Fire arm control

And if the gunman is standing in a crowd you'll still shoot him? Last I saw 9mm rounds weren't very discriminating with which type of tissue they penetrate.

Those situations are very rare. However, if the situation ever arose, the armed civilian would have to be sure of his/her target and what's beyond it. On the other hand, an opportunity might present it self where the armed civilian can get a clean shot. Otherwise, the gunman can and will kill as many people at his unfettered discretion.

If there is no need for people carrying concealed weapons, what would be the harm in offering it? Personally, I've never felt threatened in Canada either, but then again, I'm a pretty big guy. Who to say that will always be the case for me? Who's to say that's the case for others? Nonetheless, the option is unavailable. I have CCW permits from Utah and New Hampshire, but it doesn't necessarily mean I will ever carry in those states or others that offer reciprocity - all I'd need to do is to meet the residency requirement. I appreciate the confidence and hospitality though. It's remarkable that those states issued me a CCW permit, but my own province won't. :rolleyes:
there is no point of trying to convince anyone about anything...everyone thinks they're right and wont be told anyone otherwise and will fight to their death that they're right....
Seriously, I like my guns and want more freedom to shoot them. I especially would like the "restricted" title lifted from my R-25 since it's basically a hunting rifle but I simply don't want the typical Joe Public I encounter on a daily basis opening fire anywhere I can get hit by their strays. Maybe that makes me a bit of a coward too in a way :)

I don't see much merit in having a restricted class of firearms. I don't see how an R-25 is much different from a Kel Tech RFB or any other non-restricted semi. Heck, the Valmet Hunter was prohibited as an AK variant, but was reclassified as non-restricted with the M78.

day late and a dollar short kids. I never wanted to try to change anyone's opinion and I totally understand if you are terrified of outside why you would need it to feel safe.

It's not about being terrified of outside - it's about being able to carry if one chooses to do so. It's also a added deterrent for criminals.

Again, all opinions of something that doesn't exist and probably never will are valid right?

Never say never! If you don't ask, you don't get.
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Not allowing CCW because someone might steal your gun is not really a valid reason. That's kind of like not allowing gun ownership at all because someone might break in and steal your guns.

I always thought it would take an exceptionally risky person to try a steal a gun from someone, especially when the consequences can be severe.

One of D23s posts did make a good point though, and that is that Canadians are not used to seeing guns. CCW in the states was a small step since many many people are raised with guns. However, CCW in canada I expect would attract a lot of negative attention from LEOs. However, this can be countered by ensure guns remain concealed and that there is no obligation to inform LEOs when pulled over, stopped, etc. FYI, CCW guns these days are very small and easily concealable, even in the summer.

I do think that those of you who think Canada is safe and would never need a gun are somewhat naive...virtually everyone who has been the victim of a violent attack never thought it would happen to them.

As I said it one of my first points though, the right to self defense is undeniable. It is not to be limited by vague statistics and meaningless numbers on "how likely you are to be hurt"
For greater clarity, its my opinion that the right to self defense has NOTHING to do with the need for self defense.

Even if Canada has relatively lower crime than other jurisdictions, this has nothing to do with an individuals right to self defense.

I'm interested to know how many people who think crime is non-existent keep their doors locked at night?
Also, for anyone wanting to know the facts about CCW here and in the US, surf on over to and sign up.

There are a few people on that forum with tons of knowledge and hard facts about CCW.
I do think that those of you who think Canada is safe and would never need a gun are somewhat naive...virtually everyone who has been the victim of a violent attack never thought it would happen to them.

While I pretty much agree with everything else you said, I firmly believe that being a victim is a mentality; a mentality born of ignorance and naivity, as you mentioned. While the training and knowledge that will go with getting a CCW permit may help counter this in some, it will probably exacerbate it in most others, instilling in them a false and unjustified sense of security and confidence. It's what I like to call "martial arts class syndrome", where, after a few classes and a shiney new license, some people will become a little more reckless with their situational awareness because of their confidence in their gun and in their (probably overestimated) ability to use it.

These reasons alone aren't enough to justify NOT having CCW IMO....but like I said earlier, CCW will bring about it's own set of unique problems. It would be naive to think that allowing regular citizens to carry would just solve problems without introducing new ones.
While I pretty much agree with everything else you said, I firmly believe that being a victim is a mentality; a mentality born of ignorance and naivity, as you mentioned. While the training and knowledge that will go with getting a CCW permit may help counter this in some, it will probably exacerbate it in most others, instilling in them a false and unjustified sense of security and confidence. It's what I like to call "martial arts class syndrome", where, after a few classes and a shiney new license, some people will become a little more reckless with their situational awareness because of their confidence in their gun and in their (probably overestimated) ability to use it.

These reasons alone aren't enough to justify NOT having CCW IMO....but like I said earlier, CCW will bring about it's own set of unique problems. It would be naive to think that allowing regular citizens to carry would just solve problems without introducing new ones.

I pretty much agree. Carrying a gun is really just one small part of self-defense. I would say awareness and avoidance are mentalities and strategies that can be useful is most scenarios. However, The means to defend oneself if those fail is critical IMO.

I don't think CCW is without its problems, especially so in canada where the right to self defense is questionable at best. Allowing CCW only to turn around and criminalize anyone involved in a self-defense shooting is a very likely situation in Canada.

Like I said, opinions and mindsets will have to change long before the laws do for this to be a reality.

I can honestly say that if I were allowed to CCW, I would be absolutely terrified of having to use a weapon. Not because of a lack of confidence or a lack of morality, but because of what will happen in the fall-out. As it turns out though, that fear is far less important than the safety/well-being of my family and myself.
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I can honestly say that if I were allowed to CCW, I would be absolutely terrified of having to use a weapon. Not because of a lack of confidence or a lack of morality, but because of what will happen in the fall-out. As it turns out though, that fear is far less important than the safety/well-being of my family and myself.

I agree.........and I'm sure you're not alone. I strongly believe it's also what keeps people in check when carrying. This will be an issue with most, if not all, responsible, law abiding people (the CCW permit holders) who recognize they have a hell of a lot to lose if they go offside - especially in the US where civil lawsuits can ruin you and sentences are harsh - some states have the death penalty.
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