Fak her right in Pus**: feminists need to suck the big one!

You could go one step further and say she took advantage of a couple of drunk guys. Double standards at work here. If I pick up a drunk chick in a bar, screw her and the next day she says she was in no condition to give consent, well I get charged with rape. Media whore Shawna Hunt doesn't even bother to pursue the actual guy that made the FHRITP remark, but goes after the closest white guys and goes paparazzi on them. If those guys were black you can bet Shawna would not have approached them because making the same accusations towards a group of black guys would have been racist.

I don't get it. Are you saying that the reporter has to be charged with "something" because these guys were drunk?

What exactly is that "something" that you have in mind?

Do you really think she took advantage of them? How?

Please don't say she is a criminal mastermind. I don't think she is smart enough to know what was about to happen. It just happen because the guys were drunk, and are stoopid, and she got her 15 minutes of fame.
But she is not at fault of anything. She is doing here job... (not for Hydro One, btw)... and she did not decide to fire the guy... how is this her fault?
Icbones? Is that the beer store guy? To lazy to check.
I hope this whole trend continues to stick it right in the p$$$y of all womens rights and anyone who thinks this is sexual harrasment. The reporter needs to get f-d in the p$$$y, maybe she'll loosen up a little. Give me a break.
I hope this whole trend continues to stick it right in the p$$$y of all womens rights and anyone who thinks this is sexual harrasment. The reporter needs to get f-d in the p$$$y, maybe she'll loosen up a little. Give me a break.

I don't think you understand sexual harassment.

So the reporter just needs some dick eh? Getting ****ed by a man is the answer to everything? Do you realize how utterly sexist your words are? I think you are just proving the point of women's rights activists and why they have to work to change acceptance. Judging by the outrage the majority believe sexual harassment is not ok.
Don't bother man its like trying to teach a potato to play the piano
For real.

I don't think you understand sexual harassment.

So the reporter just needs some dick eh? Getting ****ed by a man is the answer to everything? Do you realize how utterly sexist your words are? I think you are just proving the point of women's rights activists and why they have to work to change acceptance. Judging by the outrage the majority believe sexual harassment is not ok.

Yes i do, however in this case and this whole FHRITP thing that's going around isn't about attacking women directly, it's a prank to disrupt live reporters, women AND men. She however too offense to it and made it personal, the media made it personal, and now all of a sudden it's sexual harrassment. This is not sexual harassment, it's a statement that has nothing to do with gender.

Why not, seeing as she made it personal, maybe that's her problem, she has yet to experience different levels of sexual acitivity that may not have provoked such a bitter response.
This is not sexual harassment, it's a statement that has nothing to do with gender.

Since when does using the word pu$$y in reference to female vagina not have to do with gender?

Would you go around yelling the N word at black reporters and say that it doesn't have anything to do with race? Would you yell the N word at white reporter on TV?
Since when does using the word pu$$y in reference to female vagina not have to do with gender?

Would you go around yelling the N word at black reporters and say that it doesn't have anything to do with race? Would you yell the N word at white reporter on TV?

Come on now, seriously? Do you know the origins of the statement FHRITP? It could have been anything, F-him right in the a&&....... the point i'm trying to make is the direction or who the saying is towards has nothing to do with gender, people have pulled this prank on both female and male reporters, and doesn't even have anything to do with the person reporting it, it's just some idiot using coarse lamguage to disrupt a live interview because that lanuguage is censored for live TV!!
Is this the one they're all talking about? Warning explicit.
I hope this whole trend continues to stick it right in the p$$$y of all womens rights and anyone who thinks this is sexual harrasment. The reporter needs to get f-d in the p$$$y, maybe she'll loosen up a little. Give me a break.

I DONT OFTEN TALK ABOUT WOMENS RIGHTS... But when I do its only so I can break that feminist p^ssy

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Did they hunt this guy down?
I don't get it. Are you saying that the reporter has to be charged with "something" because these guys were drunk?

What exactly is that "something" that you have in mind?

Do you really think she took advantage of them? How?

Please don't say she is a criminal mastermind. I don't think she is smart enough to know what was about to happen. It just happen because the guys were drunk, and are stoopid, and she got her 15 minutes of fame.
But she is not at fault of anything. She is doing here job... (not for Hydro One, btw)... and she did not decide to fire the guy... how is this her fault?

Shawna provoked a lynch mob response against these guys. If media whore Shawna actually did her job it would have been continuing to interview the guys that were interrupted when the unidentified heckler said FHRITP into the mic. Instead of pursuing the guy that made the remark, media whore chick does the lazy paparazzi stunt and goes after a group of guys that had nothing to do with the guy that said FHRITP. So marco it was shawna doing the harassing. I would have told her to **** off and stop talking to me. Just like I do to the telemarketers that say they are from microsoft and my computer has a virus. I guess in your opinion I should be fired from my job because I am verbally abusive to scam artists?
Shawna provoked a lynch mob response against these guys. If media whore Shawna actually did her job it would have been continuing to interview the guys that were interrupted when the unidentified heckler said FHRITP into the mic. Instead of pursuing the guy that made the remark, media whore chick does the lazy paparazzi stunt and goes after a group of guys that had nothing to do with the guy that said FHRITP. So marco it was shawna doing the harassing. I would have told her to **** off and stop talking to me. Just like I do to the telemarketers that say they are from microsoft and my computer has a virus. I guess in your opinion I should be fired from my job because I am verbally abusive to scam artists?

You said before that 'she took advantage of a couple of drunk guys'.
You keep saying that she was 'doing the harassing'.
In this scenario, these drunk guys are "innocent victims"? Poor guys! The big bad reporter fired them from their job!

The truth is, nobody at the stadium took advantage of them. They dig that hole themselves.
The Hydro One CEO fired Simoes, not the CP24 reporter. She had nothing to do with that decision.
And all of this happened partly because of social media.
If someone wants to get outraged, do it about the weak labour laws that still do not protect us from getting fired like that, at the snap of someone's fingers.

All what they "victims" had to do was what you wrote, "I would have told her to **** off and stop talking to me"... as simply as that, and the guy would still have his six figures job.
Everybody should take a step back and look at this in a different light. This is proof that we in this country have become so soft that this FHITP thing and how it hurt the feelings of a female reporter is actually news. There are so many more issues at hand, but when the public focuses on pap like this, the politicians love it because voters forget about the real problems (gas plants, orang, e health, etc.) When the drunk guy that said "your lucky its not a vibrator in your ear, like in England" he should have said your lucky its not an AK47 in your face like in Syria. In other parts of the world reporters risk their lives being in war zones and natural disasters. Canadian reporters feel they are harassed in the workplace because of the pranks they encounter. I say suck it up, reporters' compensation is high enough that they should be able to take it in stride. I guess Canadian news media members think they should have the powers of G20 cops and be able to form a 5 metre security perimeter around themselves when doing live interviews? I think it should be a law that written consent be obtained before a reporter with a live camera even utters a word. If goggle maps blurs out faces and license plates City news should have blurred out the soccer fans faces.
There are no legal requirements to blur peoples faces (unless featured) or license plates in public or when filming notices have been posted. There is zero expectation of privacy and even less when you voluntarily involve yourself in the broadcast. You publicly display your face and plate on a daily basis. News agencies have even less stringent rules because its the news. If you had to obtain rights permissions from everyone on the news it wouldn't exist.

I don't think its too much to ask to not be harassed in your work place while trying to do a job. Try yelling profanities at the Airport folks or TTC operators and you will face possible jail time not just a public shaming. Do something the general public finds distasteful and you suffer the consequences. Its pretty simple and its not new. What is new is the maggots of society can't hide being anonymous

Please I invite everyone who thinks yelling sexual harassing words at women is hilarious to also please start yelling the N word in public. Please also argue that because its used in rap songs that it isn't meant in any racial way so its all just funny. Or go with the "But it was yelled in Baltimore on camera so I'm going to do it to". Go on exercise your convictions on groups other than women and see how it works out.

At one time using the N word was acceptable and hilarious and then society evolved and its now condemned and you will lose your job and be publicly shamed for it. Welcome to the positive evolution of society. What is acceptable is always evolving as it should be.
I haven't followed any of this, only briefly read some posts. I don't find the fhritp thing funny at all, but that's just me. I will laugh, however, for days on end at fart jokes....so anyways....

I think the guys getting interviewed should have been ****** off that she keeps ignoring them. I would have walked away. And I didn't watch the whole thing, because I have better things to do with my time, like cleaning the lint out of my cavernous belly button, but wasn't Shauna the one repeatedly saying "F her right in the P"? Food for thought. I'm getting ice cream. And meatballs.
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