Fire arm control

Don't get me wrong, I do not want to use my Seat belt cutter. But what if the individual is violent and psychotic, would u want to be caught saying "only if I had a weapon"? Sometimes robbery can become violent. Of course I would drive away if I had to.

The thing that bothers me is when they punish law abiding citizens just to show others that they are trying to control guns, a la David Miller when he shut down the range in toronto. All the olympic shooters must be furious

Funny shootings continue on a weekly basis in toronto, almost every weekend another person is killed. The only thing different is now LEGAL gun owners from toronto have to drive an hour to shoot, this didnt affect the criminals one bit, after all they dont care about the law, because if they did they wouldnt be KILLING each other lol
Bingo! :-) I can kill 10 people by running them down in my car if I really wanted to! The question is, why do people want to?

Absolutely......there are many other more effective ways to kill other individuals. When do they start teaching kids chemistry? Household chemicals and cleaners? Fuel? Fertilizer? Pool shock? Muriatic acid? All readily available to anyone. Did you hear about the janitor who inadvertently gased himself to death unclogging/cleaning toilets? If there's a will, there's a way.
I'd love a CCW law of some type.

That said, though...I'd be deathly afraid of some jerk holding me at gun point just so he could steal my gun.

While I'm all for increased liberties and less ridiculous canadian gun laws, I can't help but be concerned about how allowing regular citizens (albeit intelligent, well trained, and well meaning citizens) to carry would increase the incidents of lost and/or stolen guns showing up on the black market.

Also, as a resident ofScarborough, one of the reasons I'm hesitant to get a license or a firearm is mainly because I'm afraid some crackhead is going to find out about my collection and break in to get at my guns. LOL.
And we're back to the paranoid, boogey man argument. I don't really live in fear like this. I don't think many people do in this country.

Oh yeah, :rolleyes: you never hear about robberies, muggings, rape, home invasions or car jackings in Canada anyway. Why do people install alarm systems in their homes? Why do we keep fire extinguishers in the home? How often do peoples homes get broken into or set on fire?

Bottom line is, if you think your so safe, it's your choice whether you need to carry or not. Just because you don't believe you have a need, doesn't mean others don't. I think licensing and training are important. However, government seems to feel compelled to over-restrict/over-regulate guns based on unfounded fears and emotion. Canada does issue authorizations to carry firearms, however, the circumstances must be so exceptional that they are rarely issued. You can't trust government to regulate guns responsibly - there is always too much abuse.....too much restriction. That's why gun rights are so important for citizens to have.
I'd love a CCW law of some type.

That said, though...I'd be deathly afraid of some jerk holding me at gun point just so he could steal my gun.

While I'm all for increased liberties and less ridiculous canadian gun laws, I can't help but be concerned about how allowing regular citizens (albeit intelligent, well trained, and well meaning citizens) to carry would increase the incidents of lost and/or stolen guns showing up on the black market.

Also, as a resident ofScarborough, one of the reasons I'm hesitant to get a license or a firearm is mainly because I'm afraid some crackhead is going to find out about my collection and break in to get at my guns. LOL.

That's why concealed carry is so desirable. No one should know you are carrying. Training teaches you to identify and avoid sketchy situations. It also teaches you to manage them. If all else fails, your training, skill and sobriety will give you the upper hand over the crackhead any day of the week.

If you're worried about theft, break and enter for the purpose of stealing firearms carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. That being said, you can take extra precautions, such as removing the slide containing the barrel and fireing mechanism from the receiver, storing the receiver in a safe in the closet and the slides in a smaller locked container or case in a well hidden place. Chances are, the thief will end up with a useless receiver that he/she can use as a paper weight.
Also, as a resident ofScarborough, one of the reasons I'm hesitant to get a license or a firearm is mainly because I'm afraid some crackhead is going to find out about my collection and break in to get at my guns. LOL.

Most ppl have the choice of storing it at the range. Just because u have a license, doesn't mean u have a gun ;)
Most ppl have the choice of storing it at the range. Just because u have a license, doesn't mean u have a gun ;)

Which range offers storage? Not any I've visited...besides, why would you want to store your own guns at someone elses property? That's like keeping your car in a garage 80km away from your house. Dumb.
And my opinion on the original post...

Ordinary citizens are already allowed to carry guns; they're called cops. They're ordinary Canadians who receive minimal training and have minimal requirements to meet in order to hold their ability to carry those guns. If cops can carry, I see no reason why any other citizen shouldn't be afforded the same right. Give us all the ability to take the same training classes and go through the same background checks as the police and there's no reason why it would affect our society negatively.

We absolutely need more freedom here to defend ourselves and our property with force, and that freedom shouldn't confine us to our homes.

Also, using crime statistics in the states doesn't prove a point for either side of this argument. There are a million and one socioeconomic variables contributing to crime statistics that have nothing to do with whether or not we can carry a gun. I firmly believe that having CCW in Canada would do absolutely nothing to our overall crime rate.
I don't know if I'm for carying a pistol on me, I would use the right not to do it. But for the house, the actual law is just idiot. If an intruder break in my house to steal my property get injured, I will be the bad guy because the theft got injured and I will be sued....I tried, but I can't see the logic of this.
Which range offers storage? Not any I've visited...besides, why would you want to store your own guns at someone elses property? That's like keeping your car in a garage 80km away from your house. Dumb.

Maybe my source wasn't good enough. I will have to inquire more about this.
That's why concealed carry is so desirable. No one should know you are carrying. Training teaches you to identify and avoid sketchy situations. It also teaches you to manage them. If all else fails, your training, skill and sobriety will give you the upper hand over the crackhead any day of the week.

Well that's the theory anyway. There's a difference between training and having the down to earth street smarts to keep yourself from getting mugged and having all your crap stolen. Some of these unsavory criminal types are pretty crafty.

Like i all for a CCW permit. I just don't see it solving problems without introducing a new set of different problems.
He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
The thing that bothers me is when they punish law abiding citizens just to show others that they are trying to control guns, a la David Miller when he shut down the range in toronto. All the olympic shooters must be furious

I do agree with this point. It's all political posturing for the gullible who honestly believe that "banning" handguns will solve gang violence. Which of course is ridiculous, considering that these guns being used aren't legal to begin with. It's just a bandaid approach which doesn't address the actual causes of gun-related violence.
What I'm trying to say is any firearms (big or small) should be in the hands of appointed public servants only. Just my opinion.
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