Elephant in the Covid room

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do you shut down everything while they investigate ? No . You fix and keep moving on.
Do i shutdown everything? That doesn't make sense.

They supply the part, i can't fix anything on my end. Until we get a good part, yes we're shutdown.

EDIT: Okay i think i see your angle.

We reject the entire inventory, and 100% sort all the stock. We use what good parts we find and keep building. Or maybe they have extra parts sitting on their dock they could do a stock swap with. They would still be required to 100% check them before shipment.
It definitely could have worked better (from a virus perspective) with actual lockdowns instead of the weak crap we got. Even the watered down measures we have do seem to affect the spread substantially though.

It seems to me that people hear “lockdown is over” and interpret that to mean “go crazy, go nuts” eg. Do what you wish. Part of that is human nature as people want to see their loved ones etc. BUT do it appropriately and safely following the guidelines. It doesn’t mean you can now hang with your besties in their house, playing cards and drinking without masks etc.

People seem to think in black and white...it’s when they’re left to use judgement and sense that sh*t falls down.
Intubation isn't that hard to learn. If Superveloce needs intubation they can just send him to Midas Muffler. They're good at that kind of stuff. Over 2300 locations coast to coast.

Yeah because everyone needs to be intubated. Many who are intubated die . Proning and therapy are more effective .

More than 70% of the critically ill Covid-19 patients received intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) support [1,2]. Medical professionals throughout the world agree that intubation saves lives. However, there is no direct evidence attesting to the benefit of intubation and IMV in critically ill Covid-19 patients. On the contrary, a report revealed that of 32 Covid-19 patients who received intubation and IMV support, 31 (97%) died [3].

Do i shutdown everything? That doesn't make sense.

They supply the part, i can't fix anything on my end. Until we get a good part, yes we're shutdown.
Exactly , blanket shutdowns don’t make sense
Exactly , blanket shutdowns don’t make sense
You've completely missed my point. I'm not discussing shutting down the plant, i'm talking about flow of materials from the supplier.
You've completely missed my point. I'm not discussing shutting down the plant, i'm talking about flow of materials from the supplier.
You said shutting down everything doesn’t make sense. Be more clear then ?
You said shutting down everything doesn’t make sense. Be more clear then ?
i mean, you can read. you chose to answer my question with a questions and then decided to change the focus of my topic.

seems pretty clear you have no interest in actually having a discussion to find common ground.

I won't waste my time further. Welcome to GTAM btw.
We are focused in the wrong place. For 14 months no one mentioned health or weight loss, only masks , lockdown and vaccines. The virus isn’t the problem, people being unhealthy slobs is the problem . The world shouldn’t suffer because you spent your life destroying your health and being a pig.

One of the side effects of PTSD is weight gain. Sometimes the gain is caused by the drugs taken to combat depression or anxiety. Sometimes PTSD manifests itself as an eating disorder.

Congratulations on upping your crap score by classifying heroes with problems as slobs and pigs. You're obviously not a psychology major.

You seem to be good with calling people with problems pigs and slobs. That should make them feel good about themselves and make them want to do better. (not)
i doubt we will

So your viewpoint is that this virus should be allowed to run rampant through some quasi-arbitrarily-defined half of the population who are vulnerable to it and somehow magically, and perfectly with 100% accuracy, separated from some other quasi-arbitrarily-defined half of the population who you somehow prove at the moment of separation are one hundred percent free of infection and/or somehow immune to the effects.

You can't put half the population on solitary confinement ... you just can't.

As for the vaccination rate, from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Statistics and Research ...

As of 16th April 2021, the USA as a whole had vaccinated 21.57% of its population with at least one dose. They're now at 38.20%. We are now shown at 22.90%, just a wee smidge past where the USA was a month ago. To get to 38.20% a month from now, Canada needs to cover 15.3% of our population ... 5.8 million people ... of which about 40% are in Ontario, so 2.3 million people ... 78,000 per day in Ontario. We're doing 100,000 - 110,000. Yes, some are second doses, but spare me the discussion of the effectiveness of a one-dose-then-delayed-second-dose strategy, the UK proves it works (and half of that is with much-maligned AstraZeneca): United Kingdom COVID: 4,385,938 Cases and 127,260 Deaths - Worldometer

We've been vaccinating about 0.7% of the population every day lately. A month from now we should be in the 45% range.
You've completely missed my point. I'm not discussing shutting down the plant, i'm talking about flow of materials from the supplier.
I'm not sure what business you're in but if I was building airplanes I wouldn't throw in a makeshift component and upgrade in a year or so when convenient. How'd that work for Boeing?
I'm not sure what business you're in but if I was building airplanes I wouldn't throw in a makeshift component and upgrade in a year or so when convenient. How'd that work for Boeing?
you've lost me.
So why did you not just answer the question instead of asking 2 of your own?

i mean, you can read. you chose to answer my question with a questions and then decided to change the focus of my topic

That’s clearly his modus operandi, see my bunch of posts asking for a clear #1 or #2 answer (which he still hasn’t answered) for an example.

Don’t waste your time, he’s not interested in reality, just his own version thereof.
You shut down production if it means putting out dangerous product. Boeing didn't. If increased QC lets production continue without compromise it's OK.

So if we found a bad part, we reject it. We then put our entire stock of this part on hold and contact the supplier. The parts in house are then sorted and any conforming parts are used to continue production. The supplier is then responsible to provide replacement stock to keep the line going.

We don't just assemble whatever we feel like and ship it out the door.

It's automotive mfg btw.
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