
Mr. Fucko was given to me as an online name a long time ago(Duke Nukem days)... I was told it was because I dont hold back, and good or bad, I say it.... so some people call me a fucker... It actually used to be SGT. Fucko, but Im out of the "service" now.... and demoted to a Mr. 8)

*** edit - this little emoticon replacing words is crap... the word is f u c k o
The Idiot

Well the firestorm is my bike and I like it so there! :P Besides they decided to start calling them superhawks now, which I think sucks, so I'm proud of the old storm.
The Wally part is so ingrained into my head, I mistakingly introduce myself that way sometimes. I've been called that for 6 years now, it's funny some people only know me that way. A buddy started calling me that within the first week of College and it carried on with me to Work.

I've heard vicious rumours that it means idiot or moron in other countries, but that just can't be true...:silly:

also on a whim I looked it up once: I think it said one who stares, hmmm :shock:


well I have always been a Rat of some sort or another :wink: , Pack Rat mostly( I save everything!!!), born in the Year of the Rat and my first big bike was a Triumph ( Riders Association Triumph ), and being new a lot of times on boards and in groups makes you the FNG so hence the FN on the front.... 8)

I got the name from every man that's seen and tapped my rump.

hee hee :D

Signals - I work for the Signals and Communications Dept. Canadian National Railway.

Drone - A mindless worker, a slave.

I needed a name to call myself on a board that had to do with the S&C department so I took Signalsdrone to be a wiseguy.
One of my buddies came up with it. He rides a Yamaha Silverado with V&H long shots, no baffle. I ride a Bandit with a stock pipe. The Bandit is very quiet. At idle it almost sounds like an electric motor. Very Politically Correct. Hence the name. The new pipe is coming though and then I guess a name change with it.
right on

julit said:
Mine means 'bruised' in Romanian, my mother tongue.

I mountainbike and I used to come back all bruised from falling, scraped b/c of branches, etc, so a friend of mine kept calling me that and somehow it stuck. It's pronounced something like jew-leet. I guess I should put my name, since it's just as unpronounciable: Mihnea (needless to say, even my girlfriend of 3 years still can't get it right).

Now not only do I have a name that can't be pronounces by anyone, but my handle is just as bad!! Makes you wonder... :lol:

Hey ... respect to a fello Romanian ... I was born there myself ... my mother is Romanian and my father is Hungarian ... and my name is just as unpronounceable ... it's Timea ... prounounced tim ay uh ... and back home in Vancouver I used to hang out with a guy whose name was Tony ... he was a sweetie but a real dog so the guys nicknamed him t-dog and me t-doll cus according to them I was a real doll ... as long as you don't get me mad. :)T
Salut, that makes 3 of us.
We should start a gang or something 8)

there is also blue22rom and roamee ....
there might be some more Romanians around here too ...
they're coming out of the woodwork these days!
hehehe ..

oh right .. my handle ... its the name my gf gave to my bike (its yellow ... very yellow) .. actually, I tried to get personalized plates "TWETY", but it was already taken, couldn't believe it !

Evident ca mai sunt si altii... Salutari la toti!

Minidisco: well, I'm a music freak with a very extensive library, and I also tend to get into my own "zone" when I'm out dancing - so some friends once said that going around town with me was like bringing a "mini-disco" along. That, and the fact that my minidisc collection was also growing (equipment & discs)... and I guess that's it. There's a post about some of this, on Page 3 of this thread (about the middle portion), from way back in March!

People that know me, from this forum, say that the handle suits me pretty well.
Handle disclosure

Hmmm....it's amazing some of the things you learn about people that you never new before, all from handle disclosure.

Me, ZX12R

1. The obvious, it's my ride.
1a. Shocked that it wasn't already taken when I joined.

2. The essence of ZX12R that parallel the realities of my life.
-->When I feel I can no longer carry on, ZX12R lifts my soul.
-->The unbridled power of ZX12R clarifies for me the fragility of life.
-->If I do not commit to a turn, all that power will come down hard on me without respect for my fragility.
-->The long road to recovery is riddled with costs, some expected, some not.
-->Out of the ashes rises the phoenix, bearing scars of experience reborn to a new understanding.
3. Into the future, ZX12R lifts my soul.
I was born in Hungary, so my real name is Zoltan. Very common name there, and very common-sounding for bad guys and evil doers in old (and some new) cartoons/shows/movies/etc. here. Zeltar is just 1 of the many examples...hehehehe. After many many painful years, i've come to love my strange name.

ps. i HATE the bloody cold *brrrrrr*
zeltar said:
I was born in Hungary, so my real name is Zoltan. Very common name there, and very common-sounding for bad guys and evil doers in old (and some new) cartoons/shows/movies/etc. here. Zeltar is just 1 of the many examples...hehehehe. After many many painful years, i've come to love my strange name.

ps. i HATE the bloody cold *brrrrrr*
it is ZOLTAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh man what a crack up at 410am at work!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
well my name is Sasha... a friend started calling me sas-JAH .. just sorta stuck... and no I'm not a man *shakes fist* :bad-words:
Well...it's quite simple actually. I am 24 dammit and i still get carded everywhere i go. Geez. It's annoying but I love to see the expression on the face of the movie ticket door guy who cards my ***. At one time I was told my ID was fake and not admitted into a club. Then I got a bike and its a CBR.... Soooo what the hek. I just put 2 of them together and ka-blaamo...there goes that damn CBR-kid. :D :wink:
Probably, one of the most unoriginal handles here.

Some people call me "B" for short since "B" is the first letter of my first name (Boris). I guess it's because my first name doesn't suit me since I haven't even lived one day of my life in Russia.

Over the years I've had some other interesting nicknames like:

  • "B-Vo" which is a combination of my first and last name.
    "Borya" the Russian pronounciation of my first name. (My close friends and family use this one, since they can pronounce it correctly).
    "Yeltsin" because of the former Russian president Boris Yeltsin
    "Boris Becker" - professional tennis player
    "Boris the Spider" - title of a song from "The Who"
    "Boris Karloff" - from the old Frankenstein movie

and the list goes on and on and on......

I think I'll be changing my handle soon to one of the nicknames above, since every time I meet someone from GTAM and tell them my handle, they kinda think I'm weird and say "your nickname is just *B*???" :lol:
itslikethat... well... like many had guessed, the classic hip hop song by RUN D.M.C.... it's like that... and yes, I am aware that there is a techno remix... and I like it too, but the lyrics for "it's like that" just... speaks my mind i guess?

however, I usually go by technote everywhere else... been in the computer business for almost ten years now (and I am only almost 25)... a lot of people feels I know a little too much details... sorta like the tech notes that comes with a new piece of software or hardware and what not... hence technote... but since I don't know enough motorcycle techs, so the name is not used here.
My handle is Sergei, but most people who ride with me know that my nickname is Ruthless

I ride Ruthless
I talk Ruthless
I act Ruthless
I live Ruthless
My handle

One day, over a year ago

now, a guy i worked with decided to come up with nicknames for all the people in my

department just for fun. He came up with "Shaggy" for me and although that co-woker has long

moved on and I or anyone else can no longer remeber another nickname he came up with that

day, mine has stayed with me and spread.

Drove a

truck for Renown Steel years ago. I did the city deliveries as low man on the totem pole.CB

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