Enough of COVID...what are you doing to the house? | Page 488 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Enough of COVID...what are you doing to the house?

Mine works on a magnet system, built into the frame. Not sure how the replacement glass, with blinds inside would operate?
The one I have has blind control slider along edge of igu. I have never removed it but I would be surprised if it wasn't self-contained.
Well this is interesting. I recall a while back I was casually looking at CoM rules and garden suites were specifically not allowed in our back yard.

Apparently now they are...would be a nice side project for the MIL as I do have space available, and once the kids get older there will be even more space considering the playground and trampoline will disappear...

I see this becoming more and more of a viable option as cost of living keeps growing, and parents / children of our generation will need somewhere to live where they can afford it.

They even have pre-approved plans!

They might suit your M-I-L as I assume she would still have access to the main abode for storage and chilling out. Renters that would tolerate the restricted space long term would concern me. Add the LTB and life gets ugly. Does a granny flat escape the LTB wrath and sloth if rented out down the road?

Family flat, no problem for when the firstborn needs a start on life. Possible WFH peace and separation option also.

Plumbing and drain hook ups down 5 feet won't be easy. Line to gas furnace or big panel upgrade for electric heat /heat pump.

Brick veneer avoids the trailer park look

I'd look at point of use hot water and a furnace alternate to eliminate the utility room and increase usable or storage space.

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