Elephant in the Covid room

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or sonnythebull?


Lockdowns do not "make the disease go away". Lockdowns indeed are a temporary measure in order to allow the healthcare system and other such measures to catch up. In the current situation ... It's to buy some time to get more people vaccinated.

That it is a temporary measure does not make it any less necessary. That said, the Ontario government (among many others) is getting it wrong in certain respects.

You cannot expand the capacity of the healthcare system to the extent of every bed in the province being a hospital bed and every person in the province being a doctor or nurse despite the fact that they're sick with covid19 themselves.
I went out to do an errand this mornig, home depot pickup, the roads were pretty quiet. I wonder if we start riding we might stand out and attract attention to ourselves. ?‍♂️

Police forces all over are saying they will not be pulling cars over for checks . If you give them no reason to stop you they won't . If they do pull you over for traffic violations they may do further inquiries .
Expand capacity instead of paying people to sit at home.
Flatten the curve? Isn’t that what they said we would do on 14 days March 2020?

Expand capacity how? They can put beds in a tent in a parking lot. They already have at a lot of hospitals. They can't however magically pull more doctors, respirologists, and nurses (amongst MANY people who are needed to make this work) out of thin air to actually staff those beds.

Protip: My wife works in the field.

And you do realize that we did effectively flatten the curve in March/April 2020, right?

Now, next question, do you understand that the variants are drastically easier to spread and that's the challenge we're in the midst of right now?

Still waiting for a choice 1 or 2 answer to my question. You keep avoiding that one.
Lockdowns do not "make the disease go away". Lockdowns indeed are a temporary measure in order to allow the healthcare system and other such measures to catch up. In the current situation ... It's to buy some time to get more people vaccinated.

That it is a temporary measure does not make it any less necessary. That said, the Ontario government (among many others) is getting it wrong in certain respects.

You cannot expand the capacity of the healthcare system to the extent of every bed in the province being a hospital bed and every person in the province being a doctor or nurse despite the fact that they're sick with covid19 themselves.
They had a full year to prepare . They had a full year to build extra emergency capacity . You have convention centers in all major cities sitting empty . With electricity and utilities . They set them up in many US cities .

The federal government and provincial are playing politics now . JT says I'm ready to provide help( red cross and military ) . Dougie just ignores him . Just asking for the promised vaccines that never arrive .
Expand capacity how? They can put beds in a tent in a parking lot. They already have at a lot of hospitals. They can't however magically pull more doctors, respirologists, and nurses (amongst MANY people who are needed to make this work) out of thin air to actually staff those beds.

Protip: My wife works in the field.

And you do realize that we did effectively flatten the curve in March/April 2020, right?

Now, next question, do you understand that the variants are drastically easier to spread and that's the challenge we're in the midst of right now?

Still waiting for a choice 1 or 2 answer to my question. You keep avoiding that one.
Field hospitals. Hotels etc etc. , call up retired doctors and nurses, nursing and medical students can be called in ...there’s always a way ...Do you understand you can’t read and keep asking the same question. I answered over and over ..We flattened the curve a year ago? Great news I’m gonna go to lunch and see a movie thanks!
Yes the variants are easier to spread.so what . Doesn’t change anything about what they are doing is not working 14 months later. Why not try a new approach
I'm 99% sure the police have zero interest in stopping anybody on the street or in a car over Covid checks , they would really rather stay away from people as well . Especially the stupid ones.

I'm getting pretty tired of my wife coming home after a 12hr shift , staffing is a trainwreck at the hospital, nobody wants to work extra shifts because its a gong show. Oakville ICU is 120% capacity, ventilators are being pulled out of other departments so they are not available to people , like newborn infants. ICU was a 1 to 1 ratio of nurse to patient, its 2-3 to one now, because there are not enough staff. Wife comes home burnt, arguing with families that cant get in to see relatives, arguing with Doctors that are still trying to admit patients ( because thats how doctors get paid) with non covid conditions, and there is zero beds available. Staff get exposed and you loose a nurse to 2 weeks quaratine.
And she watches the news and sees bush parties and religious groups meeting for God to solve this.
When they say dire , they arent kidding. Most of you guys have no idea how big a mess this is right now in the GTA. What hits the TV? about half the story.
They have had meetings about what the 'spin' will be when they are out of ventilators and beds and who gets unplugged.
I feel for your wife and her profession . Just shows you how broken down the system really is .
JT says I'm ready to provide help( red cross and military ) .

To be fair, that's lip service. Having the military and the Red Cross show up with a million needles a day at the ready is totally and completely useless without the supply of vaccine. If they're just going to sit around and do nothing, is it really justified, or just a pretty facade that looks good but costs us a lot of money for zero result?

I guess this guy doesn’t know how COVID spreads either . Maybe he has an Instagram account you guys can debate him on ?

That letter was from the last lockdown before the variants really became dominant. When that letter was dated, things were different - yeah, we'd had the high risk groups vaccinated. B117 wasn't in play. People were getting Covid but not ending up in hospital as a result. The old high risk category wasn't dying anymore in the numbers they were before.

That's not reality 3 months later. Now people in their 30's and 40's are ending up in hospital.

I strongly suspect his viewpoints are not the same now.

We can't keep referencing old news and applying it to todays realities.
The article a couple posts up not wrong, and there is plenty of support for the viewpoint that the Ontario government (among many others) is getting it wrong. "Do we need a partial shutdown" YES, the healthcare system needs to catch up, at the moment vaccinations need to catch up. "Are we shutting down the right things" - it is increasingly apparent that the answer is NO.

Outdoors and spaced-out activities of all sorts should be encouraged. Playgrounds ... walking trails ... bicycling ... camping ... outdoor dining in spaced-out conditions ... outdoor sports as long as it's not contact sports or crowded, probably no spectators. Outdoor construction sites, for that matter.

Indoor activities, and activities with crowded conditions have to be stopped where possible or allowed where necessary but with strong countermeasures (distancing, limited attendance, mandatory masks and NO exceptions, mandatory contact tracing and NO exceptions). The big hiccup here is workplaces. Outside of your immediate family, most people spend more time indoors near their co-workers than anyone else.

If you disallow the outdoor activities (which have been shown to present minimal risk) then some (possibly a lot, perhaps most) people are still going to get together with their friends, but they're going to do it indoors in private homes where they are out of public view. That did not accomplish the public health objective ...
To be fair, that's lip service. Having the military and the Red Cross show up with a million needles a day at the ready is totally and completely useless without the supply of vaccine. If they're just going to sit around and do nothing, is it really justified, or just a pretty facade that looks good but costs us a lot of money for zero result?

That letter was from the last lockdown before the variants really became dominant. When that letter was dated, things were different - yeah, we'd had the high risk groups vaccinated. B117 wasn't in play. People were getting Covid but not ending up in hospital as a result. The old high risk category wasn't dying anymore in the numbers they were before.

That's not reality 3 months later. Now people in their 30's and 40's are ending up in hospital.

I strongly suspect his viewpoints are not the same now.

We can't keep referencing old news and applying it to todays realities.
Really then why did you reference flattening the curve in March 2020 if we can’t keep referencing old news ?
I can’t reference a Dr. from Jan 2021 but you can bring up march 2020 ok ...
Field hospitals. Hotels etc etc. , call up retired doctors and nurses, nursing and medical students can be called in ...there’s always a way ...Do you understand you can’t read and keep asking the same question. I answered over and over ..We flattened the curve a year ago? Great news I’m gonna go to lunch and see a movie thanks!
Yes the variants are easier to spread.so what . Doesn’t change anything about what they are doing is not working 14 months later. Why not try a new approach
The ignore function works wonders . There are people here you can post proof and they just go in circles . They just don't get it . I can now read this thread with varying opinions . Get new information and different points of view . Not the same fear mongering over and over again .
Outdoors and spaced-out activities of all sorts should be encouraged. Playgrounds ... walking trails ... bicycling ... camping ... outdoor dining in spaced-out conditions ... outdoor sports as long as it's not contact sports or crowded, probably no spectators. Outdoor construction sites, for that matter.

Agreed. Closing the parks and such seems of dubious benefit.

Really then why did you reference flattening the curve in March 2020 if we can’t keep referencing old news ?
I can’t reference a Dr. from Jan 2021 but you can bring up march 2020 ok ...

Because opinions of a year ago are different than now proven facts of a year ago as proven by results. Look at the charts. Are you going to say that the January lockdown didn't work as well in the face of overwhelming evidence it did?

None of this is perfect, but doing nothing isn't a solution either.

Still waiting for an answer to my question on what you suggest we do on that topic.
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