Lol...I love the guns don't kill people...people kill people arguments.
Just remember people with guns can kill more people.
Just remember people with guns can kill more people.
What I'm trying to say is any firearms (big or small) should be in the hands of appointed public servants only. Just my opinion.
What I'm trying to say is any firearms (big or small) should be in the hands of appointed public servants only. Just my opinion.
I do agree with this point. It's all political posturing for the gullible who honestly believe that "banning" handguns will solve gang violence. Which of course is ridiculous, considering that these guns being used aren't legal to begin with. It's just a bandaid approach which doesn't address the actual causes of gun-related violence.
don't see why i can't carry one to protect my loved ones and mine.
What I'm trying to say is any firearms (big or small) should be in the hands of appointed public servants only. Just my opinion.
Lol...I love the guns don't kill people...people kill people arguments.
Just remember people with guns can kill more people.
What gives the government the right to take away a very large portion of my up-bringing and lifestyle (I put food on the table and fill my freezer up with cheap healthy food) and there is a social aspect with us.
Just because you don't see us sportsmen doesnt mean we don't exist.
A society without fire arms is NOT a free one. Now bend over and take it without lube little sheep.
Maybe my source wasn't good enough. I will have to inquire more about this.
What I'm trying to say is any firearms (big or small) should be in the hands of appointed public servants only. Just my opinion.
Within a week of DC banning firearms, DC police were chasing hardened criminals that had moved in from Virginia & Maryland, because now they were not so worried about getting shot.
Also I find some strange comments on this forum.
" Is your wallet worth someone's life ?"
YES, because my landlord will not say, sorry you got robbed, have a free week, nor will the supermarket give me free food in sympathy, and I won't be able to get free gas to get to work.
So whoever posted that stupid comment must be a rich guy, that probably lives in a secure gated area, away from the riff raff that the rest of us have to put up with.
And I agree that if more people were carrying guns,whenever some whacko decided to go on a shooting spree, the guy would not be able to kill so many, before getting stopped.
To be fair, I have to state that I grew up hunting & shooting, then was in the military. and I still shoot.
Of all the responses so far...I have not seen one good argument against CCW.
unfortunately, this battle will be won on public opinion, and because of that, I can't see this becoming a reality in my lifetime.
I don't agree with CCW laws for Canadians simply because I can't even depend on a Canadian to follow simple road rules so, something as complicated as the in's and out's of CCW wouldn't work with this population (IMO). However, I am very much for a Castle Law that allows an individual to protect their family or property from forceful intrusion.
I think it's stupid to assume an individual can't recognize a threat when they are inside their own home.
FWIW I CCW'ed for three years and it's a pain in the ***. It's an uncomfortable weight that you are constantly aware of and have to be responsible for.
Also, I have never felt threatened or afraid to go out of my home and have never cowered inside it worried about "what might" happen.
I simply don't feel afraid in Canada but I suppose as a six foot 200LBS combat veteran and ex SOFCOM operator with no children to be responsable for etc. I'm not exactly "every" Canadian.
I can see a point to some people carrying perhaps but in all honesty, if a criminal wants another gun the easiest way to get one then, would be to tap one of the CCW'ers that have this false sense of security in the back of the head and take theirs.....
Having a gun on you doesn't mean you can win a shootout. It just means you can be in one.
I tend to agree with live by the sword, die by the sword as well.
Lol...I love the guns don't kill people...people kill people arguments.
Just remember people with guns can kill more people.
Lol...I love the guns don't kill people...people kill people arguments.
Just remember people with guns can kill more people.
the only ONE range I know of that tried to offer this service was shut down by the police and the owners arrested for doing it.
Well, everybody dies, right? It's just a question of when. Perhaps those that don't live by the sword, die a lot sooner.
If a criminal wants your wallet, he can tap you whether you have a gun or not. The only differences is the effort investigating a robbery versus a murder and the consequences. The same can be said for a speeding offense versus a murder. In addition, it's much easier and more common to speed unintentionally than it is to kill someone. You have to agree that there is a huge disparity in attention, care and concern with the consequences between the two. You might as well say people caught speeding have absolutely no moral fibre or fortitude.
I've heard many stories about CCW'ers having to defend themselves. From what I hear, the prospect of killing another person is very difficult to deal with, let alone doing it. Given your background, I think you'd have to agree.