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I’d like to hope you’re right. But that means the opposition has to put up strong candidates.

Doug will start throwing carrots come closer to election time. Tax breaks, rebates, money for support and all that good stuff that will make people (a lot of them) forget the guffaws.

Who would you vote for provincial Steven Del duca or Andrea Horwath to get rid of Ford ? Del duca is a left over from the old liberal corrupt machine . Horwath was past her due date many years . All three parties we lose .
Doug will have to really trip over his wiener a few times before this becomes an election looser. The stink from the provincial liberals and the goofyness of the NDP will hang in the air for quite some time.

The do as I say , not as i do has existed for ever, there will be two dozen more MLA's MPP's MP's put on the grill in the next week. Lots of them holidayed because they always do, they just haven't hit the radar yet, many will skate by un seen. A small potato MP wont be missed at the office.

To be honest I feel better about an MP that went to Hawaii , isolated for 14 days when coming home than Fred across the street that had 3 kids and 9 grandkids from all over in at C'mas and then had 8 friends in for a New years drink. There are as many morons in the private sector as the public.
And again, while not condoning their action most of these MLAs, MPPs and MPs did not break a single law, they did something totally legal....travelling. It was stupid, yes....

It is a leadership problem at all levels federally and in all provinces, full stop.
It was the usual do as I say not as I do. Doesn't have to be a law for it to be the wrong action.
Who would you vote for provincial Steven Del duca or Andrea Horwath to get rid of Ford ? Del duca is a left over from the old liberal corrupt machine . Horwath was past her due date many years . All three parties we lose .
Agreed. There is no good option right now in my opinion.
It was the usual do as I say not as I do. Doesn't have to be a law for it to be the wrong action.
The optics of it are horrible...especially the hospital CEO! But law....I don’t think any laws were broken.
And if our "leaders" tell us to adhere to tougher guidelines for lockdown,how is the population going to react? Chaos!
Tougher guidelines for lockdown would be; If you feel sick or have been in contact with somebody that is symptomatic, stay home.
If you plan to vacation travel out of your country right now :/ r u freakin nuts, we are in the midst of a global pandemic.

Then you can sit back and watch the chaos.
The biggest change to tougher lockdown that comes to mind for me is the bigbox stores.
I think if we locked down the big box stores, or take example from other areas and block off the non essentials items (clothes, jewelry, etc) then you’d see a bigger shift and people may actually take it more seriously.

Now...crap I need a video to Walmart for me.
Sadly very few professional contracts for executives contain a behaviour clause , unlike atheletes where stupid judgement happens A LOT, CEO's are generally smarter.

These politicians getting hand slaps are the result of political landscape, not illegal actions. Some lambs need to be slaughtered to save the rest of the flock.
Don't worry, the lambs are still healthy wealthy and wise
and they still go by the name doctor, they won't be experiencing a gap in income.
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