
bikerchick600r said:
well my name is pretty self explanatory....i am a chick who rides a bike and rather then be bikerchick5008 I put 600r cause i ride a ninja 600r :D

a 500B, is that like a GSXR15? I"m not familiar with either of those models :lol:
no no, what i meant was that rather then be bikerchick plus some weird number like 5008 or 1234 i wanted to make my name distinctive (i'm used to there being more then one bikerchick :shock: ) so i tacked on the 600r to make it more personalized :D :D
I chose my first name, cause when we meet then people know u by name and also know when u r posting stuff.
well my name is pretty self explanatory....i am a chick who rides a bike

I get the "biker chick" nickname when I tell people I ride too... but my handle comes from being a Bond fan. I think Ursula Andress was da bomb in Dr. No as Honey Ryder (or Honychile Rider in the book), and I've admired many since, like Barbara Carrera as the original Agent triple-X, who kicks Bond's butt and looks smashing in an evening gown, or Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp (oh hello, a woman who orgasms when she kills?!?). But I digress... my car was called Vesper (after Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale), and my Katana was the Disco Volante, after Largo's boat in Thunderball [and Italian for flying saucer]. I haven't named my soon-to-be-acquired SV650S... but I betcha it'll be a Bond name (hmmmm... maybe Xenia bc of the Russian red lipstick and attitude). The world of Bond is just such a wonderful pool of names and connotations that's too much fun to play with.

Ultimately I choose Bond Chick (or Original Bond Chick when the former is already taken) because it's more ubiquitous than any of the individual Bond chick characters. To top it off, my Avartar on the Twisty-Sisterz site is a pic of Ursula, but it was too big to upload to this site.

OK, I've prattled on enough :wink:

Bond Chick :mrgreen:
i ride an r6 and picked r6 as my handle :oops:
sorry if thats too boring and simple. :turn-l:
My name is Joe and the day I logged on to this site I was going to replace the wipers on my RSX. I was having a hard time seting up a yahoo account with my name so thought why not Joewiper. :?
Hmmm.... I've always wondered how the name Joe Boxer came about... hahaha :lol:... No mystery there anymore!

joewiper said:
My name is Joe and the day I logged on to this site I was going to replace the wipers on my RSX. I was having a hard time seting up a yahoo account with my name so thought why not Joewiper. :?

I was looking at that bike , what year do you have and whats it like?
migs is my nickname given to me by my sister since we were kids. And, NO, i did NOT get the name from some lonely fella in "silence of the lambs" (pay attention to the credits) :wink:
Way back when, I was Nighthawker, after the ride at the time. El Bandito for the Bandit (now stolen and split into tiny parts all around the world). I now see the disadvantage of using the bike names, as I'll be going through my third bike in three years, and every time I have to reestablish who I am online...

El Bandito
:roll: Since I was younge I have been doing crazy stunts and seem to bounce off with nothing broken but the occasional toy or pride. I scuba dive, ride, skidoo,jetski, roller blade, water ski, play volleyball, ski... I used to play a bunch of other sportslike baseball, rock climbing, pretty much try anything once or twice. I have also heard people say to me many times, 'what did you do that for? That was stupid. You could have killed yourself'.
I have told my wife that I will die younge with my last words as 'Watch this guys'.

So far so good. I feel invincible! :twisted:
My handle?
Well, nothing much to tell other than I've been "on-line" for about 3yrs now and have always used the name Trinity. It sounds exotic, mysterious and a bit more interesting than just plain 'ol "Lina"

Uh, if you're wondering...No, I didn't get it from the movie "The Matrix" and even though it is a cool movie, if I see, "Can I be your Neo?" just one more time....I think I'll scream.
Geez, that's a lot of odd characters in your handle - it would be a serious issue for someone to "find you" in the directory in case they needed to PM you directly!
~¤Triñity¤~ said:
Uh, if you're wondering...No, I didn't get it from the movie "The Matrix" and even though it is a cool movie, if I see, "Can I be your Neo?" just one more time....I think I'll scream.

Can I be your Neo?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I use to ride about 10 years ago. I had to sell my bike to pay the rent. Every spring since then I get the fever. I know you all feel it. This year I finally got back on two wheels, but I know I'll always have the fever.
Most of my close friends call me nabz, which is short for Nabeel. :o

saw this photo in a restaurant one day, too many beers, got it mixed up.

-sorry photo didn't load, stupid free web space. i'll try again

.... no that's horrible. I heard that after the fact, it's just my initials. I'm definately not a status quo ho.
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