
i wuz on my way to montreal...and i got caught speeding...and the officer

said..."ur a speeddemon" while he was writing my ticket....and the digits is my

b-day....that's how i got
- speeddemon69

hmm... how did i come up w/ hibrid? don't exactly remember.. ummm.. something to do w/ my interests.. they can't really be put in one category..

range from.. music, mixing, bikes, cars, computers, technology, space, astronomy, snowboarding (altho i've only done this twice b4), building things, psychology, philosophy.. etc.etc. bla bla bla.. so kind of a hibrid of all these things..

cheesy??? but hibrid sounds kidna cool.. :)
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Well, as you all might have guessed, I am a bouncer at a bar, the Turkey Point Hotel. Anyone go there this summer? Yeah, I was the big guy at the front door checking ID's. I have been boucing off and on for about 6 years now, getting to old for all the cr*p though. But the eye candy makes it all worth while! 8)
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