Covid economy non real estate

If booking a truck has been impossible for shipping ( yes it has) parking trains will really make things better , oy vey......
The amount of meetings we had since last night has been…tiring
The amount of meetings we had since last night has been…tiring
What happens to things on trains already? Management drives them and you get it but it's late? They park them in IM yards and you get trucks to grab your stuff? Somehow you convince CP to give your cars to CN to deliver?
What happens to things on trains already? Management drives them and you get it but it's late? They park them in IM yards and you get trucks to grab your stuff? Somehow you convince CP to give your cars to CN to deliver?
Good question. Not involved with that side of things.

I suspect very little will move/be offloaded anywhere and it’s just going to sit
Last strike things ground to a halt on rail . If you had product in a siding you may get it offloaded . I don’t know if supervisors or managers can run a train?

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Last strike things ground to a halt on rail . If you had product in a siding you may get it offloaded . I don’t know if supervisors or managers can run a train?

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CN used to require office staff to be trained on train operations for these situations. They could deploy them to get trains moving. Seems slightly unwise to try to continue to operate with capacity but you could get product from trains to customers.
FML...MIL wants to go to Poland this summer as she went last year for a bit but too short.

Last year flight to Warsaw - $1100
3 weeks ago - $1800
Today - $2000

FML....I promised I'd pay her flight.

When looking at rates, clear your cookies and use incognito mode. They track that stuff and keep increasing the rate you see the more times you request a ticket price.
On that note, VPN into poland and see what the rates look like if you were buying from that side. The numbers may be different.
Yes...typically MUCH higher.

try Google Flights
I need to use the Polish airline LOT because when COVID hit we cancelled our flights, and got vouchers that are valid until the end of this year. I think I've got about $800 left or so...need to confirm.
FML...MIL wants to go to Poland this summer as she went last year for a bit but too short.

Last year flight to Warsaw - $1100
3 weeks ago - $1800
Today - $2000

FML....I promised I'd pay her flight.
It's no wonder -- Poland is a very popular destination these days, over 2m visitors there now.

I just bought 4 tickets from Toronto to Waikiki for $675each on Westjet.
F’in ballers in this thread!

(….did I use that right?)


F-n Obama in this thread...
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