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Did you exercise today?

Trying to decide what the best approach is for me, I like to train weights once a week, this way im not spending every moment in the gym and this makes it hard to overtrain as well, but im trying to decide if I should do upper and lower body the same day?
Or alternate upper and lower body every week?
Or maybe alternate between a hard upper body and easy lower body day and vice versa the next week?
Trying to decide what the best approach is for me, I like to train weights once a week, this way im not spending every moment in the gym and this makes it hard to overtrain as well, but im trying to decide if I should do upper and lower body the same day?
Or alternate upper and lower body every week?
Or maybe alternate between a hard upper body and easy lower body day and vice versa the next week?
If you’re only doing once per year (edit: week) I would find some compound / full body exercises and be done with it.
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Trying to decide what the best approach is for me, I like to train weights once a week, this way im not spending every moment in the gym and this makes it hard to overtrain as well, but im trying to decide if I should do upper and lower body the same day?
Or alternate upper and lower body every week?
Or maybe alternate between a hard upper body and easy lower body day and vice versa the next week?
This will help hit everything in one session
More core work, shoulders were also being weak so did some deltoid work today
Lots of weights and cardio today, noticed after a decent cardio session my skin starts “glowing”
Just finished up shoulders and legs.

Tried a 'fuller' squat with lower weights today (12x3x144lbs) and wow...those old knees are creaking like a mofo on the way up!

But felt good.

Although may be selling my plyobox as my knees don't like it much...
Nice workout today. Chest and triceps.

Also, Kids went ape $hit so I ended up riding some trails with my eldest at Erindale Park….the route by the river is closed as water did some major damage during the last few storms.

Also saw where the little kid drowned a few weeks ago and a memorial was set up. My kid wanted to see it.

Fun walking 2 bikes out of the park…burned most calories in that way.
did a bunch of core and hyper extensions, as well as some leg work
I was feeling left out of this thread. Went for a lake swim with my wife yesterday. 800m in less than 20 minutes. Meh. Way off my old pace but I haven't been swimming any distance in many years.

Also did 100m of monofin. So fast and so fun but man does it ever kick your ass (blade on that one is 28"x18"). I cramp up really quickly when using it.
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Today was leg day, in addition did a little bit of upper body and a bunch of cardio
I exercise every day... unfortunately, it's part of my job...
For those that don't know, I'm a postie in Guelph.
I average 29K-34K steps a day - 24-28km or so. Carrying up to 35 pounds, doing tons of stairs and hills. Most people think that we leave the depot with our mail bags full, and that's it for the day. Well, I usually reload an average of 9-12 times a day depending on junk mail volumes.

To be honest, I have zero energy left to even contemplate going to the gym. I do some light upper torso weights a few times a week to help balance the lower/upper muscle strength a bit.

I took a day off on Tuesday and went to a private track day in Grand Bend. Really pushed the pace following Smergy around... I was completely done at the end of the day. Could barely stand after unloading the trailer. Still feeling the muscle soreness today (after a gong-show at the depot yesterday).

@bigpoppa When you coming back on track again?!?!
Another core day in the books
Neck has been acting funny, so didn’t push much, got in some solid hyperextensions, as well as some mild shoulder work today
Feels good getting into it. Shoulders have been getting a good workout with the brick pointing work, but the rest is still in need of some work.

Now if I could get my *** and do some proper stretching, and stop the eating when bored...I'd be skinny in a heartbeat!

But those chocolates, fresh bread, crunchy chips and delicious beers aren't going to eat/drink themselves.
I must have pinched a nerve or something in my neck/upper back, so I’ve been taking it easy, it’s starting to recover a bit, but still did some hyperextensions today.

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