True but eliminate those frills and it creates unemployment in the frill industry. Entertainment, whether it be sports events, dining out or travel, has no residual value.It sucks when you sell a toy and it barely covers your increased expenses for a year.
Property value decline for the vast majority of people is only paper. Sure it feels bad to take a kick in the net worth nuts but unless you bought in the last two years it changes almost nothing. If you recently bought it can affect your mobility (and a potential huge kick in the net worth nuts if expenses force you to sell).
COLA, tax, mortgage interest all put a hurting on cash flow and could be a big problem.
I have talked to more than a few people lately that in one breath say they have no money but in the next sentence talk about their upcoming vacation and new car shopping. wtf. One lady was saying that her child was being made fun of in school as they could not read at all in grade 2 and were being made fun of but they couldn't afford a tutor. Next week, they were headed down south for a vacation. Asshat. Kids first. Another one drives a 10 yo honda. You've got another 10 years in that one. If you want to flip every 7-10 hears, don't pay the honda/toyota premium.
This whole need/deserve movement is at the root of much of our current pain. Nobody needs or deserves a vacation or new car. Almost everybody wants those things. The majority seem to have entirely lost the plot on that distinction.