
my handle ??

"cheekee" from the Mike Myers humour on Saturday night live calling others " cheekeemonkey" I just added "bandito" to reflect my ride of choice, my beloved 99 Suzuki Bandit 1200....... Regards, Les :wink:
Self proclaimed, lots of experience in court. Of course I drive the VMAX!
Let me see how can I put this ... almost everyone has one bad drinking experience, and one that kinda sticks out in my mind would be when I had a run in with bluetyphoon's :twisted: ... needless to say if you really want to know I could go on but to save time and get to the point that would be why I picked the name. - Oh and also cuz my bike is blue, cant forget that!!!
6 up

6 as in 6 senses. Up as in always have your guard up. When I was a kid, I always got in trouble. :lol: So whenever, someone felt heat coming, they'd give me the warning to be on the lookout for a lashing or danger danger by saying 6up...6up :wink: Now that I ride, we all know that you ALWAYS got to keep the 6up and never let ur guard down when you on 2 wheels.

Tsunami = I have experienced a hurricane in Florida, earthquake in San Fran, witness a tornado in Oaklahoma and now need to see a tsunami to round out my Mother Nature experiences... :shock:

6RR = my new ride mostly for the track and very little street riding... :lol:
Azraphael said:
So, the legend is that Azraphael still walks the Earth among the people who owe their existence largely to his act of kindness.

I have this sudden urge to put on a Fields of the Nephilim CD... 8)
cool-o-tron2001 cause its a handle a nerd (like the computer nerds on the simpsons...or even the comicbookstore guy...or even the pimply teenager...or milhouse...or any nerd) would pick if they were trying to pick a cool handle but just could not escape their geeky roots. That is me...plus i am not very creative.
My handle basically came from people calling me "StormnNormn", ever since the Persian Gulf war in 1991, after General Norman Schwarzkopf of the US Army. Stormin' Norman was his nickname. I guess I like to spell mine differently.
So that's what ppl usually call me when they first meet me and decide to pay homage to my name. that or "NOOOOOORRRRRRRMMMMM!!!" from the TV Show 'Cheers'.
jello said:
PHISH said:
My nicname is 'Fish'. But I spell it 'Phish', the 'PH' is silent.

If the 'PH' was silent then your name would be 'Ish'.

Dang! That was HILARIOUS!!! I echo Nomad's websmiley...
Hmm lets see... Ninja, cause thats what I ride and um Girl, well thats easy.

I was also called that when I was little in my "I wanna be a SuperStar" days. My so called dance group use to put on these kung-fu type dance moves and my friends just started calling me Ninja Girl :D
I don't think I've posted why yet ...

A LOOONG time ago I needed an alias for something. I was eating E.L. Fudge cookies. :idea:

(btw, its E (pause) L (pause) Fudge, not El Fudge). Maybe I should have put more thought into a handle ... :P
rhomboid n. An oblique-angled parallelogram with only the opposite sides equal.

Now there's all my mystique gone...
Cyric I got from a myth story I loved when I was younger that I use for a handle/ID on hacker web sites :wink: For riding though most of my friends call me 'Ronin' cause you can usually catch me riding by myself. But I'm not sure if I should change my handle on this or not ??
Since people seem to want to pronounce my handle as spleens, and I can't sleep, I'll take a crack at explaining my handle.


There are splines which are basically the cogs in a gear, or thin metal strips used in drafting, but since I'm into computer animation (when I have time), I use the computer/mathematical definition, which is basically:

In computer graphics, a smooth curve that passes through two or more points. Splines are generated with mathematical formulas. Two of the most common types of splines are Bezier curves and b-spline curves

Also known as smooth poly-lines.

my original nickhandle - illusion is the meaning of my name in Hindi, but since nobody knew me as non other than the elements sis, Pual took it upon himeself and changed it officially to the sis.
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