overtime in the summer. My point is that it can be done. And if they're staying at minimum wage, then they have no one to blame but themselves. When you calculate for minimum wage throughout the year, you're not counting that they can work full time/overtime in the summer if they're willing to let their social life take a hit. My point still stands that no student is stuck working minimum wage - they keep themselves in these situations. If you can pass university, you're proficient enough in english to get a job that pays above minimum wage.油井緋色;1819470 said:I'm not in that situation; I know people who are and it isn't entirely their fault. And I don't know what program you're taking or took but I can't work more than 8 hours a week with school under my belt...unless mediocre marks are my goal.
Well, technically, your taxes are paying for their skin graphs and your insurance is paying for their new bike.
And I'd be willing to bet that these people aren't working fulltime/overtime in the summer. My point is that it can be done. And if they're staying at minimum wage, then they have no one to blame but themselves. When you calculate for minimum wage throughout the year, you're not counting that they can work full time/overtime in the summer if they're willing to let their social life take a hit. My point still stands that no student is stuck working minimum wage - they keep themselves in these situations. If you can pass university, you're proficient enough in english to get a job that pays above minimum wage.
Anyone in rigorous programs either drops out and goes for bursaries or sucks it up and works more. 8 hours a week is peanuts and it's not realistic to expect to pay off anything (not even weekly expenses) on that many hours (that's what...a little over 60 bucks a week after taxes?).
OSAP's in place you so you can go to school without being at a disadvantage. People have the choice to take it or leave it.
Your "get a job" advice doesn't reflect reality.
this^^...worry about yourself n stop trying to "save" the world, your opinion is not the only one....and yes some of you guys are getting old. Mind your own business....whats the point in filming a biker cutting through traffic & getting all upset, I have way to much going on in my life to waste time thinking about what someone else is doing.You can't help some people, they'll hurt themselves if that's what it comes to. But how they ride is their business, if they don't hurt someone then what's your complaint... that you don't have the guts or the skills to do the same? I don't want to die, so I don't ride like that (most of the time, at least) and I don't ride with people who do. Some people make me shake my head, but it's their business, not mine...
Wasn't talking about a post-grad. So the 11k cap is more than reasonable.There is a reason why the first week of school, a bunch of bankers show up and offer you 75k LoCs.
Your "get a job" advice doesn't reflect reality.
There's a saying that you can only get good grades, a social life or enough sleep...you gotta pick two. If you wanna have a flourishing social life while in uni, it comes at a cost. Just don't say that life's unfair for a student 'cause they aren't willing to work when there's an alternative in place.油井緋色;1819617 said:^
So to get by, anyone who isn't financially stable should spend 4 years straight without any real "life" right?
I'm not saying you're incorrect, but it's as unrealistic and stupid as my initial solution (which I partially did). It's like saying "People don't have to smoke or be obese". There are so many daily factors that slam into your face preventing either solutions from fully flourishing.
+1000000<br />Originally Posted by Shaman<br />
You can't help some people, they'll hurt themselves if that's what it comes to. But how they ride is their business, if they don't hurt someone then what's your complaint... that you don't have the guts or the skills to do the same? I don't want to die, so I don't ride like that (most of the time, at least) and I don't ride with people who do. Some people make me shake my head, but it's their business, not mine...
this^^...worry about yourself n stop trying to "save" the world, your opinion is not the only one....and yes some of you guys are getting old. Mind your own business....whats the point in filming a biker cutting through traffic & getting all upset, I have way to much going on in my life to waste time thinking about what someone else is doing.
Amen to that. With all the damn A.T.G.A.T.T. threads started here and general holier than you rants on this board you would figure someone would figure their complaining about other peoples lack of gear is not doing anything but annoying other people. If it really eats your *** that bad get off the forum and do something about it that would actually have a chance of going anywhere like petitioning the M.T.O. or whoever is in charge of regulating minimal gear requirements. Start a group to lobby whoever makes those decisions. I won't be helping you on that as I'm too worried about keeping MYSELF safe.
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