
people putting food out for what they think are stray cats, end up feeding Opposums , racoons and coyotes. Bird feeder droppings and food waste from compost buckets . Scavengers find a way.
Have more issues with the rodents that those kind souls help propagate myself.
There's a long, fancy word for treating dogs like humans, and it's called anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism is defined as the “attribution of human traits, emotions, and intentions to non-human entities and is considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology” (Oxford Dictionary, 1885).

A good read:
The dog and me were on our daily evening walk.. got to the spot that I usually let her off to run around a little clearing with a buddy's male pitbull.. As she's doing her thing, waiting on my buddy and his dog.. I hear some panicked shouting.. and eventually see a guy with a medium sized dog hurrying down the trail. I called out to him.. he's freaking out, yelling that there's coyotes chasing him.. I told him to come over to me.. I walked towards him.. Yep 2 coyotes not far behind him and I hear movement to the side of us... see a shadow. My dog is across the clearing.. coming towards us.. she hasn't seen the coyotes yet. I told the guy to put his dog between legs.. As mine is getting near she sees the two on the other side of us.. head goes down.. picks up speed.. almost to us.. suddenly changes direction into the bush.. Hear some crashing around in the bushes.. a yip then a yelp.. the two were just going into the bush.. as mine comes charging out at them.. they scatter.. mine ran at them for a bit, turned and came back to us.. the two came back.. she charged back at them.. chased them around a little... even rolled over and laid on her back infront of them at one point. Eventually I called her in.. was putting her on lead as I hear my buddy yell out "here he comes".. and his goes ripping by us at full charge.. spends a minute or two chasing them around before coming back to us. I check mine out.. she's good, just a little blood in her mouth and some brush scrapes. Mine and buddy's played around in the clearing for a bit. The other guy and his dog stayed with us.. we didn't see the coyotes again while there. The guy and his dog walked out with my buddy and his when we all left.. I went the opposite way. A short time later.. mine gets alerted to something behind us.. and there's the 3 coyotes aways back staring at us.. She starts walking towards them.. and they move away. We kept going.. they followed.. looked back again and they were gone.
even rolled over and laid on her back infront of them at one point.

Why would she submit like that, I wonder?

Did you buddy's pitbull not want to tear into the coyotes? I was always under the impression that pitties had high prey drive...?
Why would she submit like that, I wonder?

Did you buddy's pitbull not want to tear into the coyotes? I was always under the impression that pitties had high prey drive...?

She's not submitting... It's a trick.. a baiting or taunting type thing she does.
He would if he had a chance.. but he's not catching one of them on his own. Those things can move..
Both dogs are similar breeds.. have high drive and game.
New tactic has been discovered in western Canada , single coyote approaches house and “plays” with outside house dog , house dog eventually follows coyote into the tree line where his/her buddies eat the house dog . They are opportunistic predators.

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A few years ago when we still had deer around here, I watched a lame deer emerge from the bush and hide in the neighbour's driveway across the road, between a truck and the bordering hedge. It was dragging a hind leg, as the tendon had been severed at the knee. I called the neighbour (an avid hunter) and suggested he put it out of its misery and stock the freezer. He foolishly barged out and scared it back into the bush. I had to go out for a bit. When I got back in an hour or two, I asked if he got it. He said the coyotes got it. I walked 30 feet into the forest and saw a trampled patch of snow covered in blood. There was nothing at all left except a few tufts of fur.
New tactic has been discovered in western Canada , single coyote approaches house and “plays” with outside house dog , house dog eventually follows coyote into the tree line where his/her buddies eat the house dog . They are opportunistic predators.

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I'd be worried about that in a rural setting.. or with higher numbers. 3-4 city coyotes aren't getting my dog.
I'd be worried about that in a rural setting.. or with higher numbers. 3-4 city coyotes aren't getting my dog.
I saw this yesterday along the local stream. Much bigger than the normal ones.

I think a cane smack would scare off the normal ones but this would need a baseball bat
I saw this yesterday along the local stream. Much bigger than the normal ones.

I think a cane smack would scare off the normal ones but this would need a baseball bat
View attachment 71690
I don’t think that’s a coyote, it looks like one of the hybrids you occasionally see. Coyotes have narrow snouts and don’t have thick chests or stout legs.

Not too often are these spotted south of hwy 9.
I don’t think that’s a coyote, it looks like one of the hybrids you occasionally see. Coyotes have narrow snouts and don’t have thick chests or stout legs.

Not too often are these spotted south of hwy 9.
My thought are "How many were in the litter and are they nearby?"
My neighbour recently stopped by looking for her missing house cat that likes to go out on her patio in the morning.

We back on to a Taylor Creek in East York and have always enjoyed the wildlife and see them crossing our backyard on their circuit at dawn and in the evening. We have had a deer, Fox, Raccoons and hawks that frequent our property.
My neighbour recently stopped by looking for her missing house cat that likes to go out on her patio in the morning.

We back on to a Taylor Creek in East York and have always enjoyed the wildlife and see them crossing our backyard on their circuit at dawn and in the evening. We have had a deer, Fox, Raccoons and hawks that frequent our property.

We walk the same trails the coyotes travel in our area.. and we regularly find cat heads..
I've seen posters for 2 of the cats that we found the heads of... I did reach out to the 1 guy and let him know.. the other poster that I know one of the heads we found belongs to.. was made by kids.. I haven't had the heart to say anything.. yet.
We walk the same trails the coyotes travel in our area.. and we regularly find cat heads..
I've seen posters for 2 of the cats that we found the heads of... I did reach out to the 1 guy and let him know.. the other poster that I know one of the heads we found belongs to.. was made by kids.. I haven't had the heart to say anything.. yet.
Coyotes aren’t usually interested in cats or raccoons — they aren’t on their normal menu because coyotes don’t like prey that fights. Our 14 year old 9lb cat chases coyotes and foxes that step into his turf.

Indoor cats and small dogs are a different story, they lack defensive skills and coyotes will take them.
We’ve got 2 or 3 coyotes that come by at night and howl and yap not far away. Either at a dog, or a food source gone dry.

Loud AF, and I have a video from a neighbour where someone shot off something at them. Scared them off…until the next night.

Love waking up at 3-4am to them howling 100m away.

They look similar to the one in the pic by @nobbie48
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