Fak her right in Pus**: feminists need to suck the big one!

Let's say you're operating a sausage cart. To keep yourself infotained you hardwire a radio thru the lightning rod, round the left front swivel wheel, past the mayo squirter to under the sink. Today you're dialled into a call in show. All of a sudden you know why your helping hand is late for work. He's on the blower to said show, and get a load of this, he's promoting full on double fisted common law wife beating. He finally shows up for work. You tell him to take a hike. Bad?

Id tell him off for being LATE. The rest of it doesnt concern me and I dont really care unless he was advertising my business on air at the time.
Id tell him off for being LATE. The rest of it doesnt concern me and I dont really care unless he was advertising my business on air at the time.

OK that's the politically correct answer but what if the common law wife didn't deserve it?
Let's say you're operating a sausage cart. To keep yourself infotained you hardwire a radio thru the lightning rod, round the left front swivel wheel, past the mayo squirter to under the sink. Today you're dialled into a call in show. All of a sudden you know why your helping hand is late for work. He's on the blower to said show, and get a load of this, he's promoting full on double fisted common law wife beating. He finally shows up for work. You tell him to take a hike. Bad?
If he's late for work, reprimand. As long as what he says on the radio doesn't directly associate your business with his beliefs, laugh a little. If he comes in and sells more sausage than anyone in history, give him a raise.

The only reason anyone even knows about the comments made by the 'engineer' is because he was fired. Had Hydro One not fired him, it would have been old news long before anyone had seen the video. This was entirely a PR stunt at the cost of someone's livelihood.
It's quite simple, if you're good at your job, raise/promotion. If you suck at your job, fire/demote. I'd rather have an employee shooting meth on weekends with tranny strippers that's good at his job when he's there, than someone that spends their weekends at church and drop in shelters that screws everything up.
If he's late for work, reprimand. As long as what he says on the radio doesn't directly associate your business with his beliefs, laugh a little. If he comes in and sells more sausage than anyone in history, give him a raise.

I'd rather have an employee shooting meth on weekends with tranny strippers that's good at his job when he's there, than someone that spends their weekends at church and drop in shelters that screws everything up.

Kevin? Kevin O'Leary? BTW my analogy wasn't exactly like the Hydro One situation. I have a little more sympathy for HO guy. My sausage analogy was in response to another post. I was trying to determine what they thought was acceptable. Your response, imho, is just another reason why we live in a messed up world.
If he's late for work, reprimand. As long as what he says on the radio doesn't directly associate your business with his beliefs, laugh a little. If he comes in and sells more sausage than anyone in history, give him a raise.

The only reason anyone even knows about the comments made by the 'engineer' is because he was fired. Had Hydro One not fired him, it would have been old news long before anyone had seen the video. This was entirely a PR stunt at the cost of someone's livelihood.
It's quite simple, if you're good at your job, raise/promotion. If you suck at your job, fire/demote. I'd rather have an employee shooting meth on weekends with tranny strippers that's good at his job when he's there, than someone that spends their weekends at church and drop in shelters that screws everything up.

The firing came only after the comments raised general public outrage on social media. Until then, Hydro One would have had no inkling of what was said.
Let's say you're operating a sausage cart. To keep yourself infotained you hardwire a radio thru the lightning rod, round the left front swivel wheel, past the mayo squirter to under the sink. Today you're dialled into a call in show. All of a sudden you know why your helping hand is late for work. He's on the blower to said show, and get a load of this, he's promoting full on double fisted common law wife beating. He finally shows up for work. You tell him to take a hike. Bad?

It is a great example, but oversimplifying the issue may confuse some people. :D

The more money, the more problems. That's the way it is with organizations. No sausage cart in Toronto has an employee code of conduct, confidentiality agreements, or a documented set of Core Values, etc.

No sausage cart has to keep its own Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin pages. No sausage cart's employee is part of the Sunshine List, even if they make more than $100k. It is just a simpler life.

This is a big organization, not a hot-dog cart, and it has to cover its own "assets". In other words, and if you want to think about it as a political move, the top brass at Hydro One is ultimately protecting themselves, firing this guy was a way to protect the reputation of the company, and their own cushy jobs.

Bad? Good?
Thank you. A lot of people think this guy is going to get a lawyer, take Hydro One to court, and get millions in settlement.

Not like that. Chances are, he is not going to get anything, except whatever Hydro One wants to give him as a good will gesture. The truth is, we are no very well protected at all in Ontario.

Our employment laws are pretty lax compared to other provinces.. In Saskatchewan you get OT the minute you go over your scheduled shift. In BC they have to give you a severance package. Apparently the ministry is reviewing the current laws but after what happened with the review of the liquor distribution I'm not holding my breath.
People seem to think ontario has similar wrongfull dismissal laws as the usa.
You can fired for no reason at all in Canada, they just have to give you severance if have worked their for 5 years or more (plus a few weeks of pay for in leiu od notice).
No. Two weeks of pay in lieu of notice. Any accrued vacation time, one week of Severance pay after two years up to a certain number.

You can sue them for wrongful dismissal, discrimination etc. not guaranteed you will win though. My fiancee is about to go through this.

For instance. You are highly specialized in your field, you quit your job at company a to go to company b. After 6 month they fire you. You can sue them because of your specialization, finding a job with similar pay will be difficult. I can see you guys rolling your eyes but thats just how it is.

This stuff obviously doesnt apply to ppl making 15 bucks an hour but $40 an hour plus or 100k salaries, finding a job in a timely fashion can be difficult.

More often than not, companies look at legal fees at $500+ an hour, and say screw it, we'll settle.
I believe severance comes after 5 years. Alot of companies just give the standard of 1 month of pay for every year worked to avoid headaches. The most I ever saw was someone getting 2 months of pay for every year after suing but they were older (well over 50).
So I have a question, what would everyone's opinion of the situation be if the engineer had a weekend gig doing stand up comedy and was as offensive in his act? Same comments, also taped, but now on stage and not on the street. Essentially the same situation with a change of scenery.

And a few years ago my wife got laid off from her job of ~11 years. They kept her on payroll for exactly a year from the date of dismissal. Given she had been spending about $600/month just on gas commuting back and forth, it was the best year ever.
So I have a question, what would everyone's opinion of the situation be if the engineer had a weekend gig doing stand up comedy and was as offensive in his act? Same comments, also taped, but now on stage and not on the street. Essentially the same situation with a change of scenery.

And a few years ago my wife got laid off from her job of ~11 years. They kept her on payroll for exactly a year from the date of dismissal. Given she had been spending about $600/month just on gas commuting back and forth, it was the best year ever.

It's a lot different when the audience has purchased tickets to attend a stand-up comic show that would inevitably feature potentially offensive skits. They are there by in that venue by choice. That is different from some ignorant ******* coming up to you uninvited in the street and spouting off with sexually-explicit suggestions and obscenities. Even so, many artists have found themselves in career difficulties after having publicly crossed one red line or another in their public or private lives. Remember Mel Gibson?

Your wife got a buy-out package from the company as part of what was probably a wider layoff. This kind of package is common enough and provides damage control in among both laid-up and still-employed workers.. The purpose of such packages is not only to help transition excess employees out the door when they are no longer needed, but also to help provide reassurement and avoid disgruntlement and loss of morale among the workers who are left behind still working in their jobs.

It's a signal that the company is committed to being fair with long-standing employees who are no longer needed despite having served the company well over many years are now no longer needed. This is a far different situation from Hydro One and their ignorant fool.
So I have a question, what would everyone's opinion of the situation be if the engineer had a weekend gig doing stand up comedy and was as offensive in his act? Same comments, also taped, but now on stage and not on the street. Essentially the same situation with a change of scenery.

Actually it may be the same situation if on your weekends off you go to a club and make extremely sexist or racist or Homophobic jokes in a public spectacle and then that got out into the ether of the internet then yea I would say the company would be well within their rights to fire them (I would argue it actually may be the best thing to do for a legal stand point). It could be argued these opinions could potentially make the workplace hostile. Especially when you put your prejudices out in public would be making a potential hot bead for complaints in a era when employers are expected to address work place bullying and work to actively stop discrimination.
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So I have a question, what would everyone's opinion of the situation be if the engineer had a weekend gig doing stand up comedy and was as offensive in his act? Same comments, also taped, but now on stage and not on the street. Essentially the same situation with a change of scenery.

And a few years ago my wife got laid off from her job of ~11 years. They kept her on payroll for exactly a year from the date of dismissal. Given she had been spending about $600/month just on gas commuting back and forth, it was the best year ever.

One minor difference in your example. The weekend comedy gig would be considered a second job. Most professionals will have a clause in their contract that the company must approve all part time work. The reason why is to make sure there is no conflict of interest among other things. In this case, I would expect the clause would kick in and at the first notice of an issue they would tell you to stop the “second” job immediately otherwise you will be terminated.

If it was really bad, then they may just fire you on the spot like this guy.
That is different from some ignorant ******* coming up to you uninvited in the street and spouting off with sexually-explicit suggestions and obscenities.
Sticking a microphone in someone's face, in the street, is an invitation for an opinion, is it not? And when you take the nature of the question and the person being asked into account, what answer was she expecting?
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Tourettes Guy?
Sticking a microphone in someone's face, in the street, is an invitation for an opinion, is it not? And when you take the nature of the question and the person being asked into account, what answer was she expecting?

I'm telling you, she baited them big time. Give someone enough rope and they'll hang "themselves". Too bad many here are not aware of the tactics reporters use. They know WHEN to ask WHAT to ask and HOW to get the answer out of you they're looking for. She kept saying in later interviews that she just simply had enough of it. Enough of WHAT exactly?? Does she really think that the phrase "frak her in the p***sy" was miraculously coined around her??? I doubt it but she sure implanted that seed and played the victim card while she was the instigator
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