
I went out with a guy that always called me Chick, so when I went to get a personalized licence plate for my car - Chick was taken, so I added the A in front for A CHICK. I have since gotten ACHIC for my motorcycle (only allowed 5 letters on a bike plate).
A chicky!!!!! How much for the bike plate????
Just joined.

Well I suppose with a bike named "MIDNIGHT" and me being the rider, it only made sense to chose the name Midnight Rider.

Besides, the song is pretty cool (if you dig the Allman Brothers - it not, check out Allison Krauss's rendition in Oh Brother Where Out Thou.) 8)
Knives - Knives is the antagonist in the short-lived anime series TRIGUN. It's actually 'Millions Knives', which I use as a handle on some other forums (ASC, SDnet, other stuff you probably haven't heard of), but I think 'Knives' just sounds cool anyway.

I wanted to get vanity plates on my bike that said 'KNIVES', but apparently they only go up to 5 characters. :cry:

Also, I used to go by 'Snausages'... Snausages are dog treats, but I thought that sounded funny. Spun off a couple other nicknames, too, like 'Snaus', 'Snaussy' and 'Snaustritch'. But then came the gross jokes. :P
tat2 since I have and love tattoo's, I'm not a little person from a tropical island :lol: . That and its shorter that typing tattoo, it rolls off the finger tips while typing. :D
Equus- because I went from a real horse to a steel horse
Cheers :D
My last name is French Canadian. Back in high school, people who didn't speak French would pronounce it "Le Fever"... Somewhere along the way the "Le" was dropped....so it just became "Fever"!!! :lol:
Sponge here...

It's a variation on my last name. Two different clerks, within a short time span, mis-spelt my name on 'public' documents. Others in my group saw this and it kinda stuck.... It works well enough for me.

Oh...along A CHICK's lines:
"SPONGE" was already taken by some obscure entity in Ontario. Figure that what loser would want a license plate that says "SPONGE"!?! sheesh! So...I got mad and just chose a bunch of numbers and letters at random. I did however, manage to get "SPNGE" for my bike.


my real name is Eric
mine's based on a networking (geek) term - Packet as in layer 3 packet of data/information, building block, etc.

background: adopted it a few years back, so if you see a packet on a msg board, its me (else its some imposter) ;)
i got my nickname from a guy at work a few years back...he made me angry and when i was done chewing him a new a$$hole he said "you're a regular little spitfire aren't you"?

That and i have long flaming red hair... 8)
Linusbear - the names of my two cats. When Linus was a kitten he was the teeniest sickliest little thing. He reminded me of Linus from Charlie Brown. Bear was all black and would sit up on his hind legs and raise his two front paws, like a Bear. ~Linusbear~
Think it say's it all?! lol

I am Scottish (have the accent to prove it!) and i am a girl :wink:


It all started with my significant other nicknamed Lespaulboy cause he plays a Les Paul .... he's the musician ... I'm his biggest fan so I've picked up Lespaulgirl or sometimes I go by Lespaulboy's girl! :)

Ya I know ......kinda sappy :roll:
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