Elephant in the Covid room

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Agreed. Closing the parks and such seems of dubious benefit.

Because opinions of a year ago are different than now proven facts of a year ago as proven by results. Look at the charts. Are you going to say that the January lockdown didn't work as well in the face of overwhelming evidence it did?

None of this is perfect, but doing nothing isn't a solution either.

Still waiting for an answer to my question on what you suggest we do on that topic.

read you got your answer multiple times .
I’ll just leave this here for you :

“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus."

This statement is from Dr David Nabarro.

Dr Nabarro told The Spectator the economic impact on small countries that rely on tourism and increased poverty levels are two major effects of shutting communities down.

"We really do appeal to all world leaders, stop using lockdown as your primary method of control," he said.

"Lockdowns have just one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer."

Maybe you debate him on Facebook ?
We get it. You didn't get to go to St. Barts this winter and you're grumpy.

And now we get to the Canadian petty jealousy hate of success part of the debate .
Don’t like st barts but I am annoyed I can’t visit Reschio in Italy this summer .
check it out it’s amazing , hope to see you there!


anyone care to debate this guy with your medical degrees ?
Debate the man who wrote?

An outbreak should meet the following three criteria for quarantine to be a useful measure of disease control:

• first, people likely to be incubating the infection must be efficiently and effectively identified;
• second, those people must comply with the conditions of quarantine, and;
• third, the infectious disease in question must be transmissible in its presymptomatic or early symptomatic stages.

He does not argue against quarantine.

He argues against a society based one purely based on his belief that tracking individuals should be sufficient.

What if tracking and isolating individuals is not workable because there are too many?

In that case a logical extension is that you must enlarge your quarantine base which leads to a societal stance.
read you got your answer multiple times .
I’ll just leave this here for you :

“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus."

This statement is from Dr David Nabarro.

Dr Nabarro told The Spectator the economic impact on small countries that rely on tourism and increased poverty levels are two major effects of shutting communities down.

"We really do appeal to all world leaders, stop using lockdown as your primary method of control," he said.

"Lockdowns have just one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer."

Maybe you debate him on Facebook ?
Lockdowns are supposed to be last resort pretty well in all pandemic plans .
Debate the man who wrote?

An outbreak should meet the following three criteria for quarantine to be a useful measure of disease control:

• first, people likely to be incubating the infection must be efficiently and effectively identified;
• second, those people must comply with the conditions of quarantine, and;
• third, the infectious disease in question must be transmissible in its presymptomatic or early symptomatic stages.

He does not argue against quarantine.

He argues against a society based one purely based on his belief that tracking individuals should be sufficient.

What if tracking and isolating individuals is not workable because there are too many?

In that case a logical extension is that you must enlarge your quarantine base which leads to a societal stance.
Or try something new when it hasn’t worked for 14 months
Debate the man who wrote?

An outbreak should meet the following three criteria for quarantine to be a useful measure of disease control:

• first, people likely to be incubating the infection must be efficiently and effectively identified;
• second, those people must comply with the conditions of quarantine, and;
• third, the infectious disease in question must be transmissible in its presymptomatic or early symptomatic stages.

He does not argue against quarantine.

He argues against a society based one purely based on his belief that tracking individuals should be sufficient.

What if tracking and isolating individuals is not workable because there are too many?

In that case a logical extension is that you must enlarge your quarantine base which leads to a societal stance.
You lockdown the sick and elderly . The stats show that is who is at risk . You prioritize the vaccines to to the in danger groups . You don't deviate from manufacturers instructions for the vaccines .

The government has pooched this this from the beginning . They are creating long lasting problems due to lockdown . You try to solve one problem but create another one .

There are many ways to get out of this . But the emphasis by the government is always the lockdown . I already posted several idea on how do things differently .
You lockdown the sick and elderly . The stats show that is who is at risk . You prioritize the vaccines to to the in danger groups . You don't deviate from manufacturers instructions for the vaccines .

The government has pooched this this from the beginning . They are creating long lasting problems due to lockdown . You try to solve one problem but create another one .

There are many ways to get out of this . But the emphasis by the government is always the lockdown . I already posted several idea on how do things differently .
The sick and elderly WERE at risk. All covid-19 is not the same. The current variants are putting much younger people in the hospital. They screwed up for the last year so they are fundamentally battling something much worse now.
You lockdown the sick and elderly . The stats show that is who is at risk . You prioritize the vaccines to to the in danger groups . You don't deviate from manufacturers instructions for the vaccines .

The government has pooched this this from the beginning . They are creating long lasting problems due to lockdown . You try to solve one problem but create another one .

There are many ways to get out of this . But the emphasis by the government is always the lockdown . I already posted several idea on how do things differently .
There's lots of differing viewpoints out there. Like David Bylsma the mayor of West Lincoln. He gave a speech last Sat. at an anti- lockdown rally in St. Catharines.

"Protesters gathered and cheered as speakers claimed the pandemic is a hoax, the vaccine is “biological warfare” and masks are “bulls--t. Bylsma also doubled down on his controversial statement last year that orange juice, tuques and sunshine can help ward off COVID-19. I am the embracer of the orange juice scandal, Bylsma said with a smile. I suggested orange juice and ‘mom advice’ and scarves and tuques, and I was mocked.”
This kind of left me wondering who the voters in West Lincoln are that put this loony-tunes in office :oops:
You lockdown the sick and elderly . The stats show that is who is at risk

Not anymore.

Look at the stats on who’s filling up the hospitals now.
Not anymore.

Look at the stats on who’s filling up the hospitals now.
Still mostly older people.Instead of feelings you need facts. no wonder you are so scared you don’t even know the real data


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I answered and you don’t like the answer . If your goal is to stay home and hide please do .
These lockdowns and restrictions don’t work as proven by the last 14 months .
I would spend the money on expanding capacity not on paying people to sit at home and do nothing.
What is your answer ? Do more of the same which didn’t work?
I am about saving lives everywhere , if you feel the same then you should be against lockdowns and restrictions .
Here is some insight for you once again .

from your link:

" It’s estimated that 9 million people die of hunger each year, more than the death toll of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined."

Point: Those are third world countries and truly a sad situation. They need our help but for us to help we have to be healthy. Do you think the anti maskers and anti distancers that don't give a **** about their own families or neighbours are going to care about a bunch of people on the other side of the globe?

The anti distancers are protesting about not being able to hang out at Starbucks. Do you think they care about a squalid refugee tent city without a place to go for an Ice Cap or smoothie?

A number of years ago I called a techie friend to catch up. It turned out he was crazy busy at work because the other technician had drowned. The guy was fishing along a river with his extended family and a little kid fell in. He jumped in to save the kid but he couldn't swim either and they both drowned.

The lesson: You can't help someone if you place yourself at extreme risk. Running into a fully engulfed building to rescue someone usually means another body for the fire fighters to recover.

Lock downs do work but only if there are actual lock downs. Fordeau and their patrons have pathetic rules and many of those have been ignored.
from your link:

" It’s estimated that 9 million people die of hunger each year, more than the death toll of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined."

Point: Those are third world countries and truly a sad situation. They need our help but for us to help we have to be healthy. Do you think the anti maskers and anti distancers that don't give a **** about their own families or neighbours are going to care about a bunch of people on the other side of the globe?

The anti distancers are protesting about not being able to hang out at Starbucks. Do you think they care about a squalid refugee tent city without a place to go for an Ice Cap or smoothie?

A number of years ago I called a techie friend to catch up. It turned out he was crazy busy at work because the other technician had drowned. The guy was fishing along a river with his extended family and a little kid fell in. He jumped in to save the kid but he couldn't swim either and they both drowned.

The lesson: You can't help someone if you place yourself at extreme risk. Running into a fully engulfed building to rescue someone usually means another body for the fire fighters to recover.

Lock downs do work but only if there are actual lock downs. Fordeau and their patrons have pathetic rules and many of those have been ignored.
if you are about saving the most lives around the world ,not just lives you like ,then you are against lockdowns.
If you only care about virtue signalling and yelling about saving your grandma then you don’t care about all lives and you should stop saying you do

What's older? With those stats, it looks like half the hospital beds are people <65.

40 and up are the majority and it goes up as the age goes up ....what’s younger?
40 and up are the majority and it goes up as the age goes up ....what’s younger?
I don't know, there are some arguments that only those at risk should be isolated from the masses. When half the hospital beds are occupied by people less than 65 (with attempted isolation of everybody), who should be be isolated to improve the situation?
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