Be careful what u say cuz all the feminist on this board will be all over u
If they want some fat guy action they can create their own french fry car and troll the streets.
Be careful what u say cuz all the feminist on this board will be all over u
If they want some fat guy action they can create their own french fry car and troll the streets.
its really sad whats going on with oil prices...
oil supply at an all time high, and demand at an all time low... prices driven by investor speculation, nothing more.
The same thing is happening with the price of wheat, corn, etc...
Did I say I dislike them?
its really sad whats going on with oil prices...
oil supply at an all time high, and demand at an all time low... prices driven by investor speculation, nothing more.
The same thing is happening with the price of wheat, corn, etc...
I think it's the self-righteous attitude of the owners to be offence, although that might sound hollow!Also I think they're a bit worried about cost of battery ownership, it's a bit of an unknown at this point. And I also think you'd get better real-world mileage out of a TDI Golf. I have no problem with the look of the Prius's a fine car if you ask me. I do wonder where all those battery packs will end up one day though..
Yes, you did.
I believe he means that it's not meant to be a cheap car, it's meant to save money over the life-cycle of the vehicle. At current gas prices, that's a dubious believe I think. However, as gas goes up, the chance of saving money on the whole does increase..
No, by frugal I was referring to it's design purpose of using very little gas. Whether it saves money or not over any given time frame is irrelevant. Some people are willing to pay more to use less gas.
its really sad whats going on with oil prices...
oil supply at an all time high, and demand at an all time low... prices driven by investor speculation, nothing more.
The same thing is happening with the price of wheat, corn, etc...
If this were true wouldnt the price of everything rise along with gas at the same rate?
99% of the public do not understand that it is NOT the lack of supply or tensions in the middle east that causing oil to rise. It's the money printing by central bankers that causing oil/food/everything else to go up.
And Today it's $135.5...
Cost of energy to goods ratios vary depending on the percentage and type of energy used to produce or transport the fininshed product to consumers.
This is currency cost push inflation. The Gov wants to blame speculators for the rising cost of commodities when this is purely related to capital destruction by the US Fed. As worthless paper continues to flood the system the purchasing power of the debased currency is eroded. Since all commodities are based in USD the purchasing power of the said currency is declining, therefore more paper is reqired to purchase the same amount of goods. QE3 is a sure bet so you can expect further inflation in the furture. Money flows out of paper into assets.
Interesting point, never thought about that. Although, shouldn't the higher relative value of the cdn dollar vs the American dollar offset the higher inflationary prices of oil. I.e. If oil is costing more US dollars bc US dollars are worth less bc of inflation, when we buy the oil using cdn dollars we should be paying the same or similar amount since 1 cdn dollar will now be worth more US dollars.
Which is a round about way of saying the cost of production has gone up.
Global currencies are all racing to the bottom following theUSD to keep competitive in export production, so the exchange ratedifferentials are not as great as the rising cost of commodities. USD areflowing into commodities as investors dispose of USD for assets. This createsdemand for commodities which in turn causes the prices to rise. (Capital flows) The globe isawash in USD and more can be produced in unlimited quantities, whereascommodities cannot. Some are finite. QE3 will without a doubt be introducedbecause the US Gov. needs to keep interest rates down. The QE programs are forthe US Gov. to purchase US debt instruments due to the declining global demandfor US debt. The markets are saturated with US debt and the buyer of lastresort is the US Gov. They are the largest holder of USD debt. The scenario hereis equivalent to inflation in one country's currency within it's borders, e.g.Zimbabwe, where consumers rush to dispose of paper currency for anything thatis on the store shelves because the cost will be higher the following day. Thecurrent situation is global because the USD is the reserve currency, thereforeprice rises are not contained to the issuing country.
There are many factors, but that is it in a nutshell.
Prices don't rise. Purchasing power of currencies depreciate.As more currency is introduced into the system the purchasing power declines proportionateto the amount of currency introduced over real GDP growth. Since the introductionof the QE programs has accelerated the printing of money to monetize debt,inflation has responded accordingly. Generally the effects of increasedliquidity take 12-18 months before the system feels the effects of this. Thereare different types of inflation, this is currency cost push inflation, notdemand cost push inflation.