this is a fantastic thread btw.
lets not ruin it.
the problem here, is that from the legal standpoint of CBC, THEY deemed him being violent to women, punching hitting whatever.. you want to call his fettish of BDSM
as the femmefatal chick pointed out, that consent doesnt even matter in the eys of the law. abuse is abuse.
She said that even if 2 partner are ok with it, the law aint. and Thats what wrong.
I like to think i have common sense.
Common sense says if you are being smacked around and you arent happy about it, you should leave.
if they stop you from leaving, you fight.
now, no matter what the choice you make you eventually run to the cops or call 911.
you dont mull around for a few months/years/decades.
Even this Slut Shame that Femmefatal talks about comes into play,, maybe they were ashamed to go to police but i really dont think so.. These ladies arent feeble weak little women. they are strong willed successfull women . not the type you'd expect to let their attacker roam free.
you really think 9 of those ladies ALL were too afraid/embarrassed/whatever reason to report it ?
forget all that
dont you think they would have told someone, anyone, the very next day.
Ive seen how women react to a touch after a rape or assault.
Im pretty sure any one of their husbands/boyfreinds would notice an immediate problem
and a severe beating would have taken place on JG asap.
maybe I am wrong ?
I think every woman went to see JG on their own freewill, they did what they did, and im thinking maybe they found out it wasnt for them ( BDSM ) and maybe regret their poor descison
like it or not, there are men and women that enjoy this for some reason. some people pay. lol
its kept indoors secret not advertised. they arent looking for publicity.
I have no idea why all these women are popping out with their stories now.
selling stories to papers ? i dont know. i dont think like a lady that enjoys being hit/abused/humiliated....etc