Covid economy non real estate

I have no problem doing that. It causes anger. It's like religion. They have chosen how to raise their spawn and anyone questioning their methods is attacking their core values (of me first, f everybody else).

Oh ****. COVID + anti social + poor parenting.

Gonna be fun times later!
We have exited friendships over children and parental views .
I will not impart my opinions on you or my guidance on your kids .
We also aren’t hanging out anymore.

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Also reasonable. My issues are with family so not worth that level of destruction. If their kids are beings pricks to each other or destroying the inlaws house, I stay out of it. Start wrecking my stuff or involving my family and I will intervene.
Really a pathetic way of living life if you're worried what others think and trying to live up to their standards

All in balance.

This opens up a really interesting topic though: take that statement too far and you are crazy. Normal is societal after all. Also, psychopathy lol

We're all (ex)riders here though, so I'm sure we all have quite a bit of not giving a **** considering the statistics and how most view riders.
My wife works with a couple South Asian women that will never let their kids , daughters especially set foot in India until the kids are old enough to decide if they wish to travel on their own. The culture and values of Northern Indians is very difficult for westerners to understand let alone accept as normal , in our views .

I'm also really surprised at the racism ( is that the right word) that travels to the Americas with the leftover caste system. Wrong last names are treated differently even here .
Wouldn't more ppl tell the parents off though?

I don't go out enough so I wouldn't know lol
Maybe get out of your mom's basement now and again.
I stand by my statement. Any half wit can see the parents not controlling the kid and know the kid's likely to turn out a brat.
Maybe get out of your mom's basement now and again.
I stand by my statement. Any half wit can see the parents not controlling the kid and know the kid's likely to turn out a brat.

I still turned out lookoo ><

Teenager me thought I should rebel against the controlling parents
Maybe get out of your mom's basement now and again.
I stand by my statement. Any half wit can see the parents not controlling the kid and know the kid's likely to turn out a brat.

Boomer detected ;)
He said you can spot the parents not that the parents are self-aware nor decide to raise kids that care about others.

When my nephew was coloring on our couch with a pen his parents response was "Don't say no to our kid. Why are you concerned? The tip isn't out". F me. Like the child checked that. Dumb luck and the future is not bright for the kid.
Friends in for a visit and their three year old decides to bounce the TV remote off the floor. "Now Amy, that isn't nice and they hand it back to her. Kid does it again. "Now Amy..."

That was 20 years ago and we haven't seen them since. Hoping for another 20 years.

However if the slightest scratch or bump on his stuff happens he goes ape.

House proofing your house against an unknown isn't easy. Why not house proof the kids?
How much fear is coming from the manufacturers? If people tighten their belts maybe they will stop buying some frills. Compare our spending to that of our grandparents. Dining out, snacks, lattes, cable, destination weddings, cruises, vacations, paying more for the label than the clothes, prepared foods etc. Not all of that spending is reversible.

If you looked at some grocery carts it's not hard to see where the shopper coud save fifty dollars or more by drinking water and eating popcorn instead of brand name drinks and potato chips. Stop feeding your kids breakfast candy at $7 a pound. That's money the stores don't want to lose.

Loblaws vs Frito Lays
Cousin was looking for a door for his house 2-3 months ago. Went back today and the same door is $300 more.

Asked his electrician about some additional work at his house. “Sure I’ll give you a quote but it’s only valid for 2 weeks…any longer and I adjust because prices are so wild.”

Maybe my 250-300k addition isn’t that far out of whack…maybe I’m out of whack.
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