Gladius was actually an option for me when I first saw it. I don't care about the advertising. it just seemed like a neat looking sv650 that was a rip of the monster. at the end of the day though, if I was going to drop 7-8k on something that looked like a monster, I'd get a used monster.
the NC has less HP than my ex500 on paper as well, but how that translates to street use may be different. our bikes aren't tuned machines so I know for mine, the powerband that you can feel is very narrow low, and then way up top. if I rev it that high ear drums will blow, so I never use it. the ex500 is rated at 60hp. the same as the ninja 650. however, I'd guess the gs and ex 500's feel more like 40hp compared to many of these bikes, they're not real numbers as far as I'm concerned. if the NC is geared for a fast take off where the HP is usable without having to hit 9000rpm, then I think it's ok, and might feel faster, might BE faster... either way.. how much does anyone need? I beat someone in a civic once that tried to race me. my life didn't get better. I lost once too. and I still have a kickass job and hot gf.
hell the v-strom 650 has the same hp as the ex500 and people don't seem to take issue with it. it's dissapointing,.. but I think they've aimed it to be a commuter bike with great mpg. so it is what it is.