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Exactly what is you point . They are doing a better job then Canada .

Depends on what you’re looking at...stress on healthcare system? No..they aren’t doing better. Surviveability..yes it appears so. Infection they aren’t doing better. Effect on other hospital operations...probably not.
Entitled piece of ****....medical exemption my ass. You’re just a piece of **** human.

@nobbie48 i think @pfbmgd is talking about the ‘loss’ of jobs that won’t exist in the magical future of the pipeline cancellation. I’ve read people complain ‘thousands of jobs gone with the swipe of a pen’.
How many jobs?
Where are those jobs?
for how long?

Lots of jobs in the growing green energy market, but oil jobs are the most important.
Re: The medical exemption lady.

The leadership we are seeing on this is pathetic from the top down.

To park in a handicap parking spot you have to show a permit. It doesn't list your conditions.

She obviously has no shortness of breath as she blathers on so the problem could be psychological. If so all she has to do is show a card. It doesn't have to divulge any information. It should be photo I.D.

I know a lady that was once strangled and gets anxious about things around her neck. OK understood. I know a lot more people that just have attitude and should have things wrapped around their necks.

If she is faking it, bought a fake one or a doctor is throwing out exemption cards like they're confetti everyone in the chain should be criminally charged with everything that could be thrown at them. Five figure fines, another five figures for legal fees and a jail sentence would show we mean business.

Yes it will take a lot of resources for the first few cases but once those ones spend a few days in the slammer and remortgage their houses, sell their cars to pay the bills it would reduce the number of copy cats.

Kudos to the 17 YO.
Re: The medical exemption lady.

The leadership we are seeing on this is pathetic from the top down.

To park in a handicap parking spot you have to show a permit. It doesn't list your conditions.

She obviously has no shortness of breath as she blathers on so the problem could be psychological. If so all she has to do is show a card. It doesn't have to divulge any information. It should be photo I.D.

I know a lady that was once strangled and gets anxious about things around her neck. OK understood. I know a lot more people that just have attitude and should have things wrapped around their necks.

If she is faking it, bought a fake one or a doctor is throwing out exemption cards like they're confetti everyone in the chain should be criminally charged with everything that could be thrown at them. Five figure fines, another five figures for legal fees and a jail sentence would show we mean business.

Yes it will take a lot of resources for the first few cases but once those ones spend a few days in the slammer and remortgage their houses, sell their cars to pay the bills it would reduce the number of copy cats.

Kudos to the 17 YO.

They should do what they do in Sydenham, just outside Kingston. Medical exemption? No problem....curbside pickup for you but don’t come in the store.
We just launched a rocket using a biofuel. Groundbreaking biofuel rocket could be 'Uber for space' Groundbreaking biofuel rocket could be 'Uber for space'

Probably not any cleaner in terms of gasses evolved but the process to manufacture is likely less toxic and it is renewable.
Not really. My brother grows corn, the diesel and petroleum chemicals used to grow the corn represent over half the grower inputs. Then add fuels used to move the raw and finished materials by trucking.

Bio fuels reduce dependence on natural resources, they do less than zero with respect to climate change.
So the mandatory quarantine plan isn't going well. They don't have enough people to run it and are hiring for three month contract positions.

It would be nice if the people that lost their jobs due to the actions of the anti-maskers, border hoppers and crowd lovers get the jobs and get to judge what roach motel the aforementioned self entitled twits get to stay in.
So the lockdowns the IOM had did nothing?

I want you to say it so I can quote you often.
Locking down 84 thousand people on an island is much easier then 36 million people in the second largest country in the world .
Funny thing is Covid is not in the news much these days. Big news running cover for the left
^ What news are you not watching?

As of right now ... Headline at the top ... vaccine tracker ... interactive case map ... variant tracker ... lead story about vaccine procurement.

As of right now ... Covid-19 tracker and vaccine tracker up top ... Lead story "What it's like to stay in a quarantine hotel"

The lead page is on other news items but that's because right in the selection menu at the top ... "Coronavirus" has its own entire news section.

I'd say it's still very much in the news.
I heard (via a different news source - yesterday) that Fox has dumped the Lou Dobbs show but is still paying him (presumably to avoid having him go to another network *cough* Newsmax - or OAN).

Wonder why that might be?

Maybe being named specifically in a $2.7B lawsuit for spouting election lies, and yes, that's a B, might have something to do with it?
I heard (via a different news source - yesterday) that Fox has dumped the Lou Dobbs show but is still paying him (presumably to avoid having him go to another network *cough* Newsmax - or OAN).

Wonder why that might be?

Maybe being named specifically in a $2.7B lawsuit for spouting election lies, and yes, that's a B, might have something to do with it?

They are distancing themselves now from the bouncing-off-the-rev-limiter stuff on the advice of their lawyers. Saw a clip yesterday of one anchor getting up from his seat and walking off in the middle of a we're-going-to-release-the-evidence Zoom rant by the My Pillow crack head.
I don’t get my news from tv, I’m to busy.

Just never see it pushed on my cellphone news feeds

Your cellphone news feed is personalised to you depending on your previous history of viewing items that they presented to you. If you never view anything related to coronavirus, they'll reduce the frequency of presenting articles on that subject matter to you.

All this means, is that you're never reading the articles on that subject matter when they do present them to you.
They are distancing themselves now from the bouncing-off-the-rev-limiter stuff on the advice of their lawyers. Saw a clip yesterday of one anchor getting up from his seat and walking off in the middle of a we're-going-to-release-the-evidence Zoom rant by the My Pillow crack head.
That was hilarious.
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