Hating on riders - from a rider

I paid more attention to ATGATT vs naked riders...

I only saw a group of 5 old gentlemen with their cruisers wearing gear this weekend...and probably like 20-25 riders WITHOUT gear. Oh and 1 guy with armor wearing a tshirt

Its something i hadnt really noticed before...but a lot more people dont care about how good of a cheese grate the asphalt is :P
but a lot more people dont care about how good of a cheese grate the asphalt is :P

I agree some people dont care, but some just dont know because it is the people they are riding with or hanging around with. Some of these riders are learning from those people and its a shame that some will learn the hard way.
I think that the rider should be the one to choose whether it be helmets or other protective gear. I am not here to be babied by big brother. Having said that I choose ATGATT. Even when in states that have no helmet law I always wear one. This past weekend I was the only one wearing a jacket that I saw even on the highway. I admire the skill of those riders that will never get taken down by a motorist.
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