Dougie's latest plan | Page 3 |

Dougie's latest plan

'Putting on my old man yelling at clouds hat...
Instead of building more road capacity we should look at ways to REDUCE the number of cars on the road.
Anyone who's job could be done from home shouldn't have to commute to an office.
HOV lanes are a scam and a waste of asphalt.
Our transit systems are the suck.
Lately I've been on the QEW/Gardiner quite a bit.... at 0530 it's packed.
Yes I'm in my car, but... I'd be on the GO train if it was 98% reliable
I found the GO train to be pretty reliable when I was commuting on it. More often than not if there were problems, they'd be on the way home. Which still sucked but at least it was off the clock
I like the idea of it. Traffic during ideal weather conditions is tolerable most days. Throw in some snow, rain or ice or poorly maintained tractor trailer that jack knifes and everything in the next 20 kilometre radius is parked or worse.

Feasibility study? We can’t build subways that are efficient and effective let alone live transit lanes. EV break down and fire in the tunnel? Access to deal with that little inconvenience will be fun to work around.

I can appreciate controlled transit like a subway but, I don’t see individual operated vehicles moving effectively via tunnels in a meaningful way.

We have improved work from home to reduce the need to commute and politicians and businesses are trying to mandate returning back to the work place.

Just build dedicated lanes for Amazon delivery trucks and we can reduce the need to travel even more! Jokes folks, jokes!
I like the idea of it. Traffic during ideal weather conditions is tolerable most days. Throw in some snow, rain or ice or poorly maintained tractor trailer that jack knifes and everything in the next 20 kilometre radius is parked or worse.

Feasibility study? We can’t build subways that are efficient and effective let alone live transit lanes. EV break down and fire in the tunnel? Access to deal with that little inconvenience will be fun to work around.

I can appreciate controlled transit like a subway but, I don’t see individual operated vehicles moving effectively via tunnels in a meaningful way.

We have improved work from home to reduce the need to commute and politicians and businesses are trying to mandate returning back to the work place.

Just build dedicated lanes for Amazon delivery trucks and we can reduce the need to travel even more! Jokes folks, jokes!
If we can afford to budget $150 MILLION on a few kilometers of bike lanes, final cost subject to extras, oversights and delays, why is a tunnel so ridiculous.
If we can afford to budget $150 MILLION on a few kilometers of bike lanes, final cost subject to extras, oversights and delays, why is a tunnel so ridiculous.
Because a tunnel would cost hundreds of billions, take decades to build, be inherently unsafe and not do anything to improve the flow of traffic ?
Something I don't understand in Canada, or maybe Toronto, why do tunnels always follow surface routes?
They have option to create a wholely new path, why no something with least resistance, but instead they want to follow the same route already congested?
For example in Europe the subway tunnels zig zag all over the place.
Who knows mabye they do follow the surface routes I'm just not aware of it.
Because a tunnel would cost hundreds of billions, take decades to build, be inherently unsafe and not do anything to improve the flow of traffic ?
By the time metrolinx is done with the few km of bike lanes, that comment may also apply. Sadly, every government agency has completely separated from reality with respect to budgets.
We have improved work from home to reduce the need to commute and politicians and businesses are trying to mandate returning back to the work place.
We have the technology, we don’t have the other things necessary to maintain the productivity. Some work needs an office environment and some workers need direct supervision.

If WFH worked as well as workers claim it does, employers would gladly save the cost of office space.
Because a tunnel would cost hundreds of billions, take decades to build, be inherently unsafe and not do anything to improve the flow of traffic ?
I was being sarcastic with regards to politicians finding 150 million to pander to a few cyclists. If the amount per pandered person was the same for drivers a tunnel might be feasible.

Of course the numbers are as solid as jello.

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