
Okay... just posting to make things a bit clear on my handle. Please don't take it as a "racist" name. I just like to poke fun at myself. >)

Alright, so I got the nick a while back when I got voted onto the highschool student council. Everyone on the council had a nick and I took it upon myself to be "ChinaMan"... since Chinese Guy (over 60% of my HS was chinese and it's just too hard to remember names, cause honestly, we all look the same), or Hong Kong dude (doesn't apply 'cause I was born here) didn't seem to flow. Juksingjai is just something that ppl didn't really understand so that didn't work. ChinaMan just flowed... hehehehe.

"Not a ChinaMan's chance... " - some chinese dude on the boat in the movie Dragon - the Bruce Lee story

Guess I'll have to take my chances. >)

The name just stuck.... but I've noticed that american boards really take this name a little too personally. Canadians on the other hand don't really seem to mind. A handle is just a nick, right? no biggie. Here's a conversation I had on another american board:

Some Idiot: Hey Chinaman, you sank our ship @$#ho.

Me: Huh? What are you talking about?

SI: You sank our navy ship in the South China Sea... you communist bastard.

Me: What the... omgosh you're blaming that on me?... you need to get a life, dude.

Yea... and so the games went on. Canada, I like it here.

Whoops, am I going off topic here? crap... >)

"I'm not a weapons freak, I'm a biochemical superfreak, but I still need a gun!"
Stanley Goodspeed, The Rock.
Bo ZX-6R said:
Cyric I got from a myth story I loved when I was younger that I use for a handle/ID on hacker web sites :wink: For riding though most of my friends call me 'Ronin' cause you can usually catch me riding by myself. But I'm not sure if I should change my handle on this or not ??
'Ronin' is a great name....samuri without a master....
my name is Bond... James Bond,

big Bond fan.... give me a martini and a black tux and I'm happy.... There already is bondgirl on this site so I decided to play off the 007 riff (say Devil07 outloud and notice it sounds close to Double-07)

the Devil comes from the fact that I've been called Devilish by a female friend before 8) so that's that...

I've used the name elsewhere but nothing recently, Riceburner told me to change my handle from the original st-185gt which is the manufacturer designation of my cage.
Mine is not nearly as deep as my email name is. Mikey because I actually prefer Mikey over Mike. G since it's my last initial. Bike because I like all things two wheeled.
I've always been different from everyone in the group, just my personality I guess to stand out.

Hmm got bored in geo class during high school and a couple of guys started making up stories about people. Here's mines....

Bore on Mars, but while exploring a trash can fell in and the garbage man took me away :cry: They used Earth as a big garbage dump site, so I got thrown here, and was found by my earthling parents. Now I'm trying to get back home...

ya therapy is expensive :( .....

oh and I like Alien_Soldier better then:
Parmvir<real name>, Pornvir, Porno, parmbeer, sexy, hottie, Parmie, lakhi<last name>.
Got my name in college. Went through for architectural design and had have a design name. Rostius = RO (Robert) + S (then girlfriend, now wife Suzanne) + part of her maiden name TIUS. ROSTIUS.

Now the name of my company, my website, my nickname and my handle. Also stickered on all of my vehicles. :shock:
Windwhipped was just something I came up with when I registered here, I spend alot of time outdoors, work, play and the riding of course. It must have been windy the day I signed up and I was just feeling windwhipped :)
KidMetro came up in the early nighties. In those days, I would show up often at work wearing a black leather jacket, white T-shirt, faded jeans with holes and red sneakers. Because of that look I was sporting, someone at work who saw me said "Hey, it's kid metro".
Red Hair, Red Bike, Red Helmet, read the comics as a kid (they were my dad's actually) and although I don't have the sword - I do have the kinky chainmail outfit Hee Hee
Nikitah is my online personality I developed in the early ninties... Back then the internet wasn't safe (still aint) so I had a whole online identity... 250 Ninja is my bike... hence Nikitah250Ninja
JALAPENO- Well were should I begin. Comes from the very hot, spicy and potent hot pepper. :twisted:
I am a Filipino, thus a slang in my dialect is "Pinoy" which means Filipino guy. I should of actually put it in as "Jalapinoy", but thats not that memerable. I'm hot and sexy in my wifes eyes, (so she tells me) :roll: , but that's all that matters. 8)
So "JALAPENO" was born, and that's about all in a nut shell.
But ya'll can call me JAY. :wink: :lol:
I share my lastname with the infamous Dr Death :shock:
Ever since I was a kid, everyone from teachers,nurses,docters,co-workers,employers to my neighbours all ask the same question
R U related to the Docter
So thats how it stuck :lol:
My name is the same one I use on message forums. My car's Stock and commonly known as an "R", so just Stock R.

Guess it's pretty nice since it kinda fits in with a lot of bike models too. r1, r6, zx-whatever-R, cbr600RR, you get the drift. Now I just have to make sure I don't get like a gs500 or something cause it totally won't fit.
Well........I'm East Indian (born and raised here).....I love bikes...........and I'm a babe :lol:
I worked at Shoppers a while back, and since I worked in the stock room for slave wages, I figured it would only be fair to dine Chez Shoppers Stock Room, eating their fine candy bars nadjuice with my co-worker buddy. At some point he commented that I was a klepto, but mispronounced it or something, and it came out as klapto. I laughed long and hard at this, and that's why it's my handle.
I jsut picked this to make fun of 2fast 2furious, as it was a baaad baad movie, and I had just watched it... so I was in an odd mood (well I always am, im werid)
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