Try a parrot for an avatar. You may have more favourable results.
You can have people do 3 or 6 month stints just like on oil rigs
They seniors are locked up right now . They get no visitors . What would be the difference . Their care givers are the ones bringing in the VID . Just like the NHL closed the players in . Do the same for old age homes . We know where the deaths are happening . Yet people make excuses rather then implementing a fix .With all due respect, I'm not sure you really understand how nursing homes work, and it's a big apples and oranges comparison regardless.
Your oil rig analogy of having people willingly stay for long periods is because they throw insane money at them. Sure, I'm sure you could get nursing home staff to do the same thing.
The oil itself however isn't a living breathing person with family and emotional needs like the people who live in nursing homes are, however. You can't just put them all in a biodome type thing and put a padlock on the doors and say "We'll see you in a few years" and walk away.
They are already in the camps . No visitors from family not allowed to eat together most told to stay in their rooms . Ya that is so much better then your COVID camp .What is next, COVID-19 concentration camps for the elderly and at risk people?
Just a bad flu /s.....
They seniors are locked up right now . They get no visitors . What would be the difference . Their care givers are the ones bringing in the VID . Just like the NHL closed the players in . Do the same for old age homes . We know where the deaths are happening . Yet people make excuses rather then implementing a fix .
No visitors from family
not allowed to eat together
most told to stay in their rooms .
Stopped in at Best Buy on the way home to pick up a preordered item. Explorer with Michigan plates parked out front waiting for someone shopping inside. I don't know which is worse, the plague rats ignoring essential travel only and/or quarantine, or our toothless government not enforcing it.
I know that if the pressure on an air compressor drops too low the tool stops working and just hisses, not enough air to overcome basic friction of the tool.I don't know what happens if you ask too much of the oxygen supply. Does it fail gracefully or *&^^ the bed? Presumably they installed something good for xxx cfm and needed more than that. I have no idea what safety factor the suppliers install on pressure/temperature regulation. On a normal day, the heat exchanger on a hospital oxygen supply is a huge block of ice so presumably if you applied external heat to it, you could increase capacity, but safely heating a giant oxygen supply is risky business.
It sounds like nobody in EgyptIn an ICU with an oxygen insufficiency do they go triage and cull the weakest? Who makes that decision?
Why is BB open for shopping indoor? They’re definitely not selling food or essential. Last I went to the North Queen one it was shut right with only curbside.Stopped in at Best Buy on the way home to pick up a preordered item. Explorer with Michigan plates parked out front waiting for someone shopping inside. I don't know which is worse, the plague rats ignoring essential travel only and/or quarantine, or our toothless government not enforcing it.
I thought technology was essential as everybody is working/learning remotely? Although even if that is true, curbside is a reasonable compromise.Why is BB open for shopping indoor? They’re definitely not selling food or essential. Last I went to the North Queen one it was shut right with only curbside.
Visitors are allowed in nursing homes right now, with appropriate diligence (testing confirming a negative result in the last x number of days and multiple levels of PPE) that basically eliminates all risk. My wife just visited her grandmother 3 nights ago.
Do you actually fact check anything before posting it here?
And again, your "fix" is inhumane and entirely unrealistic. By your logic they're already "locked up" so none should be dying.
Your assumptions and plans are fantastical at worst, and completely and entirely unrealistic at best.
And stop assuming that it's only the old people we need to worry about, FFS.... The 30 to 60 age group (far below what most people expect) makes up 24.9% of hospitalization cases. Factual & direct from the healthbase, look it up yourself. Yes, they only make up 3.4% of deaths (something that we shouldn't exactly makes anyone feel invincible either!) but they're still in the hospital.
That's the bit that so many people can't seem to understand right now....that the hospitals getting overloaded to the point where they can't see people like YOU when you have a heart attack, or a stroke, or a motorcycle accident, or whatever. Not to mention all the people who have medical procedures cancelled (cancer treatment, etc) that are potentially lifesaving, or the difference between a longer survival vs an earlier death.
Look at the bigger picture, not just the simplistic "it's only old people dying, just lock 'em up" simplistic stupidity.