Hating on riders - from a rider

I felt like an alien from another planet riding around in a jacket, and you are the one they are looking at as being strange...

I felt like an alien from Mercury on Sunday... I was some hot in my full leathers... which are black! Thankfully I had my camelback loaded with ice water (well, it STARTED as ice water).
do you always speed? if i'm not mistake both speeds you've stated are as much of a crime as the two riders your complaining about:confused:

30-49 over is the number of kilometers over times $6.00 for your fine
30-49 over is 4 demerits and considered a Major Infraction

Those speeds i listed were brief moments, to get out of the way of cars quickly coming up my ***, or getting around big trucks that were giving me wind grief. I usually cruise right at the 10k over line, but for short bursts when there is a bunch of cars coming up fast on your *** you have to speed up. Ever ride the QEW along that stretch? It seems like everyone in cars is doing 140 all the time. Not exaggerating. Plus take into account those #'s at my speedo, and bike speed'os are usually off by up to 10k. So you can take 10k off the actual speed i was going.
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Yeah the guy on the Virago wasn't *that* bad, but still split as well, the funny part is seeing him look over at the crotch rocket guy and you can tell he's thinking wow look at that idiot! lol
Actually, no, that's not what I meant. What I meant is that reckless behaviour eventually comes around, and usually people smarten up with time. Once the light comes on for them, they either settle down or they move on to another hobby.

I've heard it said that you start riding with an empty bucket of experience and a full bucket of luck, and the goal is to fill up the bucket of experience before the bucket of luck runs out. I know lots of people who look at that dwindling bucket of luck and make smarter choices.

This will stay with me for the rest of my riding days... Thank you.
my brother did a stint in ER for med school down in connecticut, you know, that place that doesn't require you to wear a helmet...he was quite worried for me when i bought a bike cus his image of a rider was what he saw down there...when i saw me one day in my jacket, gloves, helmet and boots with at least some jeans on, he breathed a sigh of relief...he would tell me the screaming from the downed riders was just crazy, wire brush scrubbing, the broken bones...he says they're all hard a$$es until they have grazed a$$es, then it's screaming time...i've had road rash from wiping out on my rollerblades and bicycle, i know the pain, a motorbike is just that much worse...

as for being a gear nazi, wear what you like, but when you hurt, we hurt, my taxes pay your butt when you're lying in hospital getting the wire brush cuz you wanted to look cool...
Agreed. Actually once on the highway at speed my jacket and helmet vent enough that i'm not that hot. The wind fixes that. It's only in stop and go traffic that the heat really sucks. On Sunday i took a pretty decent rock to the face shield too that was kicked up by a car in front of me. It actually knocked my head sideways for a second, so imagine that in an open faced. I wore an open face for highway trips last year with just goggles and it scares me looking back on it, i feel so much safer now and don't have to worry all the way along the road about small rocks like that, or bugs... Nice white teeth now.. instead of this...

Getting stuck in a hailstorm on the 401, between Gananoque and Napanee, is also loads of laughs in a half helmet.
ANYONE who thinks they're tough will learn better when they've had a big crash / road rash. I have a red scar on my knee that is six weeks old now, from dumping the KXF in a sandy corner... bled like a bastard, but compared to road rash, it's nothing.
ANYONE who thinks they're tough will learn better when they've had a big crash / road rash. I have a red scar on my knee that is six weeks old now, from dumping the KXF in a sandy corner... bled like a bastard, but compared to road rash, it's nothing.

The scrub brush usually turns them right around.
ANYONE who thinks they're tough will learn better when they've had a big crash / road rash. I have a red scar on my knee that is six weeks old now, from dumping the KXF in a sandy corner... bled like a bastard, but compared to road rash, it's nothing.

I got WAY lucky in 89 when I went down and due simply to the dynamics of how I hit the ground at about 70k (after I bounced off the top of the car) I ended up in a "bounce and roll" which resulted in more impact injuries than rash. The rash I still DID get from that is the reason I'm always geared up today.
It doesn't matter how hot it gets, I'm always in my jacket, full face, gloves, jeans (actually want to get real pants) and boots... ALWAYS.
Maybe it's the fact I have had to deal with REAL heat with way too much kit on that I know it's a mental thing and don't let it bother me. As soon as I'm moving it's ok.

Sure, Sunday was a hot day, but I spent the day in MX boots, heavy MX pants, my jersey, gloves, chest protector, helmet, goggles... I just drank more water. Looking at my arms today and all the bruises, I'm glad I wore all my gear.

It's hot, suck it up, wear some gear and save your skin! I've dealt with the tough guys that ate it without gear and I don't want to be one of them.
油井緋色;1818207 said:
I like your attitude; you're not out to save the world. I'd seriously buy you a drink considering how much everyone tries to shove their ***** into other ppl's ***** to "make them understand their ways" or "save the world"


There are dating websites for this sort of thing....
It doesn't matter how hot it gets, I'm always in my jacket, full face, gloves, jeans (actually want to get real pants) and boots...

If you crash on the road, those jeans will do precisely nothing for you. They might hold a severed limb near to your body, other than that... pavement or gravel will rash you right through them, even if they don't tear or abrade away.
Hello all,

I am new to this site and I think a lot of what you guys are saying is very true, on both sides. I prefer to go out riding for the love of it and not to concern myself with how other people are riding, as long as they don’t get close to me on my bike but I am always willing to hear advice from other riders because knowledge is important to getting home safe. Also, the Obituary - Common Sense was priceless.

I think it's on the Draggin Jeans website (although they have a product to push) about how long a regular pair of jeans lasts in a slide. If memory serves it is about 20' (which is NOT far)... After that it's skin.

If you crash on the road, those jeans will do precisely nothing for you. They might hold a severed limb near to your body, other than that... pavement or gravel will rash you right through them, even if they don't tear or abrade away.
Should've seen what was going on in Wasaga this Sunday...I'm surprised I saw helmets on some riders but hey, to each their own.
I was at wasaga sunday... and indeed I was surprised to see people wearing helmets.
Although I can't say much, as I wasn't wearing my jacket (gave it to my pillion because i'd rather he be protected as opposed to me) I did still have full face helmet, gloves and boots on.
And I also learnt that getting hit by a bug without your jacket on hurts a lot more than with a jacket on.
Being a paramedic I get to see prettying everything. It's amazes me when I see people out with shorts, t-shirts, flip flops, no gloves and half helmets.
Trust when I say, being hot is worth the protection.
My wife and I have just made it a rule to always always wear our gear.

Full face (rock to face, lac on lip and missing teeth)
jacket with chest and back inserts (hit by car - takes the impact instead of jello body)
good gloves (see the bones all skin missing)
proper footwear (ankle bone ground down)
Kevlar jeans, leather etc... (missing muscle tissue, massive road rash)

Wear your gear and don't be an idiot. 2 simple rules of riding a motorcycle.
It doesn't matter how hot it gets, I'm always in my jacket, full face, gloves, jeans (actually want to get real pants) and boots... ALWAYS.
Maybe it's the fact I have had to deal with REAL heat with way too much kit on that I know it's a mental thing and don't let it bother me. As soon as I'm moving it's ok.

Sure, Sunday was a hot day, but I spent the day in MX boots, heavy MX pants, my jersey, gloves, chest protector, helmet, goggles... I just drank more water. Looking at my arms today and all the bruises, I'm glad I wore all my gear.

It's hot, suck it up, wear some gear and save your skin! I've dealt with the tough guys that ate it without gear and I don't want to be one of them.

this was our solution on Sunday.

Being a paramedic I get to see prettying everything. It's amazes me when I see people out with shorts, t-shirts, flip flops, no gloves and half helmets.
Trust when I say, being hot is worth the protection.
My wife and I have just made it a rule to always always wear our gear.

Full face (rock to face, lac on lip and missing teeth)
jacket with chest and back inserts (hit by car - takes the impact instead of jello body)
good gloves (see the bones all skin missing)
proper footwear (ankle bone ground down)
Kevlar jeans, leather etc... (missing muscle tissue, massive road rash)

Wear your gear and don't be an idiot. 2 simple rules of riding a motorcycle.

so if I wear my gear I am not being an idiot, great... whats the second rule?

just kidding... :D
I always wear full gear and Sunday I was out and was dripping with sweat but as SFer said, it is better to gear up and be hot as hell than the alternative. On Sunday I just got off my bike a few times and drank lots of water. J
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