Full leather for street riding stupid?

If you're going to continually post "stuff" like this, you should at least be kind to your "Sponsors" and remove their names from your signature.
You are right, I have edited my post and I will be more careful, It was just a joke but I agree with you, thanks for mentioning it.
3) Gearing up is not a bad idea for accidents out of your control.

Now: which point above do you not agree with?

This one I think, given that she would wear no gear and tights, obviously to flaunt her *** while on a sportbike, until she figured it ain't no fun flying 15 feet and being laid out on it and getting rashed instead due to circumstances out of her control...
Come on folks, she's been punished once already by the road. No need to keep excoriating her if you wouldn't say it to a guy.
Wearing leathers while riding in Canada is considered stupid??? WOW :shock:
To each their own

I'll see you guys next year sporting my sexy two piece for the street and my one piece for the track :hello2:
I always ride full leather on the street or anywhere. Saved my knee one time when I went down on some gravel, so never hesitate to go all out. It's not stupid, and couldn't care less if anyone else thought it was!
You and Benny must be the hottest at Tim Hortons.


I admit I just lol'd. To each their own. When I had my accident this year, I was slightly above the speed limit when I went down in regular jeans and running shoes. While I know I'm lucky I won't make that mistake again personally. That said my jacket saved me for sure but my gloves didn't hold up.

On a side note, how is it 2twat still posts here? With the people you see getting banned how is that full of bs windbag still here? Seriously? :dontknow:
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