
darrylez1 said:
5 posts and I just got censored wow thats what they call a Kawasaki on my ownership.

Hiya Daryll
Was that you at the icehouse a couple of weekends ago ?
I was there this morning and the power went out . (sunday) . I reset the breaker for Noreen and we had toast again .
Video game character...That simple...Hay, I had to think of something quick and I'm really not that creative so... :?
Dj Eclipse = The name I usually Dj under, the name is after my car mitsu Eclipse AWD (well actually it's an eagle talon but Dj Talon, or Dj Eagle just didn't sound right :D)
jello said:
If the 'PH' was silent then your name would be 'Ish'.

Ok... well, I've got two nicks, firstly, Boomhauer, my 'back up' nick when someone else has my regular one registered. Why Boomhauer? Short answer, he's a character from King of the Hill and he makes me laugh. Long answer doesn't translate well so I'll leave it out.

My regular nick is nomad, hopefully I'll get that switched soon. I'm rather nomadic having moved 13 times in the past 6 years... Not to mention with work I'm always travelling and put a zillion miles on the bike and car each year. My friends have a hard time finding me in any one spot and up until this year I never really stayed at home (wherever home might be). heh, to punctuate the point, my car has a blanket, couple pillows, sleeping bag and a tent... just in case I don't make it home.

Well the SV part is obvious. The 'iar' part was created one night when I was at my ex-girlfriend's party and for some reason got completely drunk after three beers (ok ok so it’s been a bit of time since I last got really toasty, the good thing is that its cheap for me to have fun!) She asked me what bike I wanted. I meant to say 'I want to be an SV rider" but I stood up and motioned my hands like a conductor and said "SVVVVVVVViar" after which I collapsed back into my chair and fashioned a sinister little grin.

My god. I just realized how sad of a story this really is! :oops: :oops:
SViar said:
Well the SV part is obvious. The 'iar' part was created one night when I was at my ex-girlfriend's party and for some reason got completely drunk after three beers (ok ok so it’s been a bit of time since I last got really toasty, the good thing is that its cheap for me to have fun!) She asked me what bike I wanted. I meant to say 'I want to be an SV rider" but I stood up and motioned my hands like a conductor and said "SVVVVVVVViar" after which I collapsed back into my chair and fashioned a sinister little grin.

My god. I just realized how sad of a story this really is! :oops: :oops:

Bah ha ha haa :rofl:
My nickname Dreamer . By working hard I have made most of my dreams come to fruition . Owned a bunch of houses , been a landlord , owned my dream car . Raised three great children . I know that anything you can dream you can do . One day I will own a Harley Nightrain also . Its a dream and I will make it happen . I also want to take my bike to Africa and spend a month there travelling . May cost me 10k but what good is the unexamined life anyways :) . Stole that quote from somewhere . Some advice to all the younger ppl >> Carpe Diem !!

best Chris Deschenes
The Element:

Been my handle for so many years don't really know how it started....

Um...Maybe cause I can be all 5 Elements and anyone can be anything they put their mind too...

Blah blah blah...corny corny corny...ya ya..what can I say "WOMEN"
lol ;)
Heh My name is Andrew Mills
i have been called mills or millsy by everyone who has ever known
me for my entire life
so i found it only suitable to make it my login
The_Element said:
The Element:

Been my handle for so many years don't really know how it started....

Um...Maybe cause I can be all 5 Elements and anyone can be anything they put their mind too...

Blah blah blah...corny corny corny...ya ya..what can I say "WOMEN"
lol ;)

What's the five elements? and which one is represented by "the" . Grammar police here? :lol:
Mine's not all that interesting - I just came up with it last year and I've used it all over the place - just trying to be constant you know. Nevertheless, I love the color "blue" and I was "22" at the time, while the "rom" stands for Romanian - I was born and raised there until I came to T.O in '93 :)
Well I really have no idea what inspired the name but a buddy of mine called me it and the name just stuck.
I have no idea where my roommates came up with mine a few years ago but it stuck...but they're the only ones that used it and I guess that's the first thing that came to mind...
Mine came from my video game handle "Viper" It got shorten to Vip, or more precisely V.I.P. / Very Important Person. ( Yeah! I wish!)
Well, here it is....

Azraphael, version 1:

According to certain rare Hebrew Cabbalist texts, 'Azraphael' is/was the name of the angel charged with guarding the gate (west, I think) of Eden, armed with a flaming sword. When Adam & Eve were cast out of Eden, Azraphael took pity on them, and presented Adam with the sword, that they might make fire and survive in the wilderness. The man upstairs didn't think much of this, so Azraphael was no longer welcome in Heaven, but had no desire to join the fallen angels in Hell, either.

So, the legend is that Azraphael still walks the Earth among the people who owe their existence largely to his act of kindness.

Azraphael, version 2:

Featured as the character 'Aziraphale' in the novel Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. The authors kept much of the above legend intact in developing the character.

Azraphael, version 3:

A combination of the names of two arcangels, Azrael and Raphael. Also likely related the legend previously mentioned in version 1.

I chose the name largely due to my personal fascination with the ancient (pre-bible and old testament) version of angels. This idea of the angel as a being is also featured prominently in Paradise Lost by John Milton, and The Prophecy series of films, starring Christopher Walken. Essentially, the premise is that angels are not all about clouds, harps and sunshine. Rather, they are essentially God's messengers and enforcers. Not to say they are incapable of kindness, mind you, but they are the ultimate tragic creature: direct servants of their God, but having to perform moral atrocities as part of that service.

To (roughly) quote the film The Prophecy, which deals with this idea:

"Have you ever noticed how in the bible whenever God needed to make an example, or punish someone, or whenever God needed a killing, he sent an angel? Have you ever wondered what a creature like that must be like? A whole existence spent praising God, but with one wing always dipped in blood... would you ever really want to meet an angel?"

So, the really short version is that I read too much, it's a topic I'm very interested in, and I think it's a cool sounding name.

Wow..... I'm a geek. :)


PS: Aren't you glad you asked?
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