you are absolutely right! FemiNazis are taking over the world and men are loosing more and more rights on a daily basis. Men are falsley accused on sexual/domestic abuse all the time and women win with no vidance. Men loose their jobs for false accusations. fathers loose custody of their children all the time for no reason ot fault of their own. Men loose almost everything in a divorce. Boys are harassed at schools for even looking at a girl. Men are called pigs for trying to pick up a women WHICH IS IN OUR GENES and hence why our species is still on this planet (because men are wired to pursure women). Men are constanly shown as a bunch of helpless idiots in every t.v show and movie with a strong in control woman behind them to take care of them. Mothers are alwasy praised while fathers and their love and work is dimissed.
So men ARE in fact looking everything is our FemeNazi ridden world.
All that said and while in most cases men are dealt an unjust hand, in this incident, those guys were actually harassing her and Hydro had to let them go to save face if nothing else.
But yeah, if youre a man and you dont know how sexist and biased this society is against you, then you have your head burried deep in sand. Start looking at some (even government published) stats and youll see how deep they have shafted us all in Canada!
Well said, and 100% true. Get your heads out of your a$$es guys!