Covid economy non real estate


List for $2,000,000
List for $2,600,000 a day or two later
Sold conditional
List for $2,588,000

crap..:just realized I put this in the wrong thread.

Sorry everyone
That’s good and sad , 26” sander is a lovely thing to own. But if you don’t need it …

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Guy that bought it is shipping it straight to Jamaica to his brother that has a wood shop down there.
Car part prices went through the roof 😒
I may or may not have recently pretended to be a mechanic to save about $400 on my truck brake job, calling the parts supplier saying "this is xxxx from shop xxxxx...I'd like to pick up these parts on our account but will be coming in to pick up and pay" It may or may not have been the first time this has worked either :censored: Crazy mark up from what a mechanic pays to what a customer of said mechanic pays on parts....if you can do the work yourself. Still cost close to a grand for top quality F150 brakes at discounted rate.
Dad emailed some dude on Kijiji for a $75 metal bender.

- would you take $50?
- no. I’ve had 2 offers now so it means it’s in demand. Price just went to $100
- thanks but no thanks
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