Mike Brown’s Stepfather Arrested And Charged With Inciting A Riot After Commanding Protesters To “Burn This B**** Down!”
(Ferguson, MO) – Michael Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, has been formally charged with inciting a riot after encouraging a horde of angry protesters to “Burn this b**** down!”. His actions took place directly following the grand jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown.
Brown was stopped by Wilson after he had manhandled a convenience store clerk during a robbery. When Brown refused to be apprehended, a scuffle ensued; Brown attempted to grab officer Wilson’s gun, resulting in Wilson using deadly force to protect himself from Brown’s attack.
In the weeks leading up to the subsequent hearing, several alleged witnesses came forward with so many conflicting accounts of what took place that most of it was proven to be fabricated or completely false. In the end, those who were attempting to portray Brown as the victim of a racist, trigger-happy cop were discredited by the officer’s account of what took place, as well as the autopsy results and a mountain of other documents that pointed to the contrary. This, however, was not enough to quell the public in their voracious quest to believe Brown was simply an innocent casualty of police brutality.
Despite the public statement which was read on behalf of the Brown family encouraging people not to resort to violence in the wake of the verdict, Brown’s mother, along with a handful of family members stood atop a car to express their outrage over the final ruling. As Brown’s mother began to weep, Louis jumped onto the car and began screaming expletives, urging the crowd to burn the city to the ground.
What followed was complete mayhem. Thousands of protesters, thugs and criminals took to the streets to loot businesses, destroy property, and gleefully wreak havoc. By morning, multiple businesses had been gutted, twelve had been completely burned to the ground. Multiple arrests were made, dozens were injured, and one young man was even discovered shot to death inside of his car.
Head’s commands for protesters to destroy the city of Ferguson following the ruling were video taped and later uploaded to the internet.
“Mr. Head Is Directly Responsible For The Way This Event Panned Out And We Plan On Prosecuting Him To The Fullest Extent Of The Law.”
Ferguson County DA, Dan Shaffer-
In a statement released early this morning by Ferguson County DA, Dan Shaffer, it was revealed that local officials will be prosecuting Louis Head for the crime of inciting a riot. “Mr. Head is directly responsible for the way this event panned out and we plan on prosecuting him to the fullest extent of the law. The damages sustained during the riots following Darren Wilson’s acquittal correlate directly with Mr. Heads actions in encouraging the crowd to act violently. We plan on pursuing this matter as soon as possible now that we have him in custody.”
Incitement of a riot is a major crime, listed as a class A Felony in MO. If convicted, Brown could face a minimum of 15 years in prison and a two hundred thousand dollar fine.
Brown was booked earlier today at the Ferguson County jail. He has since been released on ten percent of his one hundred thousand dollar bond. He is currently at home awaiting trial.