amazing, stealing it.
amazing, stealing it.
Maybe the WRP knows any tickets will be a waste of time . Stopping people randomly sounds really sounds like carding . You know the practice that was outlawed . The charter is the number one law . Not the emergency measures act .With this message the Attorney General of Ontario should have her boot up the a*se of the chief of police for Waterloo Region. This statement flies in the face of what she said in the announcement earlier today. Makes her and Dougie look like fools
No wonder nobody is taking any of this seriously ?
With this message the Attorney General of Ontario should have her boot up the a*se of the chief of police for Waterloo Region. This statement flies in the face of what she said in the announcement earlier today. Makes her and Dougie look like fools
No wonder nobody is taking any of this seriously ?
I can’t seriously believe we are still having these conversations after all this time and after all that we can see as plain evidence of what happens in front of our eyes all over the world.
At this point in time if you’re not following advice you’re part of the problem, not the solution.
Stopping people randomly sounds really sounds like carding .
I would be shocked if every politician and their entire families werent vaccinated long ago.Probably a jurisdictional problem but how about diverting all the arriving international flights to Ottawa?
I answered and you don’t like the answer . If your goal is to stay home and hide please do .No, you didn't. You did a whataboutism.
Do you propose we just abandon everything we're doing right now and allow the hospitals to get so overwhelmed with covid patients that they can't function anymore?
Or do you propose we just tell people with Covid to stay home and suffocate to death in their beds so that doesn't happen?
So, just answer the question. What would you do?
Or do you have some other magic solution?
Or are you of the small but naive percentage of people who still think this is all some fake conspiracy and it's "just a cold"?
It is ? The police just pick and choose who they want to talk to . Sounds like carding .Carding isn't random. It's selective.
It’s interesting that people were so concerned about masks and COVID protocol. If it was more of a full service thing, what about risk of AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea and the 10 other diseases that you could potentially pass around... LOLIt will be interesting to see if the gov't does anything about the party in Milton. Apparently Nelmar drywall employees were working on subdivision housing in Milton. They hired a "stripper" (seemed pretty full service though) and filmed her dancing in the house under construction (and them drinking and doing some pretty gross activities with no regards to covid protocols). Video got spread around. Mattamy went nuts and said they had nothing to do with it. Nelmar fired everyone involved. The old guy that was retiring got in a fight with his wife when she saw it and had a heart attack. He is in hospital. The guy that filmed it got the crap beaten out of him and he is in hospital. Don't worry everyone, residential construction is safe and essential.
If you talk to them it is apparently ticket at worst. Failure to provide your name could get you time in the slammer until you do.Maybe it’s just me but I don’t get the whole stop and ID thing
As an example, if I decide to have some work done on my bike - which is obviously not essential - throw it in the back of the truck and am pulled over by the cops on the 401 what happens.
I assume I give them my ID, explain what I’m doing but what happens then. If the cop is not satisfied do I get a ticket, can they drag me off to jail. I don’t get it
Meanwhile at a temple in Brampton for a ramadamadingdong prayer meet , 412 people in a building with capacity 180. No masks. Just awesome.
I answered and you don’t like the answer . If your goal is to stay home and hide please do .
These lockdowns and restrictions don’t work as proven by the last 14 months .
I would spend the money on expanding capacity not on paying people to sit at home and do nothing.
What is your answer ? Do more of the same which didn’t work?
I am about saving lives everywhere , if you feel the same then you should be against lockdowns and restrictions .
Here is some insight for you once again .
COVID-related hunger could kill more people than the virus | UN Global Compact
They do work.....look at the charts and see what happened after January lockdowns to cases.
Look at other countries and areas that are more or less back to normal. Look at Atlantic Canada that put severe travel restrictions in place too. They all locked down to stop spread.
Like I said, if you want to ignore this and just keep spouting rubbish you're part of the problem.
if they work why do we keep having to do this over and over. Something that works doesn’t keep ending in a worse situation every time it’s tried . That’s the opposite definition of “ they do work”Ireland had and has the strictest lockdowns and has cases at a higher level than Canada considering the population differences ..anyone care to explain that?
Ireland's coronavirus lockdown ranked toughest in Europe, and 4th toughest in the world | The Irish Post
IRELAND'S Covid-19 lockdown is the strictest in Europe, and the fourth strictest in the world, a
Can you explain Ireland then? the problem is lockdowns so therefore I am not part of the problem as I disagree with themWhen people don’t follow simple instructions they don’t work, when politicians introduce dumb loopholes they don’t work. It’s an infectious disease...keeping people apart stops the IS that simple.
I don’t want more this point, it’s jackasses that think they know better that will give us more or extend this one.
Don't be part of the problem.