Great Documentaries?

I've got in the region of 4+ Terrabytes stored up on backup HD's of documentaries - as such, i can't recommend any single one. I'm the digital hoarder defined, and too cheap to pay for TV signal, as such, these are my 'entertainment' - I have little interest in most television fare, otherwise.

As such i can only 'recommend' the sources of my files.

I'd say that 80% of my collection is sourced from over the past few years. This is a direct download site using various free file hosting sites to host them. Using jdownloader to automatically or semi-automatically manage the file download process makes an easy go of it.

Other sites that i also regularly use, mostly direct download, include:

Some require a login/password - but all are free.
The fundraiser.It's interesting, and has all kinds of controversy. Another one is The oil filter, it's a true storey about a fun camping trip.
Who Killed the Electric Car ? - Great documentary.
Just watched "The Science Of Evil" on TV- National Geographic channel. It was pretty insightful into how and why people do "evil" things and the areas in the brain that are responsible for the "evil choices"

Just one recommendation for this thread; Please describe the documentary in a short sentence or two. Its hard to know what will interest someone from just reading a title.. :)
"shut up and sing"

don't like country music, and didn't really care for the band. . .have to admit that watching the film made me respect them tho
I finally finished "Who Killed The Electric Car?". It's pretty interesting seeing how long ago the technology was made available and how different groups lobbied for/against it.
Stepping into Liquid. ;-)
Just saw Food Inc.

Reminded me of why I chose to make my food for lunch and not eat the crap they have for us at work.
just re-watched "standard operating procedure" by errol morris. . .great film, but not quite as good as "thin blue line", which has a philip glass score. . .
Watched Senna last weekend. Not a bad show..little simplistic in some ways if you're an F1 fan. But the footage was good..F1 opened the vault apparently. I think it was tilted in favour of Senna in some ways..nevertheless, it's not a bad show and you probably won't regret watching it. Maybe a 3 out of 4.
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