Covid economy non real estate

Dad emailed some dude on Kijiji for a $75 metal bender.

- would you take $50?
- no. I’ve had 2 offers now so it means it’s in demand. Price just went to $100
- thanks but no thanks
To be fair.... selling stuff on Kijiji, FBMP, etc. you get swamped with low ball offers for things that are fairly, current market, priced and in demand. I have more than once told a lowballer the price is now higher to get your exact response, or "I will now not sell it to you", or a "sure sounds good" and then I block them. At the end of the day it is the dude's bender until he sells it for what it sells for, he is not a retailer. Of course you can ignore lowballers but then people complain sellers don't respond....

At the same time I appreciate a seller that sticks to their fair price and first buyer to agree is first served. That is what I always do as a seller. Too many people just won't feel they got a deal unless they get it for less than it was listed for, I have no time for that.

I would sell it for the asking price like noted before. But why is offering 25 less any different then asking for 25 more? $25 either way....
To be fair.... selling stuff on Kijiji, FBMP, etc. you get swamped with low ball offers for things that are fairly, current market, priced and in demand. I have more than once told a lowballer the price is now higher to get your exact response, or "I will now not sell it to you", or a "sure sounds good" and then I block them. At the end of the day it is the dude's bender until he sells it for what it sells for, he is not a retailer. Of course you can ignore lowballers but then people complain sellers don't respond....

At the same time I appreciate a seller that sticks to their fair price and first buyer to agree is first served. That is what I always do as a seller. Too many people just won't feel they got a deal unless they get it for less than it was listed for, I have no time for that.

I would sell it for the asking price like noted before. But why is offering 25 less any different then asking for 25 more? $25 either way....
Agreed. He could tell me very clearly 'no, $75 is the price' and that's that. Which is totally fair.

IMO (and maybe I'm the fool) when he INCREASES the price...that to me is not really fair. But you are correct, it's his bender and he can do whatever he wants with it.

EDIT: Although looking at his response again it's pretty funny....'would you BEND over' ... for a BENDER! LOL Kinda funny.
Agreed. He could tell me very clearly 'no, $75 is the price' and that's that. Which is totally fair.

IMO (and maybe I'm the fool) when he INCREASES the price...that to me is not really fair. But you are correct, it's his bender and he can do whatever he wants with it.

EDIT: Although looking at his response again it's pretty funny....'would you BEND over' ... for a BENDER! LOL Kinda funny.
People are learning from real estate shenanigans. List a teaser price, take the best offer. Who cares how many people's time you wasted. Personally, I pick a price I am happy with. If demand is high, first one here with that amount of money gets it, the price does not go up.
Agreed. He could tell me very clearly 'no, $75 is the price' and that's that. Which is totally fair.

IMO (and maybe I'm the fool) when he INCREASES the price...that to me is not really fair. But you are correct, it's his bender and he can do whatever he wants with it.

EDIT: Although looking at his response again it's pretty funny....'would you BEND over' ... for a BENDER! LOL Kinda funny.
My B-I-L was like that. He'd be throwing something out and if someone said they could use it suddenly it had value. He'd pick it out of his garbage and want $$. Two years later he's paying to have it binned in a dumpster.

He was living at his mother's place and he was away when she asked me to clean up the garage. The first run to the town dump was his stuff.
Likely the $25 quoted premium was the penalty price to pay for the $25 lowball... I would do that depending on my mood, I really hate lowballing when a price is fair. I see a benchtop one listed for $75 on Kijiji now which is a decent price as new is north of $200 with the dies etc. If that is the one, $75 is a more than fair ask IMO. Try again from a different account and don't lowball if it is needed.

If the guy wants more than $75 (and that is the ad) he should really take the add down and put a new one with the actual ask price.... asking for more than the listed price is just as bad as lowballing a fair price....might as well list it at $1 or free (too many do this, I never buy anything from these guys).

But as I said, it is his until he sells it...
I buy and sell a lot of stuff , since we have had a lot of stuff LOL .
My take is , if I no longer need it whatever I get is found money . If it’s something that someone else needs and just can’t afford new , I’ll help them out . However 90% of the time my stuff is priced fairly IMO. If somebody asks to give me 50% , half my ask . Blow me first.
But I’ve been a sales weasel most of my adult life , you have to try to offend me .

My bigger issue is reading comprehension, that includes here . If my ad says ‘ will be up till sold ‘ don’t ask is it available. If I say red Honda Civic , 4 cyl motor , don’t ask what Color it is , or if it’s a 4 cyl motor . So much stupid in the world

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I once called a guy selling tires on Kijiji. While the phone rang I was tabbed out working on a spreadsheet and he picked up asking “hi what size tires did you want?” I was trying to tab back to reference the size while saying “umm the ones you have listed for BMW X5, p zero staggered setup, just one second.”

He yells at me “I asked you what size” and slammed the phone down on me. I spent a good 5 minutes trying to decide to troll him or not.
I once called a guy selling tires on Kijiji. While the phone rang I was tabbed out working on a spreadsheet and he picked up asking “hi what size tires did you want?” I was trying to tab back to reference the size while saying “umm the ones you have listed for BMW X5, p zero staggered setup, just one second.”

He yells at me “I asked you what size” and slammed the phone down on me. I spent a good 5 minutes trying to decide to troll him or not.
Some of those kijiji ad farms are nuts. I bought my last gdo from a company with >600 ads up. Many for the same product with different prices. Basically they have an employee working full-time churning ads and nobody really knows what any of them say.
Some of those kijiji ad farms are nuts. I bought my last gdo from a company with >600 ads up. Many for the same product with different prices. Basically they have an employee working full-time churning ads and nobody really knows what any of them say.

I worked for a company that this for brands like Siemens, used, using eBay kijiji Craigslist etc. It was a horrible existence
A girl at work was going to scrap her car - a 2007 Hyundai Accent, rough shape, needs a LOT of engine/transmission work, brakes shot, 220,000kms.
I posted a couple pics on Kijiji this morning and had it sold and picked up for $1,000 by 1:00. Buyer drove from Brampton.
I probably had about 25 inquiries by the time I pulled the ad down.
A girl at work was going to scrap her car - a 2007 Hyundai Accent, rough shape, needs a LOT of engine/transmission work, brakes shot, 220,000kms.
I posted a couple pics on Kijiji this morning and had it sold and picked up for $1,000 by 1:00. Buyer drove from Brampton.
I probably had about 25 inquiries by the time I pulled the ad down.
We see it with bikes all the time. Price it right, and it'll be gone in an instant.

Honestly I'm not sure how tf you guys get these so quickly. I'm sure you have alerts set up for magic keywords.
We see it with bikes all the time. Price it right, and it'll be gone in an instant.

Honestly I'm not sure how tf you guys get these so quickly. I'm sure you have alerts set up for magic keywords.

In my opinion it was a scrap car but I posted it for her just to see what would happen. She’s happy and she gave me a ‘commission’ so I’m happy.
Still can’t believe someone spent money on that POS….
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