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So we build a pipeline that we won't need in another 30 years? Forward thinking gone.
Why won't we need that pipeline? You think we're going to have planes, trains, ships, boats, running without petro fuels? How about lubricants, plastics, plastics, solvents and the myriad of chemicals that are used to make everyday stuff.

Pipelines can also be repurposed. By the time we burn off all that fuel, the US will heat up and could be very hot and dry. We could then transition over to water!

Not to mention the jobs that support the workers . said lost jobs as in it’s happened now. It’s not though has it. Those are projections. So..under Biden's presidency it is not true that thousands of jobs have been lost. By that metric you’re also going to have to add the thousands that have been gained due to an enhanced vaccination policy.
Trains running 24/7/365 days a year polluting . Full one way empty the other .
Look back at the EPA studies on the pipeline... they cam back 5 times with findings that it was the safest and cleanest transportation method by a pretty large margin. Obama kept kicking the can down the road, asking for study redos... it's not always possible to arm-twist scientists into meeting political interests.

Killing the pipeline was simple political pandering to a big money Democratic lobby. Not good economic policy, not based on science.
Why won't we need that pipeline? You think we're going to have planes, trains, ships, boats, running without petro fuels? How about lubricants, plastics, plastics, solvents and the myriad of chemicals that are used to make everyday stuff.

Pipelines can also be repurposed. By the time we burn off all that fuel, the US will heat up and could be very hot and dry. We could then transition over to water!

We just launched a rocket using a biofuel. Groundbreaking biofuel rocket could be 'Uber for space' Groundbreaking biofuel rocket could be 'Uber for space'

Probably not any cleaner in terms of gasses evolved but the process to manufacture is likely less toxic and it is renewable.
Look back at the EPA studies on the pipeline... they cam back 5 times with findings that it was the safest and cleanest transportation method by a pretty large margin. Obama kept kicking the can down the road, asking for study redos... it's not always possible to arm-twist scientists into meeting political interests.

Killing the pipeline was simple political pandering to a big money Democratic lobby. Not good economic policy, not based on science.

I should really do multiquote...

Its not just the’s what it carries. It is by far the dirtiest oil source in the world. From the method of getting it out the ground to refining it.
Yup. We have a very clear picture of what’s happening when the blind lead the blind.

sure everything is in shambles, but we wagged our fingers at the trouble makers....that’ll teach em.
People keep voting them in . Common sense does not prevail . Just look at this forum .

Woke does not work . It will be the failing of our free society .
People keep voting them in . Common sense does not prevail . Just look at this forum .

Woke does not work . It will be the failing of our free society .
I’m sure as **** not voting them back in. But the opposition isn’t filling me with confidence at this stage.

JT will open up the $ taps come election time and will probably win a majority.
I’m sure as **** not voting them back in. But the opposition isn’t filling me with confidence at this stage.

JT will open up the $ taps come election time and will probably win a majority.
When your baseline is the ice bucket challenge, how much further can he open the taps? Maybe use the output from the pickering nukes to drive pumps to pick up the pace.
I’m sure as **** not voting them back in. But the opposition isn’t filling me with confidence at this stage.

JT will open up the $ taps come election time and will probably win a majority.
The CPC is a lost party . They are no different then the Liberals . For the first time I can truly say who ever gets in we all lose . Well except the Liberal insiders .
When your baseline is the ice bucket challenge, how much further can he open the taps? Maybe use the output from the pickering nukes to drive pumps to pick up the pace.
Remember "the budget will balance it's self " .
Stats are always interesting...look at this...

Mortality Analyses - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (

You can't interpret this in a simplistic way but it's interesting, and appalling too. Look at where the UK and Canada and the US are respectively. Interesting isn't it? Also this is mortality...not necessarily a measure of how blocked up hospitals are and thus how much of an effect on other patients is present.

Edit: Correct me if I'm wrong but one takeaway from this might be that if you do catch would be better to not catch it in Mexico.
Why won't we need that pipeline? You think we're going to have planes, trains, ships, boats, running without petro fuels? How about lubricants, plastics, plastics, solvents and the myriad of chemicals that are used to make everyday stuff.

Pipelines can also be repurposed. By the time we burn off all that fuel, the US will heat up and could be very hot and dry. We could then transition over to water!
Same old tired rhetoric. We covered this all off in the Trash Talk thread, no need to repeat it all, you can find it there.

So here are the Coles notes:
Keystone XL was intended to ship heavy sour crude to refineries tooled to refine heavy sour crude mostly from Venezuela. For obvious reasons getting that is an issue today. That will not always be the case and the day it is not they will favour Venezuelan crude also for very obvious reasons.

The US does not currently need this oil either way. It was doomed from the get-go business case wise (why Alberta had to dump $Bs tax payers money into it). Should have never been started but I would have finished it at this point. Harper and Kenney had 10 years to get it done. Trump got it back rolling but in four years could not get it completed. If the US had a big need this would not have been the case for all the above.

Crude pipelines provide almost zero benefit to the communities they pass through as they cannot be locally accessed for local benefit like Natural Gas, Hydro, Rail, Roads.... All risk for the areas along the route, all benefits for the two ends. Anther reason they are hard to get built at this scale.

BTW, there is technology to create hydrocarbons from the CO2 in the air, that is available today just not scale-able yet. Many of the things you list do not actually require crude oil and/or will at a much lower volume in the future.

Once completed the jobs to build it would have all been gone....

Now you want to ship our fresh water to the US?
Stats are always interesting...look at this...

Mortality Analyses - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (

You can't interpret this in a simplistic way but it's interesting, and appalling too. Look at where the UK and Canada and the US are respectively. Interesting isn't it? Also this is mortality...not necessarily a measure of how blocked up hospitals are and thus how much of an effect on other patients is present.

Edit: Correct me if I'm wrong but one takeaway from this might be that if you do catch would be better to not catch it in Mexico.
Funny how may laugh at the US. Yet they have a lower death rate then Canada .
Funny how may laugh at the US. Yet they have a lower death rate then Canada .

sigh....told you not to think of things in simplistic terms. These stats don’t show how many hospital beds are tied up with patients that survive or the infection rate generally.
sigh....told you not to think of things in simplistic terms. These stats don’t show how many hospital beds are tied up with patients that survive or the infection rate generally.

Who cares infection count . It is the death rate that counts . It shows the US is doing something right . Their death rate is lower then ours .

no it shows the population that is infected has access to technologically advanced healthcare and newer expensive therapies
no it shows the population that is infected has access to technologically advanced healthcare and newer expensive therapies
Exactly what is you point . They are doing a better job then Canada .
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