Hating on riders - from a rider

Amen to that. With all the damn A.T.G.A.T.T. threads started here and general holier than you rants on this board you would figure someone would figure their complaining about other peoples lack of gear is not doing anything but annoying other people. If it really eats your *** that bad get off the forum and do something about it that would actually have a chance of going anywhere.

I won't be helping you on that as I'm too worried about keeping MYSELF safe.

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People are already doing just that, maybe because they actually care about others and want to help educate those who have never been informed. You already know and reject it, thats fine, but what about those who have not been informed and then make a mistake?

If you still dont get it, try reading what She has to say, or meet her in person. I have done both.

People are already doing just that, maybe because they actually care about others and want to help educate those who have never been informed. You already know and reject it, thats fine, but what about those who have not been informed and then make a mistake?

If you still dont get it, try reading what She has to say, or meet her in person. I have done both.

I'm sorry but you don't think people can't figure out speed+pavement + falling=no skin?

That being said, if there is such a movement you efforts will be much better spent with said group.

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I'm sorry but you don't think people can't figure out speed+pavement + falling=no skin?

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Yes, after they have fallen or learned from someone else who has.

Have you looked around? Aparently some people have not figured it out, and no one has told them what can happen. If someone knows and choses not to wear gear, fine with me, but when they dont know, then it comes back to those of us who do for not mentioning it to them. Did you even check out the link?

I am sure there are many things in life you did not know until someone taught you, like reading, typing, and maybe what you do for a living. what makes you think there is a differance with riding gear?

Common Sence is not common!
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Have you looked around? Aparently some people have not figured it out, and no one has told them what can happen. If someone knows and chhoses not to wear gear, fine with me, but when they dont know, then it comes back to those of us who do for not mentioning it to them.

I am sure there are many things in life you did not know until someone taught you, like reading, typing, and maybe what you do for a living. what makes you think there is a differance with riding gear?

Common Sence is not common!

I'm sorry but personally I don't buy it. Those people are STUPID. The people who make the choice not to is fine with me as well. I read the story on rockthegear and I still refuse to think its not their fault. If they are that dumb then I guess the only thing I can sum there deaths or serious injuries to is NATURAL SELECTION.

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I've had a bike for 6 years. Came back from working in Vancouver the last 3 years, and man, what a different bike culture. You still get morons on bikes out there, but much fewer of them. The bike community is tighter, smaller, and I think polices itself a lot better.

Now back in Toronto, I'm hating on the bikers here. I'm near Lakeshore/Coxwell frequently, and the idiocy I see riding around there is staggering. Sportbikes weaving in and out of traffic, the Thursday night bike meet at Leslie howl fest that is everyone revving their POS 98 R6 as they race down in a tshirt and ICON back protector, cutting cars off on the road.

I see this crap, and honestly I dislike motorcyclists. I totally see why people hate on sportbike riders (leaving Harley guys out of this). Loud, obnoxious exhausts, unpredictable/dangerous riding. Makes ME hate motorcyclists, and I'm a rider!

What's to be done? Nothing I guess. I have no solution. But I don't see this ending well. I'm honestly surprised the Leslie meet is still 'allowed' to happen.

Absolutely agree with you. While driving my cruiser north on Bayview last Friday during rush hour a sport bike lane filtered, almost hit me, then I saw him in the left turn lane at the next light grooming himself (how cool do I look kind stuff). Pathetic weasel.

Personally I think we are seeing a lot of disrespect for other people in general especially from the younger ones who seem to think they have some kind of entitlement for some reason or other. History repeats itself and it won't be fixed until the heavy hand of morality comes crashing down. The cycle will come around.
I agree there are stupid people. Some of them can be educated. Rock the gear is one mean to educate them.
Someone being stupid doesnt mean we shouldnt try to help them be less stupid. Otherwise they wouldnt put all these laws and rules to live in society

Some of them though will only be educated if said situation happens to them. Some of them wont learn and be lucky.
BTW I just noticed the donate section on rockthegear.
Wonder where all those funds are going.

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Maybe they feel you're tailgating and use it as a tactic to get you to back off a bit?
I haven't been brake checked in a long time, but I also don't tail gate... And the only times I have been brake checked, I was likely making them uncomfortable with my distance.... Just sayin.

Using the left hand in a pushing-back motion behind you works a lot better than trying to kill yourself and endanger others. Just sayin. ;)
BTW I just noticed the donate section on rockthegear.
Wonder where all those funds are going.

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Maybe you should ask! It is a Not for Profit (In case you did not notice) who's goal it is to help educate the riders on the need for gear and such. Of course I know you will say that is not necessary, no one should tell any riders anything, let them learn on thier own right? Even if some pointers or comments from someone with experiance can help it is useless as far as you are concerned and a waste of time.
I kind of find it interesting that people so offended about the ATGATT thing.
I kind of find it interesting that people so offended about the ATGATT thing.

A.T.G.A.T.T. is not offensive. The constant finger waging, bitching, and this new concept of it not being a persons fault they get hurt due to "ignorance" however is to me. It is only my opinion.

Second it say non profit on the site but that is term has been stretched in many ways. Hey p.e.t.a. is non profit yet they have a multi million dollar headquarters and fund radical destructive vegan groups. I'm NOT making a comparison between rockthegear and. p.e.t.a. but I'm just using it as an example.

Like I said earlier, if you really think people are that ignorant then tell your concerns to someone that can do something about it and change the law on minimal gear requirements. I would just love to see you take it upon yourself to go to a biker hotspots and and educate the bikers yourself and see what kind of reaction you get. If they get ****** you could always say "sorry, but I just thought you were ignorant on the subject" and then see what kind of reaction you get.

I'm sorry but I.M.O. some people have to learn to just mind there own damn business. Yes I do gear up. Even is humid sweltering weather. I may not have the safest gear but I do what I can both gear wise and riding wise to stay safe. I don't need someone to praise me or wage their finger at me telling m its not good enough. Im not breaking any laws wearing jeans and nor the open toe shorts and T-shirt wearing squids. Like I said, if it really rips you up inside take your fight for the "ignorant" somewhere its really going to matter.

As for the donate thing, I question everything. Its just in my nature.

I can't be the only one here that thinks like this.
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Maybe you should ask! It is a Not for Profit (In case you did not notice) who's goal it is to help educate the riders on the need for gear and such. Of course I know you will say that is not necessary, no one should tell any riders anything, let them learn on thier own right? Even if some pointers or comments from someone with experiance can help it is useless as far as you are concerned and a waste of time.

They put up a website. As far as I'm concerned they did their job already.

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I saw the same 2 idiots when they were roaring off the ramp onto QEW. Not sure you saw me, I was on the green ninja in the fast lane pacing traffic and shaking my head in disbelief.

I was wearing a textile jacket with armour, textile pants with armour, full face shoei helmet, and a backpack. Everything's black except for my helmet... yep it was hot, but not unbearable due to vnm gear.

Holy crap! I hope you got your cookie for being such a good little boy scout. You should have chased them down and wagged you fingers AND shake your head at them.

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Using the left hand in a pushing-back motion behind you works a lot better than trying to kill yourself and endanger others. Just sayin. ;)

No where in my post did I say I brake check... I simply said that's likely what the other people were likely doing and why. Most people have the reaction time of a sloth, so why risk it?

What I usually do, is I'll do what you mentioned with the hand signal, or when traffic is stopped, I'll look back directly at them, and they usually get the point.
I can't be the only one here that thinks like this.

I get tired of hearing it..ON MY BICYCLE!! "Hey dood...where's your helmut(sic)???" Seriously? Mind your own ****ing business!! It'd be like having a smoke at Tims and having random people come up to you and say "Didja know smoking is bad for you?" Huh..really?? Thank god you told me! I never knew!!!!
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